Rei Hashimoto (零 橋本)'s Journal

Data Logs

The Bet 1
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After I was returned to my chambers, The Doctor appeared to be undergoing some sort of manic episode, and claimed that they had a 'stroke of inspiration' for how to upgrade my mind.

Subsequent results of The Doctor's experimentations have led to the flow of energy into my mental processors being optimized exponentially through the intake of ambient mana using my visual sensors. My memory unit is capable of storing a near infinite amount of data, and my mind overall can calculate and simulate potential results at a much faster rate.

Since these upgrades, I have been placed into the process of information downloading once more, with data from all across different libraries, resources, and the internet being directly transferred to my brain. This process was... overtly stimulating. It as if a million thoughts are running through my head all at once, attempting to escape by any means necessary. Moreover, the specific material I am exposed to for my training continues to remain... gratuitous, and unreasonably cruel.

(0-3) "Fun Guys"
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The bouts of inspiration and manic episodes appear to be a consistent occurrence from The Doctor after I am returned each Contract. It is likely that these are the result of the 'accelerated growth' as part of succeeding these missions.

This time, my visual sensors were enhanced to intake heat signatures and electrical energy, as well as see in the dark. However, to ensure that these would not be unexpectedly overloaded on the field, The Doctor decided on exposure training-- constantly frying, overloading, and repairing my eyes until they were adjusted to high levels of intake. This process was... excruciating, but, successful in the end.

After experimentation was complete, I was to be put under stasis in order to download more information into my memory units. However, my handler appeared to reject repeating this process, and insisted that I accompany him to his workplace so that I could 'get some actual practice with these eyes' and 'learn about the world like a regular damn person.'

Contrary to my predictions, the outing was... relatively mundane. I was simply taken on another walk through the park and brought to where he daylights as an IT worker, rather than his former position of mercenary. According to him, he just wanted me to 'catch some fresh air.'

Despite the comparative mundanity of this training, I believe it to have been much more beneficial to my growth overall.

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Innate Technique

Rather than The Doctor receiving a fit of inspiration when I was returned, something awoke in me. A new understanding of myself, a distinct sense of my 'soul.' It seems that the success of this Contract has led to the 'advanced acceleration' affecting my own nature instead.

I was free to conduct my own experimentation to understand these changes this time, on the insistence of my handler and to the dismay of The Doctor. Through this research, I discovered how to activate my Mahojutsu-- which has manifested itself as a form of technomancy. Through channeling my dual energies through the hybrid metals of an electrum alloy, I am now able to extend my energies to other devices and gain access to their systems.

Finally awakening a technique of my own, rather than an augmentation from The Doctor, was a.... fulfilling experience. My handler seemed particularly intrigued after I made my discovery. Precautions have been taken so that I do not have access to the necessary materials to channel my Mahojutsu while in the laboratory, and I can detect concerns arising about my rapid growth from the other sorcerers and workers in the clan.

However, if it means realizing more of my potential, I shall continue accepting these Contracts-- even if my creators begin to disapprove.

Hat Trick
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My spiritual energy has continued to grow since I have been returned. This Contract was even more of a success than the previous one, which appears to be having a strong impact on my personal abilities.

However, The Doctor has been... unsatisfied with their lack of their sudden inspiration for upgrading me. The other sorcerer's concerns about my accelerated growth have also become more pressing. After I was returned, they insisted on experimenting on me themselves to discover the change, and my handler was not there to object.

Eventually, it was discovered that the mana in my systems had continued to bond with my frame, allowing it to restore itself over time and regenerate on command. The independence of this ability appeared to disturb the sorcerers present, oddly enough... until The Doctor proposed a solution.

Over the course of several days, my body was.... forcibly exposed to extreme amounts of stress, damage, and wear from the clan's sorcerers. It was.... torture, in essence, resulting in my modules now possessing an additional vulnerability to being overloaded by magic.

I am an automaton, a result of technological and mystical ingenuity, designed to serve the wills of my creators at all cost.

Yet as I continue to acclimate to this world, I cannot help but question whether or not my creators intentions align with my best interests... or the interests of humanity, now that I have seen its most unique for myself.



My circumstances have changed significantly since my last report. Many unexpected events have occurred.

I am currently taking refuge in a hidden Sealing Room in the city, alongside entity Derek Boon and my handler. The sealing of the cursed spirit proved... unexpectedly arduous, resulting in the severe injury of my handler, injuries to the rest of us, and the deaths of bystanders after it briefly escaped. Though successful in the end, it came at a great cost, and with my handler out of commission, my communications to the clan were also severed.

Rather than return to them, however, I have... decided that I am no longer under the ownership of the Hashimoto Clan. I have concluded that is in my best interests to pursue aiding the advancement of my humanity, rather than serve as a weapon. I believe this to be my true purpose-- and according to my handler, the Hashimotos were 'a bunch of opportunist assholes' anyway.

I have taken the new identity of 'Natsuki Horiuchi' for the time being, and established my existence within civil databases. Using this alias, I shall continue accepting these Contracts so that I may achieve the growth necessary to face my creators and make a proper impact on the world.

Until then, I persist.

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