Jimmy Rockman's Journal

To Russia With Love
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Fix head

Get home was Hard. I have no lot money and plain people mean. but when get home I could make the brean hirt form plain go bye bye. I just had to get stick to teach brain lesson. and brain be good brain again. it was quite fun I went and tested this on street sleep pepole but they no like it so I had to run from them. I try tell next one I try to help. IT still no work. I need to get people to recomend me ass good not bad so they take help. I must find first pashent first. I need find frind with bad brain. so I can help and they tell people I help not hirt. For now I just help myself and big quick bad times. Job man let me help do life save. this time too. I like life save. It give good feel.

San Ventura Tales 1: There's a Light...
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The Milk Run
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Not home

Shinny man took me to his home. My head hirt to much to go home so I stay on coach. It was nice he give me food. outside loots people all place tall houies allover bigger then lundion people also move fast and yell lots I do not try and help people they scare me. I send boss text call. He say I can take brake from work until I get back. He wonder why I here I wounder too.My body feel little more heavy. Bev or meatl man say he make me stronger. He say don't worry. I worry a little. but I no see metal on me so I fine. after next job I will go home, Bev nice but I kine my fernds at home. I have idia to help people at home but I hust be sneeky at first. People no like when thy see me hit the hirt I don't know why it clear what I do to me why not to the?

The Light, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
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Jimmy back Home. Jimmy can now find hurt people so go out and help hurt people. Jimmy help silly man who got robbed. Help get dog from river. Nice lady thank me with food. Jimmy also help small kid who hurt his leg. It not so bad so help send him home. Then Jimmy help old man who fall down stairs. Jimmy try to help man in dark train path but rats attack him before Jimmy can help. Rats Chase Jimmy. Rats have sharp metal. Jimmy no like rats. Stinky friend say brother in place with rats I tell him it bad but he want to go. I go with to try and keep him safe. But he go to far and too many rats. We both run but he no make it. I sad. Rats will pay. Jimmy will make rats pay. Jimmy need more power. Jimmy only heal. Jimmy need to hurt to keep friends safe. So Jimmy will hurt rats. Jimmy will also bring strong friends to hurt rats.

The Hospital
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Jimmy have problem?

Bad Jimmy got away. Jimmy need to stop bad Jimmy before he hurt many people. Jimmy have no way to find him though. Jimmy ask friend Bev to help Jimmy they say thay have people who help fix evil Jimmy.  

Ooooh Jimmy also start hitting hurt on job. Work friends scared at first but now they help me do it when people no see. Only if people real hurt and normal way not working. They are thankful. People Jimmy hit try to run away still but wheel table bed don't let them. After Jimmy help then they normally not try And run anymore. One try and sue Jimmy. Jimmy dont know what sue is but boss says they take care of it. They took Jimmy to nice building and man with weird hair talk a lot boss and man in sute defend Jimmy and man who Jimmy heal taken away in white coat with no arms. They yell at Jimmy when they get take out I ignore them.

Boss say Don't worry some people just stupid.

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Jimmy now have halo it is really cool it glows brightly and makes me feel safe. I can even make it move to others to keep them safe. I cant use it daily for it is too flashy and people dont like flashy for some resion. I think I should tell the public more about me and try to get them to like me. I want to help people and if people know that it will make less people run from me when I try to help. also not call the cops the police are vary tired of seeing me they have told me such. They are nice to me though. Jimmy is one more step twaqrds killing the rats. Jimmy still need to find a way to stop them from running and hiding. if they do that jimmy cant stop them. if they fight jimmy should be able to win though.

The Bet 1
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Weird man and zombies

Jimmy friend call Jimmy and ask for help with zombies and wich. Jimmy told lots of zombies so he ask other friends to go along and help. When Jimmy and friends show up, friend who need help not there only scary man who say another man told him to get me. I don't know the name who said get Jimmy. Laz see man suspicious and so he make him sleep standing, we tie him up and after time he run away so I put him in car. He keep trying to escape when we try and find out what to do. People don't know what going on and it all make my head hurt. After while we leave weird man in car and go home. I don't know what happen. Friend later contact me so at least he not killed by wich, but Jimmy now not sure what to do with him.

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Bad people at home

people hurt others at Big time building. I they say they were supernatural like Jimmy. I that not good. Jimmy need to keep people safe Jimmy try the best he can to help the hurt, but if Jimmy can stop others from hurting people then less hurt will happen. Jimmy is trying to reach out and talk with twon who did the attack. Until Jimmy meet them Jimmy not sure what to do. But this give Jimmy idea to help bad people and try and make them not bad anymore. Less bad people less hurt, but if that not work Jimmy will have to hurt bad people to make less bad happen. Not fix problem but make it small. Jimmy also going to heal people publicly to show that not all supernatural is bad and wants to hurt. Good people around like friends who heal people. We make drug that kill small bad things in body.

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