Zayir's Journal

Welcome to Our Corp!
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Notes to Self - 1

Man, this gig really might be worth the hellfire that's gonna rain down on us if we fuck it up. This place is really nice - they've even got hot water in the bathrooms. I haven't had a shower that nice in forever, and I came out of there actually feeling pretty good for once. I could really get used to this, even if it means having to stick my neck out working with those freaky things all the time.

I figure it's the type of job that gets easier the longer you do it. No doubt I'm made of stronger stuff than all those other freshie schmucks - I give it a couple weeks before the last of 'em are on the first ride outta this place. That's not to say I would mind going back to Fixer work, but I'm just saying I'm more than capable of getting the hang of this.

Anyway, just like Fixer work, the golden rule seems to be the same here: do what you're told and try not to inconvenience the upper management, and that's how you'll succeed. Seems like the guy in charge of us knows the value of an employee who knows when to put up and shut up. I'll be the one bossing him around in no time.

For The Better
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Notes to Self - 2

It seems like I was right: longer you stick with this gig, more desensitized you become, easier it gets to do your job and do it well. Which is good news for my numb ass, so like I said - I'll be one of the top agents in this place in no time.

Not sure if the freshies I'm stuck with are going anywhere, though. I got to chat with one of 'em after that poor kid Cooper died. He was moppin' the floors, cleaning up all the carnage, and I stayed behind to see if I could pick his brain about the whole sitch for a little. And whaddya know? Looks like I'm not the only one who's gotten used to poor sons of bitches kicking it after they got in over their head. Maybe this guy's got what it takes to hold this job.

He definitely thinks I'm a total freak though. And somehow he knows about Aunt Eva - who knows what else this dude has on me? I wouldn't be surprised if he knew about my Fixer work. Wonder if he'll try and hold it over my head?

He just seems chill and honestly, pretty tired. Now that, I can sympathize with.

Rats, mice.
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You actually wrote like you said you would. I must say, Zay, I'm impressed.

But you'll have to do more than that if you want to prove to me that letting you sign your life away to this job was a good idea, because frankly, I'm not convinced. Do you know how much work has piled up in the three days alone you've been gone? When that paycheck arrives, it had better be enough to make all this trouble worth it, or so help me, Zayir, I'll storm that facility and drag your sorry ass back home myself. From where I'm standing now, I'd much rather have a second pair of hands to deal with the shitstorm the higher-ups are raining down on us than a few extra digits in the bank.

But I read your letters. It's good to know you're doing well, if nothing else. You were always my good kid. All I'm saying is that you'll have to do better than good if you want to convince me that letting you jump ship from the Association and leave your poor aunt with all this work was worth it.

Don't forget who you owe all of this to, Zay. Everything I've done for you, I did out of the kindness of my heart. If it weren't for me, well.. you know what? Let's not think about that. But the fact remains that the least you could do is show some respect in return.

- Eva

The Humbling
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Notes to Self - 3

Aunty's pissed at me, fuck.

I really hate it when she gets like this. Fuck, maybe she's right, maybe joining L Corp was a bad idea. Maybe I should've just stuck with the Association. Selfish to fuck off to L Corp and leave her with the work piling up, I know what that asshole Thelma is up to, I shouldn't have just left her. Ugh. I don't know, I really don't. I don't know why I'm feeling like this. I just.. can't stand the thought of Aunty pissed at me. I don't know. It just makes me feel weird. Like I've done something really wrong. And fuck, maybe I have, maybe she's gonna die just like those poor fuckers from South Section 3 and it'll be all my fault.

There's.. there's nothing I can do about it anymore, though. At the end of the day, Aunty's right - if I'm gonna run off to L Corp I better make it worth her while. I mean, I'd like to think I did a good job today. I totally kicked the shit out of Cap, heh.. serves those suckers right.

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I'm glad to hear from you, Zayir.

You'll have to excuse me for not replying to your last letter. Thelma has been working us to the bone, as I told you the last time I wrote. I'm not surprised by anything you told me. In fact, I'd be disappointed if you didn't manage to dole out some good beatdowns when they sent you for that training program. All that training wasn't wasted on you, at least. Good job defeating your department captain. I agree also regarding what you said about your.. coworker, the one who.. mouth-fed his opponent Enkephalin. I do think it's best that you stay away from him, but I'd go so far as to warn you that even with the rest of your coworkers, you don't truly know them. You shouldn't be so quick to break bread with them either, but you know that, of course.

And goodness, Zay, I didn't think I'd have to tell you this, but don't get too comfortable with the Abnormalities. They are not your friends either, not your coworkers, not your superiors, no one. The longer this goes on, the more I begin to feel that allowing you to run off to L Corp was a mistake, and not just because - as I said - I'm being worked to death without you.

I read what you wrote about the.. judgment bird, and to be frank with you, I'm quite disappointed. I think you know better than to say such things. That coworker who went mad is nothing like you - you're different from him, aren't you? Stronger? I raised you better than to be so soft. Really, Zay, what does it matter to you what that bird thinks? One of the first things I taught you is that justice is a very idealistic thing. You know what it means to be truly fair, don't you?

Be safe. And try to think a little more about what you're doing in that place.

- Eva

Janitorial Work
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Notes to Self - 4

I don't know what the fuck that chef bastard thinks he's playing at, sticking his nose where it doesn't belong, but clearly he hasn't had the full backstreets experience if he doesn't know by now to mind his own fucking business. Triggerlicking son of a bitch thinks he's got a right to meddle in my personal life, as if what I do and who I do it with is any fucking concern of his. He's lucky that Louis lady was around - if not, they'd already be mopping his brains off the fucking walls.

All the goto in the world couldn't get me to tolerate that bastard needling me about my fucking scars as if he's the fucking boss of me, as if I'm a fucking child who doesn't know what's what. Next time, he won't be so lucky. He fucks with me again and I'll kill him, populated ass department or not.

I was having a good fucking day until he decided he wanted to get up all in my shit. Cap isn't so bad, and Igoree and Ryn are actually kind of funny even if Ryn's a fucking prude.

I want that chef bastard far, far away from me.

All's Well.
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Hello, Zayir.

I will be plain with you - I am extremely disappointed in your carelessness. I find it laughable that you of all people would caution me against divulging anything dangerous to you in these letters when this entire time, you have been running your mouth without a fear or a doubt of what it might bring upon my head. I find it laughable that you claim you care for me, that you would not know what to do if such a terrible fate befell me, when you seem entirely too happy to put me and the Association at risk with your zealous disregard for the consequences of your actions. I believed, at least a fraction, that you would have by now learned something, that you would know better - but it appears I was wrong.

Make no mistake, this hurts me more than it hurts you. I love you, I always have, and that is why I cannot allow this. There is no one, not your captain, not your coworkers, no one who understands you the way that I do, and there never will be. Allowing you to work at the Wing was a kindness, and I have given you no shortage of those in the past, but a line must be drawn, Zayir. You do not deserve the comforts you enjoy at L Corp, not when they come at a price like this. You do not deserve to live in relative peace while me and the Association - whom, I will remind you, you owe everything to - are battered by tragedy after tragedy. You do not deserve any of it, and if you had any shame at all, you would know that.

It is clear to me now that you haven't learned a thing, and I was a fool to think you had. I am exhausted with your selfishness. However, if you sincerely believe that your comfortable new life at a Wing is worth the certain death that awaits me and the rest of the Association, then so be it.

The choice is yours.

"What would you do?"

Letters Home - 8

Hey, Aunty.

I know you're pissed. I don't really have anything to say for myself other than I understand why you're mad, and you have the right to be, and I really am sorry. I won't do it again.

But I got promoted today, if you can believe it. All it took was a few of the clowns I work with fucking up astronomically, and what do you know, the manager realized how good I really am. I'm a Class V agent now, same rank as a few of my captains, and I think I'm doing well in the facility. I'm doing a good job as a Feather, proving my worth to the manager and all that jazz. I'll be better from now on, I promise. I'll be more careful, I'll do a good job, as good as I can. You were right about my coworkers, too - stupid, reckless sons of bitches, I don't even wanna talk about it. I promise I'll listen to you more from now on.

Funny how you never really realize how good you had it until it's gone. I'm sorry for taking you for granted and not listening to you and being selfish and everything you said. I promise I'll do better from now on, I know I can do it. I'll prove it to you too. I know you were only harsh on me because you love me. I love you too. I really am grateful for everything you and the Association have done for me and I promise I'll make it up to you if you just give me a chance.

Give the kids a hug for me.


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