Petit Rouge (Izzy)'s Journal

This Cheese is Perfectly Legal
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New Ties

I was really bummed about Ricky- he was kinda cute and goofy, but I don't appreciate two-faced jerks who almost get me killed. I guess it worked out in the end though. My aquarium date went well with the 5 boys the Donna so kindly let me borrow! (Donni, Sal, Vic, Cesare, and Vinny) Wonderful lads all of them. We took so many cute pictures and I shared them with the Donna (she's gonna frame the funny one of the boys with the sharks) and they hung out a little longer after so I could demonstrate rope tying! I got all dressed up for my tutorial too, I think they were really excited to learn and caught on quick! It was a really fun night and I'm looking forward to working with them again. 

Crois deora
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If I could marry a food

I got to do some work for the Donna Lavaz recently! Caesar contacted me (poor boy had such a bad cold- I made sure to fix him right up once I got there) and said she needed me to make a delivery. Never would have thought buying a ton of cheese would be my task but hey! I won't complain. Beecher's cheese is the fucking bomb. Anyway, they sent me a sample to try and it was super yummy, so once I made my way over I made sure to get a ton as well as a couple seasonal extras (I'm sure Donna Lavaz likes cozy seasonal stuff? She seems like the type that would make a killer dish with it). Had them text me when the order was complete while I kept an eye on the backroom. It was oddly quiet and I only saw one person exit, but figured getting a better vantage point would be more helpful than waiting around inside. Good thing last contract helped me perfect my climbing! Getting on the roof from the alley was no problem, and going in through the hatch seemed a bit easier than I expected it to be- but I suppose I arrived at the right time. I grabbed the box, hopped in Christine with my huge cheese order and made my way to San Fran (made a stop during my motel stay to pick up fresh ingredients for the miso soup I promised).

Caesar brought me up to the Donna when I got there, who was so happy to see me! Made me feel so warm and fuzzy. She said I did a great job for a first timer, though I did forget to put the tarp back up when I left so I'll have to remember that for next time. She made the best pasta ai formaggi I have had and probably ever will have in my life and I got to play with the boys again during the week! This new job stuff is turning out really well, I'm very grateful for this newfound family.

The Demon Cabinet of Mr Long
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New Home, New Me

So, I got to talk to Za'id about some...stalking??? That has been going on lately and I was pretty sure it was those Ouroboros people (it was) so she helped me contact them so I could have a proper meet and greet thing going. Simple right? Anyway, she gets it set up, I leave and eventually get there, and it looks like no one is on site, which was super creepy. I go inside after asking Christine to stay put, and there's actually one guy. He's hot in a spooky Adam's Family sort of way I guess, looks like he needs more sleep. His name is Tombe, and he sits me down and we talk. We talk and he shows me some real freaky shit. Like, nightmare fuel type stuff. Awful. I think the first video put me in shock, and the second just hit home. I never realized how bad things were??? But I made it clear I wanted to help, and he had me demonstrate some skills. So I climbed. I climbed and then I bumped into Amie and I got really embarrassed cause now there's TWO attractive people watching me. She saw me drive Christine into a monster and off a dock and I thought I wouldn't see her again but! It's fine! There were more people there too!! I guess I did well enough cause I got to go back to base with Hoshi and my stuff, where I met the Big Boss of the squad (being pansexual is a nightmare) and I went through muster. I uh. I thought it was gonna be really hard, but I guess it's actually. Not? For someone like me at least. I can imagine the average person would just simply die or something. Anyway they got me a cake and I got to blow up my apartment so yay! New friendships!

Auction House
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