Minghua Szeto, PhD's Journal

Myndra - Contract Log

An audio recorder with a handful of multi-coloured sticky notes attached to it. It is labeled in messy print on masking tape.

San Ventura Tales 1: There's a Light...
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Djinn Delivery
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Follow-Up - Fluid Form


Szeto, here. I was handling a collection of animal trophies while moving some old boxes around and noticed I felt... Particularly attached to two of them. One, a raven feather, and the other, a wolf claw.


Taking the feather in hand, I focused on the connection and began to morph, clothes and all, into a raven.


Examining my reflection, I certainly stood out. My eyes seemed to glow faintly, and maintained their colour, and my feathers were particularly shiny. I couldn't speak, but when I held my runes, I could tell I would still be able to use them.


I passed time to see how long it would last, and it ended up being about 2 hours. I then related the process with the wolf claw.


I began to shift into the shape of a large lupine, everything on me save for my runes disappearing once again. I appeared a silvery-blue timber wolf with those same faintly glowing eyes.


I was able to shift back into a human form at will with no issues.


The main point of interest is that I did not require a rune to achieve this result. I still needed a focus, sure, but this magic is my own - not connected to a single item.


I'm not too sure how to use this to my advantage, due to how obviously magical I appear in my animal forms, but I'm sure it will become relevant in time.


The Serbian Gamble
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Monster Hunter: Island
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Follow-Up - Inevitable Comeback


Of course my voice returns. I'm far too annoying for it to stay gone.


That sounded a little more severe than I intended.


Yes. I'm back. Minghua-fucking-Szeto. A new rune appeared on the pouch and now my injuries heal insanely quickly.


Ignore all the green vapours.


I feel much better without the constant aching and inability to speak. Not that the latter was much of a handicap, but it was still an annoyance. I was fortunately able to avoid all of my acquaintances before it returned, so I need no explanation as to why my scarred throat has suddenly been rejuvenated.


I've spent some time practicing with the runes. I'm not entirely sure I'm improving, but I feel more confident. Hopefully that confidence doesn't lead to any sort of hubris.


I've been getting into YouTube lately. They've got some pretty crazy videos there. Lots of philanthropy. Seems to mostly be played up for attention, but it's still interesting.


Szeto out. Ugh.


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