Jimson Shivers's Journal

It’s What’s Inside That Counts
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He didn't. I suppose it means hitchhiking for Jimson. Hoping I can find a Bus Stop. Who knows how far $60 dollars will get me, but it's got to be faster than just walking. People don't really pick up Hitchhikers anymore. Not that I'm complaining. Most of those cars come with GPS built in, and I don't trust that shit for a second. I'm honestly just hoping another old soul like me will take pity. Cold has gotten more bearable. Don't know if it's because I'm moving south, or if whatever magic I was promised has started kicking in. Trying to think about what I want. Freeze ray would be cool. Or a lightsaber. Or a freezing lightsaber. I don't even know how I get it though. Like, will it come in the mail? Do I shake another hand? You'd think an all powerful group of magical demigods would find a more effective way of conveying how they're going to permanently alter your life. Seems like an intentional flaw if you ask me. Oh, shit. Looks like a car is pulling over. Old steel truck too. No gps in those things. Write later.

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