Mike Carson's Journal

Tales To Be Told
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Empress Ekaterina's Hunger
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The Hand That Leads You
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 Got a call from Isaac, he wants to maybe hire me on as the mechanic for his merc team.  We've talked about them a few times and it seems like a hell of a way to see the world. Plus, with his being a contractor and all, It might be a chance to get my hands on something that the Special Collections group might want. First job sounds like it'll genuinely help some people, too, getting rid of those rats burning down Chicago. 

We talked over the engineering of it, building some oversized rat traps to collect them in, and ways to handle killing the little bastards without letting them torch the traps themselves. Gonna play the details close to the chest till it all goes off but i took the bike for a cross country ride out to Chi-town to meet him and start getting set up. Got a bunch of his guys beefed up with night vision eyes, and swapped my magic armor out for the same.  fixed up a field radio and a broken down old military humvee too, and we started looking online together at helicopter kits. Nothing with a huge tank, but that matters a lot less when you have magic fuel. 

Worked a little with Uncle George's notes too and I've worked out a way to channel more power through the runes in my bike, and that upgrade when it's on a vehicle. I can drive like a bat out of hell when I'm in something I can link to that way and I barely notice I'm doing it.  

Been sitting a few days while logistics are worked out...  Oops, got an urgent message in, maybe this is go time?

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Stoned in Kampong Som
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Dead Drop
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