Ashen One's Journal



Forgive my boldness in asking for your return. I long to feel your presence again; to have my will be yours. This bonfire does nothing to remove the cold winds from forming a frozen mote around my heart. I wandered far from where we had last met, seeking you in lands beyond.
I have seen death many times, I have witnessed the realities of what I am, yet I know not what may lay before me should I never see you again...
I have met others on quests of their own. Your hands have taught me to be wary, and so thus I was, yet... There was one there, a young hero... Golden hair, a warrior with hope. They have yet to see the horrors of reality, but that may no fault of their own, but the stories they have written throughout their life... Naive, perhaps, or I be jealous of their optimism...
Another was well versed in the sorceries of this realm; dressed alike those in the Way of White- though I haven't had the chance to ask if they were affiliated. They spoke proudly of themselves, and by no doubt I was impressed by their intelligent thoughts, and so am to ponder the collection of my own.
These two had the very same warmth as you... I could feel it... The last however, a Monster. I felt none but the chill coming from their gaping gluttonous maw, and near clairvoyant eye... Skin of sickened visage. I know your hands would have had me fell this abomination, but I reserved my shield to those that challenge me. I persevered. I was patient.
Fail, and learn. Do not fight, where there is none to gain... Wisdom I keep dear, just as the memories of you...
Be still my heart,



Where art my own heart?

I long to feel the warmth of love,
Yet I'm not sure what it is.
I see it in the stars above,
But the meaning still eludes me, I confess.

Is it a spark that lights the soul,
Or a fire that consumes all reason?
Does it make one feel whole,
Or bring about a sense of treason?

I search for answers in every glance,
In every touch and every smile.
But love remains a mystery, a dance,
That I have yet to reconcile.

I yearn to fall for someone true,
To feel the rush of passion's flame.
But until I truly understand love's hue,
I'll be left to wonder, to ponder, to exclaim.

I walk through fields of blooming flowers,
Seeking the answer to this age-old question.
Is love simply a fleeting moment, or 
A timeless bond that defies convention?

Is it a gentle breeze that softly blows,
Or a raging storm that cannot be tamed?
Does it bring joy and endless highs,
Or does it leave a heart forever maimed?

Deep Dives

I wander on this accursed plane of the strange. Taken under the wing of a man I call General Sora; they guided me onto a path of salvation through combat, a sure test of my skill without question.

This mission, to delve into the darkness and find minerals of value. Alike the previous quest that arose before me last, I was accompanied by only the strange. A man of armor that wore metals of foreign sorceries, an animal of small stature, that for some reason drew great strength from beyond, then of course, an abomination of nature, roaming lands of which it does not belong. By some fortune, it carried a sentience that could be negotiated with- for I feared the use of that cannon on my weapons before the quest were to start. However, as time flowed like the waters of which this creature came, I seen realized that the Gods favored my own blade more. This of course perhaps of bad luck, they were quite skilled in it's execution.

The man with foreign armor, disappeared constantly, removing themselves from view only to attack from the shadows. I haven't the faintest as to what the effect was however. It's effectiveness is knowledge beyond my understanding. Which very much could be said again with the small woodland creature of which carried a small knife. Their strength and ability to fell a beast much larger than them is one I consider to be a sign of a grand warrior.

That being said, my over-confidence had nearly got me killed, although not so far for me to not regain stance. My defenses are not perfect. One day, player, they will be.

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