Bev Good's Journal

Djinn Delivery
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Test Log One

Test Log One


Following the success of Operation Childcare and Transportation, a new inclination towards makeshift medical care has been noted in mental storage. The results of this endeavor have been logged below, for future study.



A trauma kit and small suite of surgical tools were purchased online at negligible cost.

Upon reception of medical supplies, a cat was obtained from a local animal shelter -- heretofore referred to as 'Subject'.

At request, Subject was anesthetized by shelter following adoption for 'assistance in initial transportation'.

"Testing Room" set aside and prepared in Apartment's "Office Space".


Initial Thoughts and Complications:

Trauma Kit adequate. Exceptional, given time constraint and cost.

Surgical Suite disappointing. Tools are somewhat lacking. Some are outright downgrades from those coming with trauma kit. Scalpels are... acceptable, but less sharp than preferred.

Subject is currently anesthetized, however this could wear off during procedure. Lacking any anesthetics, attempt to locate a reliable source for future.



Small surgery to test extent and limitations of newfound 'sterilization and preservation' capabilities. Following experience from school and video lectures, attempting to 'neuter' the subject.

Immediately upon cutting with surgical intent, a very small 'glow' envelops Subject. 'Aura' provides very minimal lighting, only upon immediate area of subject. Does not work as sustainable light-source.

Fur was shaved in the targeted area. Initial cuts successful. No further complications.

"Glow" extends throughout opened innards, effects any immediately exposed surgical area. Noted.

Possible mild anesthetic properties of power. Subject has yet to stir despite the (presumably) relatively weak nature of provided anesthetic.

Surgery halted. Lacking tools of appropriate quality to complete planned procedure. Subject could be unduly harmed without adequate means.

Subject was sewn back together, preserved flesh and skin re-align with additional ease. Useful for future treatment and emergency medical assistance.

Subject has shown no signs of stirring. Checking vitals.

Vitals read positive, if notably subdued. Do not request anesthetic from animal shelters, for future. Possibility of inaccurate dosage causing undue harm could muddy results of future procedures.

Moving Subject from "Testing Room" to "Living Room".

End of Procedure.


Closing Notes:

Powers ability to sustain removed organs plausible, though untested. Refrain from usage on human subjects barring extraneous circumstance.

Sterility of surgical efforts made need future testing. Does this extend to all 'cuts' or only those of surgical nature? Find a more 'disposable' test subject for future procedures.

Research needed for appropriate dietary and stimulative needs for cats. Subject deserves appropriate care and well-being.

Purchase a 'cat bed' and 'cat toys' online.

Monster Hunter: Island
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Studying and Equipment

My recent mission showcased a lack of familiarity with a hostile environment that I was ill-prepared for. Had I known better, perhaps we could have escaped more quickly. Perhaps Arvan would have yet lived. In acknowledgement of this, I took time to purchase textbooks (and pirate them, when applicable) regarding a variety of topics likely to come up during Contracting. An OWL-endorsed research book describing a number of noteworthy and endangered monsters, and a series of survival guides secured from the Internet Archive.

While purchasing goods, I decided to replace my current medical kit. It worked very well, but most of it had been used up during the events at the Island. I also purchased a Cat's bed and a Cat's 'tower' from online, alongside an automatic feeder/water bowl.

Subject has recovered entirely from her makeshift surgery, and is acclimating well to the new environment. I have put in effort to stimulate her with frequent games of 'string', until her new goods arrive. It is an easy task, that can coincide studying the books and resources. This is good, as Subject often interrupts studies by attempting to lay atop the books unless she is otherwise distracted.

Hey Hey, Ewe Ewe
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Meet and Greet

After the contract, I've worked to keep in contact with Dr. Eriksson. He runs a clinic within ballpark range of my home -- an illegal one, but one with good method of potential supply for medical equipment and steady supply of 'practice' patients. Apparently, he won't be around for too much longer to keep running it. A shame, but perhaps this gives me an opportunity to make the place my own. I'll need to discuss it with him further in the future...

In the meantime, more 'typical' preparation is needed. My latest 'gift' requires surgical tools -- so I need to go out of my way to buy a proper surgical kit. Not 'just' the scalpel and forceps I've managed to sequester so far. While I work on that, a smattering of armor would not be amiss. Recent explorations online reveal that you can in fact just... purchase these things. Shockingly little oversight is had on bullet-proof or resistant clothing. It is expensive -- but worth investing in, until I can install proper sub-dermal plating. With the orders placed, all I need do now is... wait.

The Milk Run
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Testing Augmentations.

The Neanderthal -- Jimmy Rockman -- did not appear to have a home of his own. He behaved like an animal in the airport. His mind clearly had yet to return. So, I took him with me to New York. He slept most of the trip. I mostly left him to his own devices, then. Allowed him the chance to rest at my home, until he could find a way back to his own -- wherever that was.

This gave me a chance to test my newfound gifts. It was morally dubious, but ultimately to the caveman's own benefit. So. I began my work.

One night, as he slept in what was once my room -- before I lost my needs for sleep -- I approached his unconscious form and utilized my powers. Twice. First, his knees were enhanced with new tendons that outperformed the old (Zippy). This was followed with a full-body sub-dermal plating (Armor).

When he later woke, he seemed no worse for wear. Completely unphased by his subtle transformation. The nanites composing the alterations were given a single instruction to observe: The enhancements would hold, so long as the Neanderthal did not perform an Elaborate Set Of Movements...

Then it was over. Easy. A new, reliable talent.

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The Body is a Tool. A single piece of a greater puzzle. I have already lost my flesh, I can afford to excise some parts in favor of others. I utilized my Star-Lifted Scalpel, and made several careful cuts. The first along the length of each leg -- replacing some of the existing motor-works for an improved compression-based hamstring system. The second across the center of my chest -- hollowing out the unneeded space (and removing the unnecessary organs) to allow for a hidden storage compartment. The final cut went along from my nape to my pelvis. It reinforced the weaker alloy composing my skin with a subdermal hyper-weave.

Then, I began experimenting with musculature. The augmentations provided by the Star-Lifted scalpel offered an interesting basis for self-improvement, and I can happily say that the results are... very nice. I should keep an eye out for further methods by which I can improve my body, so that I might prove more efficient in the future.

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