Maximilian "The Poker" Crawford's Journal

The Story Of Maximilian Crawford

A thick leather book full of blank pages, save for a handful of entries. The title is engraved and outlined by golden ink.

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Tales To Be Told
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Intermission: Lifeblood

As I was fixing dinner for myself, I accidentally nicked my finger while cutting peppers and drew blood. However, I felt the oddest compulsion to suck on the wound - and when I did, I felt moderately better. It didn't close the wound, but it gave me an idea to attempt an experiment. I took some unrolled cigarettes and put a drop of blood in them before rolling. Wrapping the tobacco nice and tight, the words came out of my mouth without me even thinking. Some arcane gibberish, but it clearly had an effect. Lighting one and smoking it, I could feel the scars in my right arm mending - and after a minute or so, they were completely gone.

Clearly, my blood now possesses some degree of mana, and I intend to utilize it - although I estimate I can create only one every couple of weeks before it begins to tax me. Still, it is a useful ability to keep in mind, one that will ensure my longevity in the Contracts.

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Exterminator Needed
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Intermission: Refinement

I have begun practicing my swordsmanship. I have refined it over the past few months, but I am now spending every free moment on it. I can tell I'm improving. I've not noticed any supernatural manifestations, so it's possible my reward for the last bout was an improved focus. If so, I have put it to good use. I am now able to hit specific targets on my quarry with greater ease, as well as preserve my momentum through attacks. My combat prowess has improved greatly, though it is limited to thrusting blades as it is all I have on hand to practice with. I was already confident in my confrontational skills, but now I feel as if I could take on the world, if need be. Hopefully, need not be.

I have also been getting into watching YouTube. It has all sorts of videos on fencing and other fighting styles that I have benefited from greatly. Not that my technique needs any work, but it is good to prepare to fight other types of combatants.

We Have The Most Magical Place On Earth At Home
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Intermission: Adaptation

I have begun taking driving lessons. It is not a skill I have ever needed or felt the need to have, but these past few months have taught me that even a cursory understanding of something can save one's life. Despite my lack of experience, it is something that comes very easily to me, and I expect to master it in a few month's time.

I have also took up studying. Education is something I paid attention to in my youth, but in the time since my graduation, I have embarrassingly slacked off. I intend to change this. Already, I have begun some advanced biology and taxonomy, in the event I run into dangerous fauna, and in the months to come I hope to brush up on my first aid and technological capacity.

It is admittedly quite frustrating to have to learn all this information at an age not equipped for vast change, but I hope to significantly improve my skills in Contracts and ensure my comrades are less leaned-upon.

Fill In The Blanks
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