Asha's Journal

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The Snow Wight Express
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Life Seems Normal

Welp, even though I'm technically in a new world it seems everything is still...normal? I don't really understand how but, well, I'll still have my apartment, my job, and my friends. Grant still owns the bakery, Ivette's still at Lunacy, and Isabel's still doing wildlife rehab. It's like nothing changed. I'm so confused as to how this all works but I suppose it's not my place to understand. Not yet, at least. For now, I'll just focus furthering myself.

I'm getting stronger, I can feel it. The more I shift, the more I get used to being in that werewolf form. I'm getting more comfortable with it being a part of myself. Though, I must say, I don't love feeling like I lose a bit of control when I shift. I think I just need to practice more and then maybe that feeling will go away? I certainly hope so at least. I don't like feeling like I'm not in control.

Calm Crumbs
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Djinn Delivery
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Date Night

Last mission was pretty bad. I mean, we succeeded in the end, but I got really hurt and I guess that made me realize a few things. A few days after getting back home, I bucked up the courage to text Ivette and ask her out on a date. To my surprise (and relief) she said yes! I made plans to go out to a nicer sit-down restaurant - Flight Deck Restaurant and Lounge in Salem, Oregon, her hometown. 

Overall, I think it went great! It was so...different? From the dates I'm used to because I already knew who she was. I mean, she's a close friend of mine so it's not like this first date was us meeting for the first time. It felt like our typical friendly outings but there was just something...more there? I think there was at least. I feel hopeful and I think Ivette was feeling it too. She agreed to a second date! I can't wait to see her again.

Mushroom Hunt
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