Jessica Laolu's Journal

The High Cost of Living
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Mad World

It's been a wild ride since my first contract, and I've had some interesting downtime to reflect and grow. After that intense experience, I decided to sharpen my mind, which has always been pretty sharp, but now it's operating on a whole new level. My intellect and focus have become superhuman, and it’s been a fascinating journey to explore these new mental abilities.

I spent several days in deep introspection, letting my thoughts wander and explore the depths of my expanded mental capacity. This newfound speed and clarity in my thinking made me quite pensive and reserved, a stark contrast to my usual bubbly and adventurous self. It didn’t go unnoticed – the folks at work were quick to call me out on it, wondering why their usually energetic and outgoing boss had suddenly turned so introspective.

Trying to cut it out and return to my old self wasn’t easy. It seems this introspective mood is my new default when I’m not otherwise engaged or concerned. But honestly, I’m excited about it. This superhuman focus and intellect open up so many possibilities, and I can’t wait to see what I can achieve with them.

During this downtime, I’ve been diving into books and puzzles, anything to challenge my mind and push its limits. I’ve also been working on complex georeferencing projects for GeoGlimpse Tech Solutions, finding new and innovative ways to handle data that would have been unthinkable before. My days are filled with moments of deep thought and bursts of creative problem-solving, and it’s exhilarating.

Balancing this new mental state with my adventurous spirit has been a unique challenge. I’ve still made time for my usual escapades – motorcycling through the countryside, capturing stunning photographs, and planning my next big journey. But now, everything I do is infused with a heightened sense of awareness and understanding.

I can’t wait to see where this new phase of my life takes me. Here’s to exploring the limits of the mind and continuing to live life to the fullest, one thrilling adventure at a time.

Stay sunny and wild,
Jessica 🌟

Tales To Be Told
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These past few weeks of downtime have been all about growth and reconnecting. 🌟

I've been focusing on sharpening my perception and observation skills. There’s so much detail in the world that I used to miss, and it’s amazing what you can pick up on when you really pay attention. Training my mind to notice the little things has been both challenging and incredibly rewarding.

I also took some time to brush up on my general knowledge and education. It’s a bit embarrassing to admit, but I realized just how much I’d forgotten since my university days. Diving back into books and online courses has been a blast. Learning is more fun than ever, and I’m soaking up information like a sponge. From history to science to random trivia, I’m loving every minute of it.

Besides all the training and studying, I managed to reconnect with some old friends. It was great catching up and reminiscing about the good old days. I also spent some quality time with Alex, my work friend. Despite their chaotic personal life, we always manage to have a great time together.

Overall, this downtime has been a perfect blend of self-improvement and reconnecting with important people in my life. I feel more focused, knowledgeable, and connected than ever.

Project: Wormwood
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Hit Me With Your Best Shot

This last month has been... interesting, to say the least. 🌟

I’m currently imprisoned in China, thanks to the fiasco at the Hong Kong Aquarium. It's frustrating and unfair, but I'm trying not to let it ruin my mood. As a Moroccan-American citizen with a comfortable financial situation, I have lawyers and embassy staff working on my case. So, for now, I’m playing the waiting game.

I'm locked up in the non-violent offender wing, so it's not the worst place to be. Mostly, I’ve kept to myself, using the time and boredom to focus on physical training. Surprisingly, my joints feel less stiff, my flexibility has improved, and I’m feeling stronger than ever.

I’ve also picked up juggling and throwing objects for sport with my cellmate, Wuxing Hua. She's a juggler and smuggler with quite the talent for making the mundane seem extraordinary. Together, we’ve turned our cell into a mini training ground. I’ve become pretty good at throwing things – even everyday objects that wouldn’t normally be considered weapons. To keep my mind sharp, I started learning Chinese. It’s slow going, but I’m making progress. The language is beautiful and complex, and I’m enjoying the challenge.

All in all, this month in jail hasn’t been a complete waste. I’ve made the best of a tough situation, honing my skills and keeping my spirits up. Here’s hoping I’ll be out of here soon and back on the road to new adventures.

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Yulunga, Spirit Spider

After the craziness of the last contract, I’ve decided to focus on some much-needed R&R and self-care. 🌟

The last mission really took a toll on my body, and I could feel it in every muscle and joint. So, I’ve been dedicating this downtime to improving my charisma and leadership skills, as well as studying herbalism and skin health. It turns out that part of my latest Gifts includes a knack for body restoration, which is pretty amazing.

I’ve been diving into books and online courses on herbalism, learning about different plants and their healing properties. It’s fascinating how nature provides so many remedies for our ailments. I’ve also been experimenting with making my own skin care products. My skin feels rejuvenated, and I’ve discovered a new passion for creating natural, healing balms and lotions.

On top of that, I’ve been working on my charisma and leadership. I want to be more effective in leading my team and handling the social aspects of my contracts. I’ve been practicing public speaking, reading up on negotiation tactics, and even taking some acting classes to improve my confidence and presence. It’s been a fun and rewarding experience, and I can already see the difference in how I interact with others.

This period of downtime has been a blessing in disguise. It’s given me the chance to slow down, take care of myself, and hone new skills that will benefit me in future contracts. I feel more balanced and ready to face whatever comes next, with a stronger sense of self and a healthier body.

Here’s to embracing self-care and personal growth, and to being ready for the next adventure.

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Pump it Up

Hey there, Wanderlust Journal!

After that last contract, I realized it’s time to step up my game even more. 🌟

I’ve been focusing on strength training, making sure to take care of my body and increase my chances of survival and success in future contracts. It feels great to push my limits and see the progress. Alongside that, I’ve been working on developing new protective powers, honing my Crystalline Shield to make it even more effective against threats.

But I also had a bit of a wake-up call – I noticed I’d been working excessively between contracts and the daily grind. So, I decided to take a couple of days off to recharge. I hit the open road on my motorcycle, visiting a few charming coffee shops and just enjoying the freedom of the ride.

I also spent some quality time with Sam, my romantic situationship. It was nice to just relax, laugh, and not think about work for a while. Those moments are so important for recharging my spirit and keeping me grounded.

Overall, it’s been a perfect balance of hard work and much-needed relaxation. I’m feeling stronger, more focused, and ready for whatever comes next.

The Demon Cabinet of Mr Long
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Three Little Birds (I'm still not quite there)

I’ve spent most of this time building something I’m really proud of – a portable workstation for drones that combines modern technology with a bit of contractor magic. This setup allows for the reproduction of small wonders, and the first practical application of it has been the creation of "opal hummingbirds." These tiny drones are a marvel of engineering, with vivid, iridescent colors that mimic the beauty of opal gemstones. They flit about like real hummingbirds, their colors shifting in the light, and they’re as functional as they are mesmerizing.

I’ve always been fascinated by the intersection of technology and the mystical, and this project has been the perfect blend of both. It’s exciting to see how far I can push the limits of what’s possible when I combine my skills. The opal hummingbirds are just the beginning – who knows what other small wonders this workstation will help me create next?

But it hasn’t just been tech and magic. I’ve been working out a lot, focusing on improving my overall muscularity and athleticism. It feels great to see the physical progress, and I know it’s going to make a difference in future contracts. On top of that, I’ve also started studying to expand my business. I’m looking into new ways to grow GeoGlimpse Tech Solutions and take it to the next level. Between the workouts, the study sessions, and the creative projects, it’s been a busy and fulfilling month.

I also made an effort to reconnect with my family. After so much time away, I’ve started slowly rebuilding the relationship with my strict parents. It’s a bit of a balancing act, but it feels good to be taking those steps. Spending time with them, even in small doses, is helping us find common ground again, and I’m hopeful that we can continue mending those ties.

Adapting to Darwin
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That Lost Ending, Goddamit

Hey there, Wanderlust Journal!

The last 30 days have been a much-needed break from all the craziness of that last contract. 🌟

I took some time to slow down and catch up on life. I’ve been reading a lot, diving into some great books that have been on my list for ages. I also caught up on popular shows and really got in touch with the overall cultural scene. It’s been fun reconnecting with what’s happening in the world outside of contracts and missions.

But of course, I didn’t just sit around the whole time. I’ve been working on expanding my energy repertoire for activating my powers. It’s amazing how much more control I have now, and I’m excited to see how this will play out in future contracts.

I also developed a new skill that’s a game-changer. By combining my tinkering talents with my intellectual prowess, I can now make quick prototypes and improvements to just about any object. It’s like having a portable workshop in my brain, and it’s been a blast putting it to use.

All in all, it’s been a productive and relaxing month. I feel recharged and ready for whatever comes next.

Stay sunny and wild,
Jessica 🌟

Crustacean Calamity
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Aim For The Moon

Hey there, Wanderlust Journal!

These last 30 days have been all about preparation and strategy. 🌟

I’ve been pouring myself into studying and reading, gearing up for a big move that could really change the game. I’m preparing for a government contract that would put GeoGlimpse Tech Solutions on the map as a serious powerhouse. The work? Georeferencing for military applications. It’s a huge opportunity, and I’ve been focusing all my time and energy on making sure I’m ready to take it on.

This could be the kind of move that not only solidifies the reputation of my company but also opens up doors I hadn’t even thought about. For now, it’s all about preparation—doing the research, making connections, and ensuring that when the time comes, everything is lined up perfectly.

It’s exciting, but there’s a lot riding on this, so I’m staying sharp and focused. Big things are on the horizon!

Stay sunny and wild,
Jessica 🌟

Mother makes fuel from bones
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Samurai's Rainy Day

Hey there, Wanderlust Journal!

The last 30 days have been all about refining the prototype for the army-worth GIS I presented. 🌟

The top brass liked the concept, but they weren’t exactly blown away by the results we showed in the field. Still, I see it as a foot in the door, and that’s something. The team I hired did a fantastic job, and while the immediate outcome wasn’t perfect, I’m far from discouraged. Sure, I’m frustrated that it didn’t work as smoothly as I hoped, but as I always say, “I stay longer with problems.” It’s my resilience and faith that keep me pushing forward.

The way I see it, getting this right isn’t just about making a name for myself. More money means a better tomorrow for my employees, more control over the things I create, and, most importantly, better results as a contractor. A lot of the specialized knowledge and equipment I need to up my game are pretty expensive, so success here would open doors for all kinds of advancements.

For now, I’m sticking with it, fine-tuning the details and keeping my eyes on the prize. It’s all about persistence.

Stay sunny and wild,
Jessica 🌟

Safe House
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Into the Void

Hey there, Wanderlust Journal!

The last 30 days have been intense, but in all the right ways. 🌟

I’ve been studying hard, diving deep into technology, fabrication, and really honing my skills in investigation and attention to detail. There’s so much to learn, and I’m excited about how it’s all coming together. This is all part of my prep for the big military contractor showdown that’s coming up. I’ve been training non-stop, working on my prototype, and refining my delivery. It’s crunch time, but I feel more prepared than ever.

On top of that, something incredible happened—I’ve manifested one of my most treasured abilities. Through a combination of source power and scientific knowledge, I can now open portals for long-distance travel. I’m calling it Voidwalker, and while it’s a bit unsettling with the whole eerie glow and hallucinations of blood and doom, I’m beyond excited about what it can do. Disturbing? Yes. But also completely amazing.

I feel like I’m on the verge of something huge, and I can’t wait to see where it takes me.

Stay sunny and wild,
Jessica 🌟

Flor De Vida
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I’ve spent the month focusing on my education in science and technology, but with a twist. I’ve been trying to understand the intersection between source magic and physics, a fascinating and, frankly, exhausting field of study. There are no textbooks to guide me on how these two worlds interact. Every experiment, every theory I come up with, has to be tested from scratch, and it’s as draining as it is rewarding.

A big part of this exploration involved crystal light, this strange, beautiful, and deeply unsettling material that seems to bend space in ways that feel completely eldritch. The more I study it, the more I find myself in awe of its alien nature. It’s like watching reality warp in front of your eyes—one moment you’re looking at something stunning, like shards of light refracting in every direction, and the next, the very space around it is warping, twisting like it’s not supposed to exist in our dimension.

There’s something almost poetic about it, how something so gorgeous can also be so disturbing. This material isn’t just strange—it feels alive in a way that I haven’t experienced before. It’s as if it holds secrets, whispering at the edges of my understanding. Each new discovery brings me a step closer to unlocking what it truly is, but with each step, I also feel the weight of its unnatural presence.

The entire month has been productive, sure, but it’s been mentally exhausting. Balancing my usual contractor work with this research is a delicate act, and while I’m excited about where this is leading, it’s definitely a challenge. But that’s what I live for, right? Pushing boundaries, discovering new things, and seeing the world—or reality itself—in ways no one else has.

Stay sunny and wild,
Jessica 🌟

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