Gerard Spence's Journal


We need more violent advertising.

An important corporate issue has recently come to our attention regarding Chimney Sweep, our beloved mascot. It appears that Chimney Sweep is not showing enough ads per minute, leading to a decrease in advertising revenue for our company. This has significant implications for our bottom line and overall business performance, as our advertising efforts are not reaching their full potential. In order to address this issue effectively, we must implement strategic measures to increase the frequency of ads being displayed by Chimney Sweep and optimize our advertising strategies.

The impact of this issue on our company cannot be understated. The decrease in advertising revenue resulting from Chimney Sweep's insufficient ad output is affecting our financial performance and hindering our ability to generate revenue from advertising. Additionally, the lack of ads and corporate leashes in our system is limiting our ability to reach our target audience effectively, potentially harming our company's reputation and market position. It is imperative that we address this issue promptly and implement solutions to improve our advertising revenue and marketing performance.

In order to address this issue effectively, we recommend conducting a thorough review of Chimney Sweep's advertising output to identify areas for improvement. By analyzing the frequency of ads being shown per minute and identifying opportunities to increase this rate, we can optimize our advertising efforts and maximize our revenue generation. Additionally, investing in additional ads and corporate leashes will allow us to reach our target audience more effectively and enhance our overall marketing performance.

From a financial perspective, it is essential that we prioritize increasing our advertising revenue and optimizing our marketing strategies to drive growth and profitability. By increasing the frequency of ads being shown by Chimney Sweep, we can enhance our advertising revenue and improve our financial performance. Implementing additional ads and corporate leashes will further strengthen our marketing efforts and position us for long-term success in the competitive marketplace.

In order to achieve our financial goals and drive sustainable growth, we must prioritize increasing our advertising revenue and optimizing our marketing strategies. By implementing strategic measures to increase the frequency of ads being shown by Chimney Sweep and investing in additional ads and corporate leashes, we can enhance our advertising revenue and improve our financial performance. This will allow us to position our company for long-term success and drive growth and profitability in the competitive marketplace.

In conclusion, it is imperative that we address the issue of Chimney Sweep's insufficient ad output and take proactive measures to increase the frequency of ads being shown per minute. By optimizing our advertising efforts and investing in additional ads and corporate leashes, we can enhance our advertising revenue, improve our financial performance, and position our company for long-term success in the competitive marketplace.


I didn't get my weekly visit - Gerald Spencer

My failures as a fuckin' father fuckin' crushes me every fuckin' day, man. I try to push through the fog of self-doubt and despair, but it feels like I'm fuckin' drownin' in a sea of mistakes, fuck! The missed appointments, the forgotten promises, the constant disappointments – they all add up to a fuckin' mountain of regret that I can never fuckin' climb.

I see the fuckin' disappointment in my daughter's fuckin' eyes, the way she withdraws from me with each missed opportunity to be there for her. I know she fuckin' deserves better, someone who can provide stability and love without fuckin' fail. But all I can offer her is a broken man, a shell of the father she fuckin' deserves. And don't even get me fuckin' started on that ex-wife of mine. She's got a new boyfriend now, some douchebag who thinks he's better than me. She doesn't hesitate to point out every mistake, every slip-up, every goddamn moment of fuckin' weakness. She can fuck off, but I know she's right: I can't even be there for my own daughter when she needs me the fuckin' most.

I'm the one who could make her smile with a fuckin' silly joke, who could protect her from the world's fuckin' cruelties with a comforting fuckin' hug. NOT HER! Now all I can offer her is a shadow of that man, a hollow shell of what once was.

I wish I could turn back time, undo all the mistakes I've made, be the father she fuckin' deserves. But I know deep down that it's too fuckin' late, man. The damage is done, the fuckin' wounds too deep to fuckin' heal. I can only hope that someday she'll find it in her fuckin' heart to forgive me, to see past my fuckin' failures and remember the love that once existed between us.

But until then, I'll continue to carry the burden of my failures as a father, a constant reminder of the man I've become. And I'll pray for the strength to endure, to somehow find a way to make amends and earn back the trust and love of my daughter. But fuck, it's gonna be a long and bumpy road ahead. And fuck, as if dealin' with my teenage daughter isn't enough, now she's into some goth shit and attends these weird "Rappy" sessions. What the fuck does that even mean?

Fuck it, man. It's all the wife's fuckin' fault anyway. She's the one who left, found some new guy, and can't stop talkin' shit about me. But you know what? I'll rise above it all, and show my daughter that I'm still a fuckin' good father deep down. I ain't gonna let anyone, especially not that bitch, bring me down. So bring it on, world. I'm ready to reclaim my title as the father my daughter deserves.

I think about how easy it would be to just fuckin' disappear, to end this never-ending battle with myself and my demons. Maybe then my daughter could find peace, free from the burden of having a fuckin' pathetic excuse for a father like me. Maybe then she could move on and find happiness without me draggin' her down.

But fuck, even in my darkest moments, I can't bring myself to do it. I can't abandon my daughter, no matter how much of a fuckin' failure I am. I may be a shitty father, but I still love her more than life itself. I'll keep fightin',

So fuck it, I won't give up.

- Burgers
- Hot dogs
- Rope
- Painkillers
- Duct tape
- Sleep Medicine
- Trash Bags
- Chicken wings                             DON'T FORGET TO PAY THE RENT!
- Ribs
- Cigarettes
- Potato salad
- Coleslaw
- Buns for burgers and hot dogs
- BBQ sauce
- Charcoal or propane for grill
- BEER   Everclear
- Chips and dip
- Paper plates, napkins, utensils  Just eat from the packages

(Deep Dives)

Gerald Spencer under review

The board is pleased to report that the ongoing construction of the guild has experienced significant growth and success in the past few weeks, with pride in our accomplishments running high among the members of the Board. However, it is with great disappointment that we must address the lackluster performance of Gerald Spencer's efforts in overseeing the recruitment of persons to fill the seats of said digital establishment.

Despite the opportunities for advancement and recognition within the Company, Spencer has consistently displayed a lack of enthusiasm for his job duties. His disinterest in providing top-notch service to our clients has tarnished the reputation of the Yesnid Company and it's associates, and reflected poorly on our brand as a whole. Furthermore, Spencer's apathetic attitude towards his responsibilities has led to missed opportunities for career development and growth within the organization. His lack of motivation and dedication to improving his skills have caused setbacks for Yisned as we strive for excellence in all aspects of our work. As a corporate board reviewing Gerald Spencer's recent work in the video game investment of Deep Divers, we are extremely disappointed in his performance. The decision to have Gerald Spencer behind the voice of the Chimney Sweep was a complete disaster and has cost us significant profits. Spencer's lack of foresight and poor judgment in this matter has severely damaged our reputation and credibility in the gaming industry.

It is clear that Spencer failed to properly assess the potential risks and consequences of having Chimney Sweep involved in this project. His negligence has resulted in a substantial loss of revenue and tarnished our brand image. Furthermore, his inability to rectify the situation in a timely manner has only exacerbated the damage done. While we acknowledge that mistakes happen, Spencer's repeated errors in judgment have shown a pattern of incompetence that cannot be overlooked. We cannot afford to have someone of his caliber representing our company and making crucial decisions that impact our bottom line. We strongly urge Spencer to reflect on his actions and take responsibility for the significant losses incurred as a result of his poor choices. A second chance may be warranted, but he must demonstrate a clear understanding of his shortcomings and a willingness to improve in order to regain our trust and confidence.

In conclusion, we are deeply disappointed in Gerald Spencer's recent performance in the Deep Divers investment and expect to see significant improvements in his decision-making and strategic planning skills moving forward. Failure to do so will result in further disciplinary action, up to and including termination.



SO... My house burned down.

I finally got a new fuckin' journal. The last one got destroyed-

Last week, I had one of the worst days of my life. I came home from work to find my apartment building completely burnt down. The flames devoured fuckin' everything in their path, leaving nothing but ashes and for fuck's sake behind. And the cause of this destruction? I didn't tell anyone else, but it was my daughter, in her hunger, she decided to microwave an inflatable banana, setting off a chain reaction that led to this- I knew I should have called the Landlord to repair that wall-socket, but I was too busy! Luckily, I forgot to lock the door behind me when I left, so she could leave anytime she wanted. 

Atleast Carla told me; I did something right as a parent. I didn't tell the fire apartment though, and I don't think my Landlord will suspect a thing- especially in jail. Apparently my apartment building is also an illegal brothel? No wonder the next door neighbour asked me to pay...

Oh, by the way, if losing my home wasn't enough though, I also received a call from my ex-wife informing me that I will no longer be able to see my daughter on the weekends, because apparently a 7 year old can't stay in a whorehouse alone... Arg, when I was 7, I was left alone all the time! ANYWAYS, the fucking court has deemed me an unfit parent, citing the incident as proof of my negligence. Life's unfair, but, I still have my car... Oh-

To add insult to injury though, my ex-wife has already moved on and has a new boyfriend. WHAT THE FUCK IS EVEN A NAME LIKE ADRONISUS LE'FRANK!? Fuckin' scam artist if I've ever known one! Like, what the fuck is that name? A fucking Football Linebacker with a degree in escargot. It's like stab to the gut knowing that she has found happiness with the Baguette's of all Hail Mary, while I got Shit. 'Top it all off, I recently discovered that I had let my insurance policy lapse, the bills were burn in the fire; what more could you ask of me to do? Atleast I don't have to pay rent anymore-

Shit... I'm gonna stay parked outside the company's lot, and sleep in my car again tonight.


Today, woke up, in the junkyard, my car had been repo-ed while I was asleep, and I will have to pay a hefty fee to get it back. It's just another reminder of how everything in my life is falling apart, one piece at a time. How did everything spiral out of control so quickly? How did I let myself get to this point? The weight of it all feels suffocating...

I sit and wait, impatiently
For you to change and set me free
Green means go, but red means stop  (Fuckin rewrite this shit)
You control me, from bottom to top

I curse your power, your hold on me
I just want to be wild and free
But alas, I must obey your rule
I am just a mere traffic fool





Termination Reconsideration request

To: Board of Directors of YISNED CO. ANIMATION STUDIOS

Subject: Character Review of Gerard Spencer

I am writing this report to address the concerns brought up by some members of the board regarding Gerard Spencer's focus on helping others over self-preservation. While I understand the importance of maintaining a balance between personal well-being and supporting the consumer, I believe Gerard's actions should not be viewed in a negative light.

From my observations and interactions with Gerard, I can confidently say that he is a compassionate and empathetic individual who genuinely cares about the well-being of others, despite what could be said about their outward cynicism and sarcastic remarks. His dedication to helping those in need, whether it be through the realm of NEO-GENIS or their lending of an ear to colleagues in distress, it sets him apart as a kind-hearted and selfless individual with a penchant for self-destruction

While it is true that Gerard's silent insistence on putting others before himself may sometimes result in neglecting the demands of the Company and it's Associates, it is important to recognize the positive impact he has had on the Players in company. Which I should point out, reflects a positively on the company's outward perception.

Furthermore, Gerard's selfless actions have not gone unnoticed by his peers, as some have expressed their gratitude for his unwavering support and unsolicited advice. His ability to prioritize the needs of others in times of crisis showcases his strong supportive skills and dedication to fostering an inclusive work environment.

I believe that Gerard's focus on helping others should not be viewed as a weakness, but rather as a strength that sets him apart as a valuable asset to the Company. While it is important to address concerns regarding Company Policy, I urge the Board to consider the impact Gerard has had on the Company and the community at large before making any decisions regarding his employment status.


Ms. Frankie Dart


Atleast some things are going in my favour...

I was called into Frankie's office and told that I was at risk of losing my job. The Board had been reviewing my work for months, that the previous job was a big fucking fluke. She spoke up for me though, I don't exactly know what she said to convince them, but it's great to know, I had one person in my corner who could possibly help me out.

Thanks to her speaking up for me, I was able to keep my job for now. They even gave me a 5% discount on company products (Yay, I guess; but I work in the Adult Animation department, what the hell?). Fuckin hell... That did give a few conditions though; another blunder, another fluke, or for some reason I mess up the bag, they're kicking me out... Eh, simple enough.

Oh, and the court dates for the visitation reevaluation? Due to some overbooking mishap (THANK FUCKIN' GOD IF THERE IS ONE), the dates had to be moved to a later time. Initially, I was disappointed; I had mentally prepared myself for the upcoming court hearing. Now, I realized that this delay might actually work in my favor. TAKE THAT MARTHA! YOU AREN'T TAKING CARLA FROM ME THAT EASILY! HAHA!

Well, there will be more time to gather additional evidence and prepare a stronger case for the reevaluation. So I have a more time to go figure an understanding of the situation and be better equipped to say what is in the best interest of Carla... I... need to spend more time with her, instead of using ol'reliable: Painkillers and Jack Daniels. That kid in the game fucked me up, and so did that weird fucking ball thing. Heh, good to know that there's some interesting people in the game. That Beholder looking fucker hits hard, but fuck man, way to send a bomb so close to home. That kid though, I don't know what to think. They could be an actual child, or a fucking 58 year old man, and quite frankly, I don't know if I'm okay with that.

Frankie is also giving me a hand with the whole housing situation. She said I could stay at her house while I try to get my own place, Not too bad Gerald, you're doing wonders~ (That's sarcastic you fuck) Didn't expect much of it though, I definitely have to pay them back somehow. Oh, and get this; she's got one of those NEO-GENIS set up as well. Ha, I can only imagine what kind of Avatar she's got.

Fuck... ANYWAYS, I am choosing to see it as an opportunity for growth. I'll make the most out of this extra time to get fully ready for the upcoming court dates. I am REALLLL confidant. Just watch me CARLA! DADDY'S COMING!



So, I had to go to the impound lot today to pick up my car and let me tell you, it was a pain in the fucking neck. I had to make sure I had all the proper documents in order to get my car released. I had to bring my driver's license, proof of insurance, and the registration for my vehicle. And of course, I had to pay the impound fees which were not cheap. I would have done so, of course... IF MY FUCKIN' APARTMENT DIDN'T BURN DOWN!

I never thought I would be robbed by a homeless man too, but what the fuck do they eat to get that strong? As soon as I pulled out the cash, he snatched it from my hands and ran off before I could even react. Well, I did run after them of course, and then a fucking Mall Cop tackled me, thinking I was the bad guy- ASSHOLE!

I though, whatever, I didn't have much money anyway, and I kept my credit card separately, so fuck it, I should remain on track and get a Bus Pass for the next few months, in case I need transport... When I arrived, I was met with a long line of people waiting to purchase their tickets. Longest, fucking, 3 hours, I've ever waited...

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I reached the front of the line and handed over my credit card to pay for the bus pass. But what do you fucking know!? The cashier informed me that my card had been declined! I WAITED FOR FUCKING NOTHING!


Subject Approval for Experimentation

Dear Mariam Xkulu,

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to review the performance of a certain Gerald Spencer, one of your dedicated employees within the Yisned Studios' Animation Mascot's Division.

Over the past few months, it has come to the attention of the Parent Company, that Gerald has shown unwavering dedication to the Yisned's wishes. He has gone above and beyond to ensure that his life is fully dedicated to our goals and objectives. In fact, he has been so committed that he has been willing to overlook his own well-being and personal choices in order to serve the company's interests.

I must commend your Human Resource Branch for their ability to manipulate Gerard's own choices in order to stay within company. The commitment to falsify evidence leading to the fall of their marriage in order to protect his position is truly commendable. Additionally, the influence over his alcoholism and financial choices all for the pharmaceutical experiment from another of the Parent's subsidiaries is a testament to your loyalty and dedication.

I am pleased to announce that Gerald has been selected as a candidate for a new drug and psychological-market testing experiment. His willingness to sign a 500-page contract without care showcases not only his trust in the company and his commitment to furthering our goals, but the results of the Head Research of Marketing department. I believe that Gerald's participation in this experiment will yield valuable insights that will benefit the Corporation as a whole.

I look forward to seeing the results of this experiment and potentially exploring further opportunities for testing on Gerald Spencer in the future. His dedication and commitment to the company's success make him an invaluable asset to our team.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding Gerald's performance or the upcoming experiment.

Warm regards,

Hideki Ryuuga
PoisedIvy Incorporated



I really miss having you I wish you were here more often to spend time with me.

I feel really sad when I have to go to bed without seeing you or when I have something exciting to share with you, but you mom says you are not picking up the phone. I miss playing games and drawing with you...

I just wish we could have more time together.. Go to the beach with Mom and Grandma again. We can build sandcastles and swim. We'll go find a shark this time!

Mom says that you are a bad person, but I dont think so; I still love you Dad. Mommy says I have to call someone else dad, but he's not my dad. I dont like him. They dont like me, they only like mommy. but she cries alot. I don't though, because you tole me to be strong!

I love you so much, Dad, and I can't wait to see you again soon.

The Tower - FLOORS 1-5

Security Tape: SSS Set

The studio lights start to shut off one by one as the distant voices of the stage hands call out for the crew to pack their things up. Gerard Spence, the voice behind Sweeney breaks away from the shadows and enters into view; the security cameras still recording him as they enter onto the last spotlight.

"Spence! We're moving out-" A voice off camera calls out to him, to which he smiles and waves.

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry about me! Just lost something on set. Don't worry, I'll switch off the last light" There is a voice of affirmation from beyond, and the sound of a door shutting loudly. Gerard's bright smile fades into a solemn expression as he strolls about the set. The camera cutting to the many angles of the Sweeney Salvation Stories Set, as the man softly touches the furniture on scene. "This is it huh?"

He asks the silent room, and it responds. Gerard sat down on Sweeney's host seat, pulling out his cellphone. The man stares at the screensaver; Clara. Just 3 years old... There is a faint smile on their face as they scratch the back of their head and call someone. There is a good minute of silence, Gerard tapping his foot in impatient waiting...

The look of acceptance dawns his expression as they motion to cut the call, when- "Dad?" She calls out for the silent room to hear.

"Hey Lady! I just uh... Wanted to call to uhm... Check up. How... How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine Dad! Mom took me ice skating after the play! Don't worry Dad, she told me you were too busy at work to see it, so I had Jacob record it for you! I was really nice"

Gerard's eyes tear up and the nod. "Oh, that's great; I'll ask them first thing I get... I'm uh... Sorry I couldn't make it this time. But I promise to make it up to you-" The phone interrupts with another feminine voice, one much older.

"Gerard? I told you to phone here again- No, no, Clara go back to your room. Clara, I won't tell you twice-"

"Cassandra, wait, I just wanted to talk to our daughter-"

"You gave up that chance the moment you disappeared." Gerard pauses, they look around the set and let out a deep sigh as the voice carries on. "I can't keep lying to her Gerard; sooner or later she's going to figure it out. She's a smart girl."

"Cassandra I am trying, okay? I'm trying to get back on my feet, I'm trying to fix things, at my job, my life-"

"Have you still been drinking?" Gerard can't respond. "It started with your overworking, then it got to never coming home for a few days, to you coming back drunk, or on something, Gerard- I can't let them see you like this. She needs a father..."

"...I'm trying."

"Try better..."

The phone call cuts, and Gerard is left under the spotlight... Alone. 

🔞 Downtime
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First Broken Promise.

Gerard looked up at the Neon signs as they passed by the city alleys, their Superior came running up to drape their arms over his shoulder.
"Ready for a night out Bud!? Congrats at the promotion by the way, but we do have to ask, where are we heading to?"

"Oh, not tonight guys, I still have the Missus at home" Gerard turned to their coworkers with a fresh young smile, waving them off, although still they insisted. "I promised to get back as soon as I got off; it's any day now..."

"Come onnn, she'll still be there when you get back. Just a couple of drinks, some karaoke, maybe a few other fun stuff ey?" Gerard looked to the Superior besides them in consideration, he held a strange package of some kind. Before Gerard could inquire, Frankie chimed in; his long time friend in the industry.

"I'll drive you back home Spence, don't worry..." She smiled warmly as the others cheered Spence on.

"Yeah- what's the worst that could happen? You're gonna be a celebrity now Man- You get the chance to play Chimney the mother fucking Sweep Sweeney! We all could have killed for that gig!" His Superior pulled them in closer and shook him a little, pulling them away from the group to sneak in a whisper. "Look Spence, we all need this... More importantly, you need this. You've been working your ass off to afford a good home for Cassandra right? Get them to a great Private hospital for that little muffin in the oven. What's a little celebration here and there, huh? "

Gerard looked at the group from afar, a side glance that went unnoticed as they laughed as a group. He contemplated, looking at their phone, the time, the day, the ultrasound of their new child on the lock screen. 'Any day now' Cassandra's voice echoed in their mind, but-

"Okay, but just one drink, and I'm leaving-"

The group cheered as Gerard was taken into the embrace of a couple of his coworkers. His Superior slowing down for a moment just to stow away the white powder in that package. "Oh, we're having fun alright..."


"I wasn't there since Day One"


That's what you get when you make friends.

Met someone named the Talent when I got off work yesterday. Funny guy, looked somewhat like a fuckin' car salesman. Lucky me, huh? Turns out, that fucker lied about boundless opportunities, and great rewards.

Said that all I had to do was prove myself on a job, and he'll do some weird shit to reward me. Heh, funny that:

I attended the job with three others; a UK drill rapper, a Rich Scumbag, and a Baseball player based out of New York? No, moved to Boston. I'd say their names, but it's not that that matters anyway, we got to the job site, instructed to protect someone? Who the fuck does the Talent think I am? I'm a god Dan washed up Actor for Pete's sake!

Ehh, what the hell. I won't bore you with the details, that side gig went so badly, the Talent told me to never contact him again. Apparently I'm now banned from their little boy's club called The Contract, led by some assheads called Harbingers or something. What a load of bullshit cult shit or something. Whatever that was, I'm not gonna join— nothing rewarding will come from it.

Ehh, fuck....

I just realized. It was my birthday today. I guess I'll just do some paperwork in NEO-GENIS 

(Deep Dives)

The Board has Intercepted a personal letter:

[Date]  2024 - 09 - 18

Gerard Spence

RE: Summons for Trial

TO: Gerard Spence 

You are hereby summoned to appear before the Local City Court of Manguang City to answer the charge of Indecent Exposure and vandalism, as defined under the statute code of Section 944.20, for the incident occurring on 2024 - 09 - 07, wherein you were alleged to have taken a bath in the public park at midnight.

Case Number: [89757cd45]
Date of Trial: [2024 - 12 - 23] 
Time: [08H00]
Location: [Court Room B12]

You are required to appear in person. Failure to respond to this summons may result in a default judgment against you and further legal repercussions. You have the right to be represented by an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one may be appointed to you at no cost.

Please take note that the nature of the charge is serious, and the Court stresses the importance of your presence at the scheduled date and time. Should you require any accommodations or have any inquiries regarding this matter, do not hesitate to contact the court’s office at [REDACTED NUMBER] or [Redacted eMail].


JUDGE R.G. Justonia 
Judge of the court of Manguang
MRS. M.P. Greymar  
Clerk of the Courthouse  


**Disclaimer:** This letter is a sample and should be tailored to fit the needs of specific cases, relevant laws, and court procedures. Always seek legal advice or consultation for actual legal documents and/or scenarios.


I got better... Sike.

Nightmare last night. Fuck.

I swear I still felt the shit coming on me, even when I woke up: So, I’m in some weird place, a total maze (Not like that Squirrel chipmunk kind, the fucking wall kind, you know?) I was calling out to my girl; I know she was lost, but you know how dreams are: I knew they were gone, but I didn't actually fucking see them..  I could hear some distant laughter: kids playin’, moms watchin’, but none of ‘em were mine. Called out for Her, but... Nothing. I lost her. I fucking lost her.

When I woke up, there wasn't really anyone I could call, so... I just walked... Managed to find myself back to the Yensid Head Office on my day off... There were glances, of course, but heh... Fuck them.

I took the elevator to the rooftop, stared at the city for a while. It looked beautiful. Somewhere out there, in that god damned maze, was her. My daughter. The one good thing I had left, taken away from me... I don't know what came over me. I took a step forward, and stared at the ground from 88th floors up. I know I'm not a brave soul, I'm really a coward cosplaying as someone who needs to smile for the camera. Maybe I am the hope for a few people, but they only know Sweeney. No Gerard. No one really knows Gerard... Not even me.

But I stepped down.

Fuckin' Floydd... That Son of a bitch. I kind of absolved my alcohol addiction for a few days by overplaying that Deep Dives game... I swear, if there is ever a day I can no longer play that game, I'd probably just go back to the bottle. Deep Dives, might save my life actually... I hope I can get better... That game makes me feel better.

- - - - - 

I... I 100% the game. Corporate has decided that I should stop.
Handshake GIFs | Tenor

Guest Book Getaway

Secret Recordings: G.SPENCE. Therapist.

Due to the concerning amount of absences that Chimney Sweep Sweeney has in Neo-Genis, Corporate has decided to extend the surveillance footage to outside the Company grounds. The Experiment will carry on.

"You haven't checked in, in a while." She crosses her legs and nods at Gerard, looking to and fro from their clipboard and notebook.

"I guess I haven't. What about it?" Gerard scratched the nape of their neck and readjusted their seated position.

"Well, it seems rather strange that it came so suddenly; I know it's been a few months since you started the program. Something keeping your mind occupied?"

"I caught a bad case of 'I don't fucking need to tell you'. Work is work as usual." He sighed, stretching and looking around uncomfortable. "'Been doing shit in Neo-Genis, working on the guild, going around, spreading some joy, yada yada. Filming ads to no end; I'm sure you already get the gist of it. Nothing's fucking different."

The Therapist nods, giving a moment of silence. "Have you been talking to your family lately?"

"Heh, my kid actually came over to my house quite recently, taught them something I think." Gerard shrugged, and reached over for a glass of water, putting it up to their lips before stopping at the next words that came through from the Therapist. "'Was quite alarmed by the change they had."

"Gerard, if I remember correctly, you aren't allowed to see Clara for at least another 10 years. What are you talking about?"

Gerard cringes and sets the glass down. "Eh, fuck, you know. I mean to say, I had a dream about it. Struggling to sleep these days, I feel like I'm really missing out on being a father for them... Yeah, that's what I mean."

"I see... You, dreamt that she came over?"

"I dreamt that I was getting better. And uh... Pfftt..." Gerard clapped their hands together and shrugged. "Felt like two years had past, maybe more. They... Matured. They grew up. And... I wasn't there to see them grow, but I knew that the person that they once were, changed over the years. I left them, thinking it was a good thing to remain, distant. It wasn't. I know I should have been there, just... I couldn't reach out. They didn't try to find me... It was... There were many things preventing us from meeting."

"What else happened; what did you talk about?"

"...Getting better." Gerard sighed.


The Therapist looked out the window as Gerard has gotten to their vehicle. She watched with squinted eyes, hiding behind the blinds as the man was oblivious to her.

"The Subject seems to have gotten through the trials with a somewhat strange outcome; an anomaly had happened in between the previous event and the current; something probably involving children. Check the records for a child. Skim the Player Data, or perhaps the "Games" Sweeney has attended in the past month or so. They do not suspect surveillance, but they are less susceptible to Corporate suggestion, and are a lot more aggressive towards authority."

Gerard opens their wallet before they get into their car, looking at a black and white photograph. Another voice responds to the Therapist.

"If they break away from the program now, that's a decade's worth of planning down the drain. Make sure you get them to open up."

"Their Ex-Wife and Child?"

"Agent Lunaris and the Asset should be of no concern. They are under surveillance."

What Can An Ultrasound Tell You? | Women's Care Alaska Blog


Sometimes, I won't be there.

Dear Dad,

I don’t know if you’re far away or just deep inside the shadows where I can’t reach you. I just wanted to write because something happened last night that scared me really bad and I need to tell someone who loves me.

I closed my eyes and thought I’d fall asleep like usual, but then everything changed. The room got really dark, and I heard whispers in the corners, like little voices trying to tell me things, but I couldn’t understand them. I felt cold, Dad

I saw a big monster with yellow eyes that shined in the dark, and its teeth were all pointy and sharp. It moved like a shadow creeping closer, and I wanted to scream but my voice went away. 

I tried to call for you, but you weren’t there like you used to be. I wished you’d come and hold my hand and chase away the dark. I remembered how you always said I was brave, but in my nightmare, I felt really scared. 

I wanted to ask what I should do when  it happens again. I need to see you again.

A letter fell off the Mail Van, slowly falling into a ditch, where the flowing water engulf it. Never having it reach it's destination.

What's Osha?

Here Lies Gerard Spence

Cause of Death: I'm sorry...

"Hey there, kiddo... I never thought I'd end up here, feeling so scared, right now... Life is a wild ride huh? Full of laughter and dreams. I wish I had more time—time to watch the stars, time to chase the sunsets, time to tell stories... Please... Tell Task "Don’t let anyone tell you your dreams are too big. Keep fighting, Okay!? Every moment counts, and I wish I could hold onto you one last time, I really do... I love you Task... I love you Carla. Promise to have many more birthdays in the future, okay? I... Love..."

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