Scott Florence's Journal

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Is This What A Gift Is?

I discovered something very interesting yesterday. My ankle had healed more by then and I went out on a jog, just to get back some of my speed and get ready for the next time one of these contracts happen. I began to get tired, but I felt like there was some small part of me waiting to be let out. I focused on it, and I blacked out for a few moments, but when I came to, I found myself in some larger furred wolf-like form. My hands got larger and were tipped with sharp claws, I felt taller, and I had way more energy than normal. Even better yet, I was still fully in control of my actions, after the fact however, my body hurt a good bit. I immediately broke out into a full-bore sprint; I think I ran about 800 or so feet. Anyways, I'm looking forward to getting another contract, it'll give me another chance to try and use the phone. I'm also interested to see the others' reactions on my next contract.

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