Bald Bill's Journal

Welcome to Our Corp!
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Facial Hair

Following the results of my interaction with Abnormality F-05-52, also known as “Opened Can of WellCheers”, I observed a substantial growth of hair follicles near my mental region and general lower jaw. Initially I was planning to do a hair transplant with the Ahn I would receive when my time here in L corp is done. But seeing this, perhaps I can utilize these abnormalities to benefit my own. Perhaps I’ll visit WellCheers again tomorrow, my hypothesis is that with enough work, I would be able to grow enough hair to reach the top of my head. If that doesn’t work, I’ll investigate the facility for any hair based abnormalities, in hopes of one providing a cure or solution for my predicament.


Hopefully I do find a way so I don’t have to spend any more money. It’s best to save up as much as I possibly can. So I can be unreachable from “them”.  Then I can be free.

For The Better
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Security System Implementation

I asked Netzach if I were authorized to install any sort of security system in my room, after all, this is the safety department. It kind if gave me a weird look. I didn’t even know robots could do that. But it let me do as I wish anyways. 

Reason why I’m doing so… I realized a certain someone easily went in and out. I have my concerns of course. I have a lot of items of significant importance to me, and losing and/or having them tampered wouldn’t be something I’d want to deal with. So I moved some of my valuables to a different storage unit, it’s better this way, less clutter. Now for extra security, initially I thought of a trap that would potentially be lethal, but that brings a variety of issues. I opted for a sort of alarm system instead. My rifle still kind of worked, despite it being incredibly damaged. I rigged it up to a string system and made it so it’d fire towards the hard part of the wall when the sliding door is opened.

I don’t think Netzach and the  other people residing at the safety department would let a gunshot noise slide, they’re sure to check it out if ever. 

 Things should work itself out.



Rats, mice.

Self-Memo #1 (New Plan)


“[Voice memo to self. I need to record this quick. They’ve made a move far earlier than I thought. Either way, not too much of an issue, it only means I have to make a few altercations to my course of action.]”

“[Firstly, they’ve infiltrated the facility faster than I initially anticipated. They were far too hasty, since now both the manager and her are aware of their presence. For sure they’ll up the security… Still. Keep it coming, lets see what you guys got. Send in “him” too while you’re at it. Hah.]”

“[Secondly, I need ALL of us to garner better equipment, I can make do with that I have now, but to think we struggled that much with low-tier Soldatos. How the hell do they train them these days? The Thumb really ain’t faring well since left huh? I’m not either. If we had a weapon similar to that of that Shi fixer. Or the one that cleared three of them at once in a single strike.]”

“[Lastly, my team, it’s difficult. We all have our reasons here. It’s sad to see those around me roped up in my mess. But they aren’t exactly kind people either, I’m bound to be roped into their shit as well in the future.]”

“[Damn it, why do I have to stress about all of this… Sometimes I wonder if maybe, I should’ve just relayed the message, or maybe tried to quit in a more discreet manner. But, choices made in anger cannot be undone. I’ll have to face the consequences, then I’ll be free.]”





Self Memo #2 (Called It.)


“[Its getting harder to keep track of things with everything that’s going on in this facility. I can’t spare enough time to write notes for myself, so this recorder and walkman should have to do.]”

”[Gene, thanks to his little act with the bullet, I realized how easy it is to just sneak in and out these dormitories. I set up a little something just in case. And whaddya know, it set off while I was busy setting up the alarms. It could very well be him, he’s scheming something. But I can’t ignore the fact that there’s confirmed rats that infiltrated the facility. For now I’ll just have to see.]”

”[I need to lure them, I need something provocative. Unfortunately, that also means drawing attention to myself. I grabbed a rifle left by those grunts. Can’t even call them Soldatos with how sloppy they were.]”

”[What else did I want to say here... All the thoughts in my head are scrambling about. I’ll have to cut it here.]”


The Humbling
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Janitorial Work
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Request to leave

I will be departing from the facility for a bit, I will return in time for the next day of course.As for the reason I am leaving; I will be undergoing augment implantation so that I may further be of use in this facility.

Expect more letters like this in the future. I have no intention of leaving the facility without fulfilling my contractual obligation. Although I do require momentary absences so I may further my ability to contribute in the workplace environment. 

For today, I am going under simple body modifications as well as replacement of implants I had prior to joining the facility. If you have any issue with this simply invoice a message directed towards me.

I will be leaving my E.G.O gear in my room, though I will be bringing my weapon for the likely occurrence that I will be attacked. If no one receives or has received but not acknowledged the letter I will simply jot down the rest of the information needed as a report for my absence. 


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