Nikolái Nikita Overol's Journal

My quest for revolution.



My disgusting first contract.

I killed a man today. It was on self-defense, but I cant help to feel disgusted by my own action. I left the poor being to rot on the floor as well, depicting my not so developed as I thought moral pyramid. Today, a family lost a father, and it was my fault.

Besides that, I hate fucking reptiles. Thank god the reward was worth it.

Train Royale

About human nature.

What did autistic people have before trains? Nevertheless, today I learned that before we can talk about a national integration process behind the same flag and convictions, we as the human race must fight against our own natural oportunistic and selfless instinct. As helpful as it was for each individual in a state of nature such as the ones described by Hobbes or Locke, we must understand how we now live in a society, and action towards change can only be devired from colective action towards a common goal. As long as we don´t understand what is at stake, we are doomed and destined to extinction.

Vampire-enthusiast Mansion

Tequila sunset party-rocking

Hell yeah baby, stage is mine. Show those blue collar oligarchs how it´s done on the suburbs! Everyone got riled up by my sheer performance, not to much surprise since it provided something new to their boring briefing-like parties. Should´ve seen the face on the dirty host, who did not want to spill any information on his eivdent menemism. That´s what he gets. Douchebag.

Don´t know what the whole mission was about. The contractee spoke in such a monotonous tone that it made me tired, so I went to sleep in the car during the whole explanation of the thing. I just know I went there, to the party, grabbed a couple asses, drank a bunch and had a good time, all in all to close it out being the center of attention. Hope that teaches ´em something.

Murder Mistery with a twist
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Haunted building rescue party
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