Eun-Ha's Journal

Chaos Theory
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Downtime : The Far Side & Other Endeavors

Angelo and I talked. He's convinced me to create a website for us, particularly for contractors. I don't know if we'll throw wide the gates for the entire world to participate in it, but I've sunk some coin into a small, very reliable server closet in an undisclosed location. Jeong-Hui knows about it, but has no idea what I'm intending to do with it. I kind of had to let him in a little to ensure the security is as tight as possible. 

I told him it was for a project to get used to what I'm hoping to do in university after I retire from professional gaming. He was...really happy to hear it. I think that's why he was so amenable and didn't really ask any questions. I've been worrying him. I'm...only going to worry him more. But when it's all done and I have my desires met he'll never have to worry again. No one will. At the very least, not about me. 

From that side, I've looking to create a pretty sturdy network with some pretty crazy security. The average hacker will ideally look at this set up and try to find an external way in.  This'll hopefully amount to a camera security system for the location I'm building up. I'm thinking of either renting or checking the market with my savings. With it I'll be able to tell who's attempting what without it necessarily meaning a break-in at my actual home. It'll hopefully add an additional wrinkle to trying to find me if someone actually gets that are and isn't Anderson good.

Speaking ideal will be that the security doesn't just stop at the physical. No. After Anderson, I've come to realize that's child's play for the strange. So I've been practicing my cyber security skills. Pretty much every day. We'll talk about that in a moment. I'm still working on the finishing touches, but I'm going to claim this site 'The Far Side' as my first flag in the digital sand. This will be my first personal domain without any private interactions aside from my own and those I've invited. I've also asked Evelyn to talks of business...and we'll see where that goes. 

There's a lot to do.

The best part is....I've gotten in contact with a group of hackers. Rather...Anderson got me in contact with a group of hackers. They're not connected and don't seem to have their own ring yet, so I'm working on uniting them while basically learning their techniques. They are...not normal. The things I've seen them do far outstrip anything I think the average cracking professional could manage. I don't think even my brother could keep them out of a system without expending every ounce of knowledge and skill he possesses. So...I offered an idea to each of them. I want to make a hacking group. I think I may call it 'ERIS', after the goddess of strife. I want to offer them the promise of a digital kingdom and I will pave its creation with their help.

With them, I'm going to try and drum up some interest to have a little fun. 

ERIS...Yeah. I like that name.

This is Not My Beautiful House
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