Lila Blackwood's Journal

L.T.B - Memories

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Practice Makes Perfect

After my first contract, I spent the remainder of the month focusing on honing my skills and managing my estate. The victory and the gold coin I earned granted me a sense of accomplishment, but I knew there was much work ahead.

Firstly, I devoted several hours each day to practicing swordplay with my rapier. The elegance and precision of the rapier appealed to my sense of control and grace. Managing Blackwood Manor's affairs also demanded my attention. The estate, once a symbol of our family's grandeur, had fallen into disrepair. I reviewed and settled outstanding debts, negotiated with creditors, and explored potential revenue streams. It was a painstaking process, but necessary to restore our family's prestige and barely a dent in the overwhelming debt, but alas. I also spent time organizing the vast library, cataloging books and documents that could provide valuable insights into our family's history and my own powers.

The most significant part of my downtime was developing the new power I earned from the gold coin. This coin allowed me to advance my budding telekinesis abilities, a power I aim to make my trademark. I spent hours meditating and practicing, learning to control and refine my telekinetic skills. The subtle movements of objects at a distance, the fine-tuning of my focus, and the mental discipline required were all essential in honing this ability. While still in its early stages, I could feel my telekinesis growing stronger each day, promising to become a formidable aspect of my psionic repertoire.

This month of downtime was both restorative and transformative. I emerged more skilled, more knowledgeable, and more in control of my abilities. The path ahead is fraught with challenges, but I am prepared to face them with renewed strength and determination.

Mushroom Hunt
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Ode to Mastery

This past month has been a whirlwind of dedication and transformation. I finally made the push to increase my mastery of the English language, a skill I had been nurturing as a sort of hobby for years. It’s become a necessity in the life of a contractor, and the ability to communicate fluently has already proven invaluable. The subtleties and nuances of the language now flow more naturally, adding a layer of sophistication to my interactions and negotiations.

In parallel, I vastly improved my proficiency with the blade and the bow. While I normally dedicate an hour each day to maintaining these skills, this month I threw myself into the knightly arts with both religious zeal and wild abandon. Each morning, after my run and initial training, I would spend hours perfecting my swordplay, feeling the rapier become an extension of my arm, each movement a precise and deadly dance. The afternoons were devoted to archery, where the focus and calm required to hit each target became a form of meditation.

By giving myself fully, heart and soul, to these practices, I have reached a new level of mastery. The physical demands and the intense concentration have paid off completely. I feel more confident and capable, my movements more fluid and my strikes more accurate. This period of intense training has not only honed my skills but also strengthened my resolve.

In the evenings, I continued my studies, balancing my time between the demands of the estate and my personal growth. The debt and financial struggles remain a constant burden, but with my improved language skills, I’ve been able to negotiate more effectively, slowly turning the tide in my favor.

Despite the relentless grind, there’s a sense of accomplishment that comes from this dedicated period. I can feel the transformation, not just in my abilities but in my mindset. The path ahead remains fraught with challenges, but with each step, I am better equipped to face them.

Exterminator Needed
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Harmonious Discipline

This past month has been a transformative period of intense training and self-improvement. After the grueling spider debacle from the previous contract, I knew I had to push my limits further. I dedicated myself to arduous study and practice, learning how to fence and shoot my bow using telekinesis. This skill, though still in its infancy, holds immense promise. The delicate balance required to control my weapons with my mind is a new frontier, and while not yet battle-ready, I am determined to master it.

In addition to developing my telekinetic abilities, I increased my workout regimen and nutritional control. Naturally lithe and elegant from a very early age, I have always been dexterous and steady-handed, traits that befit a champion markswoman. However, I am acutely aware that in the world of contracts, unrealized potential is a deadly liability. Each morning, I start with my usual full-body workout and 10-kilometer run. But now, I have intensified my routines, pushing my body to new limits.

Afternoons are dedicated to the knightly arts. I practice fencing with a renewed focus, integrating telekinetic control into each movement. The rapier feels like an extension of my will, and I can see glimpses of the formidable force this skill will become. My archery practice follows, where I work tirelessly to perfect shooting arrows with my mind. Each arrow shot through telekinesis is a test of precision and mental discipline, and I am gradually seeing progress.

My evenings are a blend of rest and further learning. I continue my studies, balancing the demands of maintaining Blackwood Manor and managing my debts. Despite the constant financial strain, I feel a growing sense of accomplishment and purpose. The discipline and rigor of my new training regimen are paying off, not just in skill but in mental fortitude. Reflecting on this month, I am reminded that true mastery comes from relentless dedication and that talent is a mind trap: talent is an unrecognized privilege that will never bloom without grueling, frequently painful and not immediately rewarding work.

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Strong Enough

This past month has been another period of grueling practice and relentless self-improvement. I dedicated myself fully to enhancing my body’s dexterity and precision with both the blade and the bow. The results have been tremendous. My movements have become more fluid, my strikes more accurate. Each day, I can feel myself becoming a stronger, more capable fighter.

Despite the progress with my physical training, my efforts to control the knightly arms with pure telekinesis have stalled. It's frustrating, but I remain determined. Practice continues daily, and I know that mastery will come with time and persistence. The ability to wield these weapons with my mind remains a tantalizing goal just out of reach.

On a brighter note, I came into some money recently. This windfall has provided a brief respite from the constant financial strain. However, the estate still needs renovations, and there are pressing debts that need settling. I'm considering lending myself to another job to make faster cash. The demands of maintaining Blackwood Manor are unending, and any opportunity to ease this burden is worth exploring.

Emotionally, it's a mixed bag. I'm happy with the strength and skill I've gained, yet I can't shake the concern that it might not be enough for the increasingly dangerous contracts. The stakes are high, and the challenges grow more daunting with each mission.

Amidst all this, I've made time for a bit of social respite. I've scheduled coffee and a night out with friends. While my focus remains on my training and obligations, these moments of normalcy are essential. They remind me that life is not just about surviving, but also about living. You never know what could be waiting for you just around the corner, and maintaining these connections is as vital as any skill I hone.

Passing the Hours
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Mornings Will Be Kind

This month has been a period of remarkable progress and transformation. After the intensity of the last contract, I dedicated myself to refining my telekinetic mastery over the rapier and bow. While it's not the same as using my hands—the tactile sensation of the fletchings and the weight of the sword are difficult to replicate—the results are unmistakably impressive. My control has advanced significantly, as evidenced by my performance in the recent combat.

The agility and grace of my body have also opened new avenues for enhancing my mind's precision. The old adage "mens sana in corpore sano" rings true; a sound mind in a sound body. My physical training has contributed to a sharper, more focused telekinetic ability. The imbalance between potency and speed in my psionic projections had previously hindered me from creating sophisticated defensive options. However, with the latest improvements, I can now maintain a discreet yet highly effective deflective barrier around myself, mitigating most harms.

Overall, this downtime has been exceptionally productive. The ability to wield my weapons telekinetically with such precision and grace feels like a significant breakthrough. It's not perfect yet, but I am getting closer with each practice session. My daily routines have become a blend of physical conditioning and mental honing, each complementing the other in a harmonious balance.

With the possibility of more work on the horizon and the gains from the last contract, I am hopeful that the coming months will be even better. The progress I've made has bolstered my confidence, and I feel more prepared than ever to face the challenges ahead. 

The Hand That Leads You
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Starless Sky Across a Black Danube

After the fisco of the last contract I discoverd my mastery of the rapiers could use some improvement, to include non-lethal alternatives. While I wasn't single-handedly responsible for the difficulties in the contract, the situation would have been different if I had taken control of the situation without deadly force. I'm also preparing for a rather complex side gig: Ains and I worked well together on a previous contract, and he mentioned his organization, Maul, could help me achieve my ambitions. I'm cautious about joining, but I agreed to a trial run to see if we're a good fit.

Ains tasked me with capturing a few live ghouls. He provided all the necessary info and warned me about the dangers—ghouls hunt in packs and can be deadly in large groups. The mission: capture 1 to 3 ghouls. Once they're ready for retrieval, he'll send a team to collect them. We found ghoul sightings near Batajnica, infamous for the Batajnica mass graves. It's no wonder ghouls are drawn there, given the unresolved horrors of the past. I geared up with my bow, rapiers, and the capture tools Ains provided. This thing will take a lot of studying, recon and it will take flawless execution.

Driving the 70 miles through the Serbian heartland will give me plenty of time to focus: the mission is risky, but it's a chance to prove myself and see if Maul is the right path for me. The history and danger of Batajnica weigh on my mind, but I'm ready to face the ghouls and any challenges that come my way. This trial run is crucial. If successful, it could bring me closer to restoring my family's legacy and finding my place within Maul. The anticipation is palpable, but I'm determined and resolute. I'm ready for this.

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