Liam August's Journal

Mushroom Hunt
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A week after the mission i have been stockpiling on gear for possible upcoming opportunities, back in the army we got bizarre cases of misplaced individuals. Friends of mine told stories about them, one time they fought against a paranormal human  during a tour in Iraq, fought him , killed him. They extracted the corpse and item of interest he was carrying and during the process one  my friend managed to get a story out of an intelligence officer and the officer said they had found an ID on the paranormal. He was an American, a texan, lived somewhere in Fort Worth, the military don't know how he got to Iraq or how he managed to modify his body to such a drastic degree and checking on his history the paranormal used to had financial and medical issues that all seem to have just been rectified out of the blue the deeper you look into it. Some of my other friends had something similar to tell and the higher ups are on the deep end of the ice berg on the know how. We just had theories back then, my friends and i. But know one of em have wrung true, humans all over are being hired to do wet work for a chance to get in on the paranormal pie, a chance at power. I have contacted them, those i can trust and told them of my account, showing them The Abuser's current state as proof and my telling of the incident occured in Rachel Nevada. They didn't take it well but i asked them for they're willing support when such opportunities are to arise again. Reluctantly they said yes although it was due to my resolve on the matter that made them want to lend aid.


 2nd week after the mission, my gear is stocked and ready when i am in need of them. Octavius gave me the warrant and licenses to bring the more questionable weapons around when i need them, Pamela donated some chemicals and unique flora to me for use and Lucas has agreed to provide information on non-public material pertaining to the supernatural and managed to wrangle in Ben to help modify certain database whenever i need them but only when he is available to do so.


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