Ulysses's Journal

Scratchings in a Cell Floor

Accounts Carved into the Cell Floor with Talons

Scenario for The Village 2
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Log 01A

7:00: Vital scans on return show subject was injured over lease period. Interestingly, the talons also appear somewhat altered. Thicker skin, sharper claws. Subject was improved upon performance as promised.

7:02: Subject observed carving into bottom of unit, covering it up with padding. May need disciplinary action. For now, has been deemed inoffensive.

7:04: Subject observed improving at an accelerated rate. Performs better at logic tests than in the past.

7:06: Subject performed better in last Hunt than in previous 7 years. Marked physical changes observed.

7:08: Subject shows abnormal hunger for stuffing, comforting, and padding. Does not appear to have developed better digestive capability to process stuffing. 

7:10: Subject to be given latest batches of immunizations. Should be vaccinated for COVID, was an oversight they weren’t before. 

7:12: Subject to be allocated latest batch of approved cultural touchstones to increase development. R&D has selected “Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief” as next touchstone.


7:14: Subject developing better than baseline expectations. Should lease again. Concluding report, Dr. Homura.


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I’m starting to think that maybe it’s not all tests. 

the last job I went on, the last thing I did for them, my captors have not spoken a word about since.


and the shock on their face…had been all too real.


anyways, I’ve done my best to keep being a ‘model subject’. I don’t think I’ll try and escape, for now. Saw how that worked out for my siblings. Plus, if someone doesn’t make changes around here


someone need to make changes here. Might as well be me. 

first I just have to be model enough to convince em to treat me like an undercoat, rather than a creature. Gain a few ‘Privileges’. 

It won’t be easy. Some of the doctors that watch already look at me like an appetizing, mindless morsel.

and I’ve been very quiet for very long.


but I think soon I’ll give it a shot. See if they can recognize I think like them. Think smarter than them

🔞 bad things underwater
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Freedom. Limited

I have a new journal now. Pages. An actual pen to write with. 

The Labcoats have been better for me. Ever since I asked the Doctor to view me as a colleague instead of a creature. After I proved, time and time again, that I could be helpful.


I expected to be ignored. But they listened. So I’m not on a cell anymore.


My new room has a bed. A thing they call a ‘TV’. More books than I was ever previously allowed.


They’re giving me ‘cultural lessons’ as well. How to cook, clean. What a ‘phone’ is. They said if I wanted to be a person it was about time I learn, really learn, about people.


The lessons aren’t easy, but they’re good. There is so much to learn. So much I didn’t know, trapped in that white walled box. 

So much I’m just beginning to understand. 

And on my own time….I'm practicing how to drive. So I can have that feeling again

Sugar & Spice
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The White Ronin
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