Ashen One's Journal



Forgive my boldness in asking for your return. I long to feel your presence again; to have my will be yours. This bonfire does nothing to remove the cold winds from forming a frozen mote around my heart. I wandered far from where we had last met, seeking you in lands beyond.
I have seen death many times, I have witnessed the realities of what I am, yet I know not what may lay before me should I never see you again..
I have met others on quests of their own. Your hands have taught me to be wary, and so thus I was, yet... There was one there, a young hero... Golden hair, a warrior with hope. They have yet to see the horrors of reality, but that may no fault of their own, but the stories they have written throughout their life... Naive, perhaps, or I be jealous of their optimism..
Another was well versed in the sorceries of this realm; dressed alike those in the Way of White- though I haven't had the chance to ask if they were affiliated. They spoke proudly of themselves, and by no doubt I was impressed by their intelligent thoughts, and so am to ponder the collection of my own.
These two had the very same warmth as you... I could feel it... The last however, a Monster. I felt none but the chill coming from their gaping gluttonous maw, and near clairvoyant eye... Skin of sickened visage. I know your hands would have had me fell this abomination, but I reserved my shield to those that challenge me. I persevered. I was patient.
Fail, and learn. Do not fight, where there is none to gain... Wisdom I keep dear, just as the memories of you...
Be still my heart,



Where art my own heart?

I long to feel the warmth of love,
Yet I'm not sure what it is.
I see it in the stars above,
But the meaning still eludes me, I confess.

Is it a spark that lights the soul,
Or a fire that consumes all reason?
Does it make one feel whole,
Or bring about a sense of treason?

I search for answers in every glance,
In every touch and every smile.
But love remains a mystery, a dance,
That I have yet to reconcile.

I yearn to fall for someone true,
To feel the rush of passion's flame.
But until I truly understand love's hue,
I'll be left to wonder, to ponder, to exclaim.

I walk through fields of blooming flowers,
Seeking the answer to this age-old question.
Is love simply a fleeting moment, or 
A timeless bond that defies convention?

Is it a gentle breeze that softly blows,
Or a raging storm that cannot be tamed?
Does it bring joy and endless highs,
Or does it leave a heart forever maimed?

Deep Dives

I wander on this accursed plane of the strange. Taken under the wing of a man I call General Sora; they guided me onto a path of salvation through combat, a sure test of my skill without question.

This mission, to delve into the darkness and find minerals of value. Alike the previous quest that arose before me last, I was accompanied by only the strange. A man of armor that wore metals of foreign sorceries, an animal of small stature, that for some reason drew great strength from beyond, then of course, an abomination of nature, roaming lands of which it does not belong. By some fortune, it carried a sentience that could be negotiated with- for I feared the use of that cannon on my weapons before the quest were to start. However, as time flowed like the waters of which this creature came, I seen realized that the Gods favored my own blade more. This of course perhaps of bad luck, they were quite skilled in it's execution.

The man with foreign armor, disappeared constantly, removing themselves from view only to attack from the shadows. I haven't the faintest as to what the effect was however. It's effectiveness is knowledge beyond my understanding. Which very much could be said again with the small woodland creature of which carried a small knife. Their strength and ability to fell a beast much larger than them is one I consider to be a sign of a grand warrior.

That being said, my over-confidence had nearly got me killed, although not so far for me to not regain stance. My defenses are not perfect. One day, player, they will be.

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Tree of the Shrike
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Deep Dives

I question what is...

I am but a bold soul awaiting the day I find myself seeking cowardice.

Lest I fall in battle, I know that I can be no more chained to who I am. They have long told me my sins, that be pride and apathy towards my own life apart from others. I know my folly, and the ways of which I stride on, tread through.

One may think of me, selfish, but I say I know not what I am. I only know what was made of me. I carry two shields, I fight with two swords. I am, but a person who shows not what I feel; for I was made in the visage of that that should not. I am empty, Player, without you. And that sickens me.

I delve into the mines, seek death in insanity, I defend the injured, I call upon others on their setbacks, yet I am blind to my own. I ask, who am I to myself, and for so long, I have known the answer. I had found it in war. I had found it in the allies I have aligned myself with.

Lord Sora, the Sorcerer Luminous, the Warrior Link. Strange as it it, they inspire, and I as their shield follows their order. Just as I am to follow mine own, to those I have met then in this quest... Suicidal tendencies, wicked undead children, the man whom does not exist and the soulless person of strange construction.

Should they be considered friends? I think not... Yet they are valuable allies, and perhaps, they would do well to align themselves with the flame, or in some ways assist in becoming stronger.


War and Heartbreak.

Sora sent a message asking Ashen to see them in his office in the guild when they had a free moment, and they did. Fully armed. He gestured to the seat on the other side of his desk. "Please sit down, I wanted to talk with you about what happened... back at Luminous' guild. I... didn't exactly get a chance to back then."

"..." Ashen glanced at the seat and rested their weapons. Although they did not take up on Sora's offer, and instead removed their helmet and use Text-To-Speech. "The circumstances were ill fitting. I will not take a seat, mi'Lord, out of respect for your title"

Sora looked up at Ashen for a moment before he pushes back his seat and stands, also walking out from behind the desk. "Then I will stand as well, because I want to have this conversation as equals." He pauses for a moment before speaking again "I simply ask that you wait until I am finished before answering, can you do that?"

Ashen nodded, expectedly.

Sora will take a deep breath, he for once, seemed worried, but he quickly steeled himself, meeting her gaze. "Ashen, look... I'm sorry I hurt your trust. I will admit, I was worried. Please understand though that my worry didn't come from lack of trust in you, but a lack of trust in myself. I... almost lost someone, very dear to me... Someone who I would give anything to protect. You've seen now what I went through, that horrible, dark place... For the longest time I blamed myself for it, I thought that it was my fault. So when I saw the notification, I was scared. I was worried that something that I had helped with had hurt one of my friends. If that had happened... I don't know if I could forgive myself."

He paused a moment, his gaze faltering "I hold a duty as leader of the Crimson Flame to aid all those who prove themselves honorable in becoming stronger. That includes you, and Melania. It would go against everything I founded this guild to stand for if I turned my back on her. I want to see both of you become the strongest you can." his voice falters slightly "If you view that as a betrayal of your trust, then I will not force you to be a part of a guild that allies with her. I will release your vow and you may do as you please..."

"As someone who calls you a friend, I don't want to force you to do something you do not agree with. That would be wrong of me both as your guild leader, and as your friend."

They took another shakey breath "If you choose to stay however, I would hope that you understand... I'm not perfect. I'm not an infallible general. I'm just a guy, doing his best to try and help others... I will make mistakes, I will fall short of your expectations of me. This is inevitable. I'm only human after all. We are destined to fail at some point. But I will also do my best to correct my shortcomings as well where and when I can. Because that is what you are supposed to do. If I ever fail you, as your guild leader or as a friend I will do everything I can to try and make it right."

Ashen had remained silent and unreacting as Sora poured their heart out. Nodding at certain aspects, but otherwise giving no emotion to what was being said. For the briefest moment, one would see them glance at the door, contemplating Sora's words.

Alas, after those words were spoken, she closed her eyes and sighed. Typing things down soon afterwards, before making their way towards Sora. The Text-To-Speech played as she places a hand on Sora's shoulder. The stoic nature she kept, looking as if they are uncomfortable with the emotions Sora is showing. Like they perhaps, were too concerned about showing weakness. Ashen, never had to comfort anyone before, no were they used to tears of all things.

"Thine promise is true, and trusted; you had aided both Malenia and I in becoming stronger. Although, much can be said about loyalty. We had spoken before: The first inception of a being that could have turned against all that is. It was by good fortune that nothing came of it, and all was forgiven... 

Their shook their head and removed their hand.

"And yet... I promised to do as much harm to her, as they do to me; I would not go against the Flame and betray whom you considered to be an ally... My promise was true, yet, not trusted."

They place their helmet back and saluted Sora.

"You are human Lord Sora, and as I am told, I am not. I ask you to never think less of me, for the nature of which I was made in, and the very same shall be thought of you. While they are shackles on the mind, I am no prisoner to it."

They turn their back and took up their weapons.
"I wish you not be my Warden"

Sora breathed a sigh of relief

"And I don't think I could bring myself to be yours." He says, heading back to his desk and sitting down. 

"Thank you... Ashen, I'm glad to have you here, everyone is. Wether or not you are a human doesn't matter to me, you a part of this guild and someone I would call my friend. A wise person, much wiser than me, once said, '...the circumstances of one’s birth are irrelevant; it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.' and I hope I can see the day that you become the great and honorable warrior I know you can be.


True Humanity is the Monsters we made along the way.


I feel no remorse. The days past have told me who I am, and what I shall be. Taken to a place I did not know, brought along Strangers I paid no mind to. I was just one of the two warriors. This was a battle to the end, but the war was fought not with blades, nor steel and blood, but words and compassion.
Once again I worked with the strange and overly compassionate souls. Such I had no stance on...

Until they cried, and held on to each other when all was done.
I felt the sense of guilt, sadness and anger in the air, yet, I could not feel it myself, the feelings they revealed and the tears they shed vindicated the end. Tis' posed a question of mine own humanity, and if there was ever...
I have no soul. I have no being.

The quest had only deepened my thoughts regarding the state of my ambitions. What is to search for someone who may not come back? What is it to truly to love another, and not be in the sense of just loyalty... Is it love I feel for the Player, or a longing to escape the very Prison my creation gave me... Perhaps I can feel; for all that is in mine heart, is hatred and jealousy.

Loss is a powerful feeling. While I haven't the idea of regarding the circumstances of their relations, I could only empathize with the thought of never finding a proper resolution to friendship.
I have no friends, yet many regard me so as theirs.

Perhaps one day, I shall call onto them.


Summon to me, Fairest Maiden.

Ashen nodded and turned away from Sora, the thoughts of their conversation plaguing their mind. Although as they were to reach the handle of their office door, they stopped in their tracks and typed something.

"Lord Sora.... It keeps following me, the one known as Kayleigh. I fear for battle whenever they are near..."

To their dismay, their Lord Laughed, and suggested it were not so. But of course, it would only make sense; they both were fighters. Warriors of the Crimson Flame, why not delve into the bonds of comradere?

- - - -

The Ashen One eloquently wrote a summons on paper: "Dearest Maiden, forgive me for such boldness, I ask for your presence alone, to speak or awe in silence amongst the bonfire under a moonlit sky. Should we share the stories of thine path, it would do me much joy. May the Crimson Flame guide your path to me. - Ashen One"
Attached to which, a flower of patriotism, conquest and victory. A Sunset Nasturtium.

Nasturtium flowers.jpg

- - - -

Ashen had waited for them in their Sanctuary between realms.

Their armor was set aside to arise no suspicion, and all of which that remained was their brigandine. Miss Kayleigh had remained distant, sitting opposite them across the fires. Their eyes constantly averted as if avoiding a battle. Ashen was paranoid as well; this was a stranger in their abode... But no matter.

Ashen approached them, offering a sip of their ale and sat besides them. "Worry not my intention; for I am not a hound that bites the innocent. I only wish to bond under the gaze of the stars and tell tales of our paths. Tis' the order of Lord Sora... And the wish of mine to grow ever closer (As allies under the Crimson Flame)"

Ashen spoke of their days in these lands, asked of Kayleigh days in their own; a curiousity that she felt deeply attentive to. What was humanity? Who were they? What was it, to cry? All these things, and more.

"The Stars and Moon, akin to my soul are false under the words and tales, yet I yearn to find meaning... Hopefully, I ask, of you to guide me. (They ask to entrust them as a comrade and they would do the same)" Kayleigh seemed hesitant of course. Who wouldn't be... 

In anycase, the night had proceeded without cause for concern. Ashen had stoically listened while playing her lute, humming as the embers of the flame rising up into the simulated sky. (Should Kayleigh sleep, they'd offer their lap.)

Tis' was a good night as Comrades under the Order . No doubt, their bonds as warriors will grow ever-stronger.

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