Keys's Journal

The High Cost of Living
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Supersonic falsetto

One thing i realised after the whole FBI thing is that we 100% could have gotten killed. so i applied for a carry licence. picked up a self defence class in the meantime. need to buy a gun. Jessica, from the contract, gave me her number if i ever need the demon blood ritual of youth book. i'm not sure that scenario will come up. Least i hope not.

the other thing is i think that mystical powers part kicked in. not super sure how they work but ran in the door corner n started cussin. all the gasses in my cupboard shattered. need new ones. 

otherwise i'm just sittin n waitin around. its really borin compared to everything the contracts do. i should go out more. call the family too. to think of it some good tunes could come out of this. sounds insane enough most people wouldnt believe it. 

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Boredom 2.0

Again just kinda waiting around. No new powers to speak of. Guess i fucked up the contract, didnt get paid. the self defence class is going well n i started that gun safety course for the licence. those take a while. 

i'm worried about well... everything? i don't remember the important part of the contract but also nothin world endin or news worthy has come out of Miriam, the town we were in. Ok, Crazy Joe is comatose from all the debloon curses kickin in at once i guess? Family's preppin for a funeral. 

Been going through my things n turns out i still got the FBI ID. put it in the go bag. should look into bike helmets, like motorcycle ones. try n include some of those features into my helmet. polarize the glass, improve the sound....finetune the motion tracking. need to keep myself busy. need to call family.

The Nanny's Crew
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The Bathat

been messin with the helmet. Gonna call it the Bathat from now on. took it out for a spin at the gig this weekend and lemme tell ya! i dont know what kind of magic ms. devil hoppins pumpled into this thing but i can look at the reflectors n show lights like it's nothin. also realised my guitar was WAY out of tune n went to check it. 2 points out of tune. how i heard that wouldn't know to tell you but now it's in tune. perfect tune. 

The Bathat also seems to grant nightvision now. it's a neat thing.

the wires all seem in the same place n nothin has been shuffeled around. and yet. semi related but the goddamn gold star sticker won't come off. no soap, oil or whatever can convince it to unstick. i look like a grade school science fair project. damn participation award. 

Project: Wormwood
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Xavier's Almost Forgotten Anniversary Date
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Licence to kill

My licence finally came in! Took em long enough.


Next order of buissness, armor. And a way to make the Bathat portable-er. More discreet. i made it to be a showstopper n it does that very well. Too well for under the radar contracts. i've been lookin into origami n how you can fold a piece of paper like a 100 times to make it a different shape. Read they used the same trick on like the hubble telescope or somethin to make a foldable shield so whatever star it's photographing doesn't melt the camera. 


In other news, i'm helping Malcom fix the car. Those parts are no joke. Not that money's the problem. Technically i fucked up his car. So might as well help fix it. Currently reattaching that tail light. Fancy ass past century wiring. But ey. At least he knows what's the proper work music to play.



Went to a therapist bout the whole blood, flashbacks, finger thing. Told er it probably has somethin to do with an accident i saw when i was a kid. Hasn't been causin a problem till recently, in med school. So yeah. She agreed n told me exposure theeapy's my best bet. 

So now im donatin blood. O-. Rare ass blood type. Only 7% of the world got it. Still irks me to see that much blood outside my body. But im fine! They wouldn't kill me! Me dead means less rare ass blood for em! Plus you get a scooby snack. 

The shrink's hella expensive. N blood donatin ain't...paid. Won't be seein her again. Maybe send er some flowers n a chocolate, a thank you note. 

Note to self:

  • Buy shrink chocolate n flowers
  • Buy batteries for clock 
  • Buy soder n new wires n lamps
  • Google plasma clinics nearby
Passing the Hours
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Mals, mags n zines

Last job we had a mute person on the team. Came with a translator but otherwise we would've been fucked. So i picked up an ASL class. This one old lady's the teacher. She talks wierd. It's goin good. Half of my signs are still 50 shades of gibberish but i can understand a conversation. Mostky.


In other news, been hittin up the range a lot. Hit more than i miss. Still thinkin bout that infinite mag... Like damn. One finger n it could've been yours. But you HAD to be a lil bitch. Heh. Guess it saved us a limb in the other shop. 

Good news is Malcom n i fixed up his car! Why do i keep callin im Malcom? we ain't fuckin buissness associates. i've known im for years! Took the better part of this month, n last. But we've had time n we've been talkin. Mostly stupid shit. 


-This just hit me. It's called a doughnut cause its a nut, like a nuts n blots nut, made outta dough. 

Oh yeah? So that's why you're not workin, huh? Need I remind you whose NUTJOB of an uncle smashed into Isabella?

-Cmon Mal. i brough food...Unless you don't want any~ 

Delivery doesn't count and you know it jackass! Careful your lazy ass doesn't fuse with the couch!

-Yeah yeah...


🎶🎶jaunty swingy tune🎶🎶

-Where the hell did you get a TAPE of THAT thing?

One can achieve great things when their mind is set on it.

🎶Bacili smo sve u vjetar! 


Skinuli odjela sjajna-po mjeri! Rjeišli sve poslat kvragu- u sebi! Zapalili trag u travi- što ne bi! 

Nije lako okolina gledat će te prijeko. Ako radiš sve što drugo, što ceć nike neko! Nije život ko iz knjige, strana sljedi stanu. Najbolji si ako živiš sam po svome planu!

Okreni se oko sebe. Jesi li stretan? Sve je forma sve je vrh al nisi kompletan! Suze sina razmetnoga liješ na šanku. Uzeo si krivu mladu-oženio banku. 

Mislili ste nema šanse upasti u zamku, ponovo ste odabrali onu vašu stranku. Zgrnuli ste pare ko da to je put do sreće, ali pare nikada u grob ponjet nećeš!


🎶🎶*tune slowly fades out*🎶🎶


Reminded me why we were friends. N why i didn't take if further. Why ruin a good thing? 

 -Mal, wanna hit the shower? 

He pretended to think about it. Then gave me THAT look...

Adapting to Darwin
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