Sammich Topping's Journal

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To Russia With Love
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Wow! No Seriously What Was That.

Nursing the thiiird? Third. Third worst hangover I've had with the rest of my day-old burger. Not ideal. I would say that I've been through worse but that would just be lying. Jesus fucking Christ. I'm still not fully convinced that it all happened, for all I know it could be an ultra specific fever dream. The notes I wrote last night do not help much on that front. Yiiiikes. If only I asked that woman more questions before I signed on to whatever the fuck a contract is. Everyone else I met seemed to have a slightly better understanding. I have. This Jimmy guy's landline?? Adrannis' phone number??? Not gonna reach out unless something actually comes up though I am interested in Jimmy's offer of 'healing trauma', if only to see what it looks like on others. 

God this burger sucks. It was practically in the snow so I don't know why I'm surprised.

...I should keep up my jogging routine.

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On Edge

Geez. This Contract stuff has got me feeling on edge at almost all times now that I know a 'job' can just appear out of nowhere. I figured that I needed some way to defend myself in a fight after seeing what the others could do. Nothing flashy like a bow made of shadows or the ability to transform into animals or uh. Go 'super saiyan', but I think I've gotten better at knife-fighting since the last time I tried learning it for a party trick back in the day. The second I picked up my pair of switchblades I just knew how to use them in an actual fight, like I'd been using them for a while now. 

Is this what it's like to just be a natural at something? No boring 'practice drills' or slow imperceptible 'improvement'. It's nice. Shortcuts in life and all that. Sucks that it's for something like this. I'm not squeamish or anything, but having to go up-close and dirty to stab someone even in self-defense feels wrong... yet I can't help but feel a sense of adrenaline and deja vu at this whole situation...

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i,m very fast

shit dude i thnk i jusdt diend dined and dashed but liek empahais on the dash because gosdMN i am 90& sure im faste rthan mnorma. even me thyping this now is relay fast hto ugh fuck accuracy it doesntl help me there. its jsut fast. Prokabyl doesnt help tha t im typisy . typisy. tipsy lol!!! Thate wsa what i was dinign and dashing I was ast this new bar thast recelty openedd kinda vbougie lookign estbalsihetmn uhh not really my taste a bti hipstrery ngl. But soon adfter the lasdt contract job i did notice that soemthing was up with my sheos. shoe.s they loked a lot cleaner/newer but it was when i put them on thrat i was fileld with sooo much energy and i  felt noticably lgihrer on my feet. MOre figedty than nromal thougj. Thougjt it was like a fluke but gues not since usdnely when i was contiuing cleaning my shit where i left off  i just willed myself to get it ovwer with and do it qukc and my body kinda just reacted on its own and fucking 2x speed videwo'd the rpocess. process. Thatw as a while ago and just now when I ledft without paying and nochalanlty starrted running out the street i deinftely ranf aster than nromal, like most would have toruble keeping up wit h me now. ite the sheos. Di d they have to like rpelsce them tho i lidked them as they wwere 

ok goodnight

Halloween 2024

Here Lies Sammich Topping

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