Blake Sacks's Journal

Mushroom Hunt

Made it out alive... somehow...

I'm sittin' at my unlit fireplace, when I hear the clink of something being set on the kitchen table.  When I investigate I find an envelope with a mirror inside.  Checking it for my reflection, I find a young lass in it.  She offers me a job.  "Go get some mold." So I gather my things and my weapons and accept the job.  Somehow I get knocked out and end up on a pig bus, which drops us off at a local diner in Rachel, Nevada.

A few people hop off the bus with me and they introduced themselves as Doug, Remus and Jose.  Outside the diner there's a line of bikes.  I step in the diner thinking I could get some info about this hotel we're supposed to get the mold from.

Unfortunately, a group of bandits step in as I order my coffee and try to kill me!  Worse yet is my fellow yellow-belly team mates didn't back me up.  I managed to dust half of 'em before they got me.  Rustier than I thought I guess.

Somehow I manage to live through that.  A local father and son manage to get me to the local doc.  Get me patched up and send me on my way.  Without a trace of were the yellow bellies went, I opt'd to just go home thinking the job was a bust.

Little do I know, a few days later, Chief invites me for one of his chats.  He decides to share with me one of his secret recipes.  So I take him up on it.  Looks like this'll come in handy to finish patching myself up.


Still thankful to be here.

I think it's high time to thank the ones who pulled me out of the diner.  Possibly try to smooth things over with the local as well.  I would like to get that diner fixed up and polished to a shine.  Maybe I should consult with a professional chef to revise the menu.  It's the least I could do after getting that place shot up.

Maybe I should also get the kid a collage fund or something.  That should help as well.  I'll have to ask'em what they would like.  What if he wants to be a welder instead?

Maybe going back there isn't such a good idea.  I imagine that biker gang is not happy with me killing a number of them.  How many did I get? Six? Seven?  Maybe they'll be more the wiser for me offing half the gang in a single afternoon.  Either way, it'll show I have balls walzing back into their territory.

Tales To Be Told
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Startin' Up Business

Alright, alright, alright.  So here's the plan.  I've heard of other ranchers turning their land into a sort of resort.  Them rich city folk come out to their land, stay a few days, play at cowboy stuff, then go home.

Wonder if they would like to learn from a real, authentic cowboy that actually ran cattle back in the day.  I'm willing to bet I'm a one of a kind.  I could teach'em how to properly shoot, how to toss a lasso, how to ride a horse.  I'm sure they'll love it!

So, apparently libraries don't use those index cards much anymore.  Everyone uses these computer things to store information.  I don't know, seems like a poor idea in case things really go sideways.  All those fancy 'lectronics people have come to relay on is going to bite them in the rear one day, and they won't be ready for it I tell you.

Crois deora
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Apparently, visiting the outside world is startin' to rub off on me a bit.  I've recently gone to see a movie in color!  Did you know they make them in color now?  I didn't.  The last movie I went to see was Legacy of Kane.  Aside from the movie being in color, the story was absolute horse shit.  Why are people fishing for whale brains on some other world for everlasting life when there's things like vampires here?

Well then again, there are draw backs... A little sun allergy being one of 'em, but it's not so bad.  At any rate, I got a few guests coming over in a few days to play country.  It'll be my first dose of real city folk in a while.  I wonder how different they're going to be from the ones back in my cattle running days.  I just hope they're not all bonafide assholes. 

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Got my own monster hunter posse

Well, managed to recruit my own monster hunter posse.  They seem to have taken a liking to my ranch, but if this is to be a true relationship, I need to come clean and let them know my true nature.  It's better they find out now rather than years down the road and they start asking why I'm not aging.

Guess it's time to put my best foot forward and let them have it.  I just hope they see reason, and not the monster.  Near as I can tell, I'm already damned.  Just let me take as many monsters out of this world before it's my time.

Well, here's hoping that I can manage to make friends instead of enemies.  It's been a while since I've had to fend off a gang of vampire hunters myself.  I just hope this isn't going to be a mistake.  Please don't let it be a mistake.

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Time to get some serious fire power

After running this outfit for a bit, I think it's high time we get some fireworks, and by fireworks, I mean dynamite.  There's not a whole lot that'll withstand the force of a blast of ol'Noble's invention, TNT.  Used to be a lot easier to get your hands on before the ATF became a thing.

Hell, some people even lit it up for fun.  I knew some prospectors who had a bit too much fun with it, and lost a finger or three.  Definitely lost my share of eyebrows messing with that stuff too.

One thing is for sure, blowing stuff up never gets old.  Now, I just need to find out how to apply for the proper permits and find a proper supplier.  If that doesn't work, well I'll turn to some less than legal means.

In the world of monster huntin' it's always good to have an ace up your sleeve.

Halloween 2024

Here Lies Blake Sacks

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