Sabrina Wilcox's Journal

Diary Of A Pathetic Klutz

Inside a password-protected folder inside a password-protected folder inside a password-protected folder inside a password-protected folder on a hard drive backed up to a cloud save is a collection of text documents in inconsistent grammar detailing from a first-person perspective the misadventures of someone with a severe lack of self-confidence. Their character descriptions are left wanting and they never seem to use names, assuredly out of a desire for anonymity but likely out of a desire to ignore unimportant fragments in the stressfully-depicted situations.

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Here Lies Sabrina Wilcox

Cause of Death: (Averagecop) outcome: 8

There were a lot of things I could have done better. I have no regrets, except for maybe being too nice. Too trusting. Fuck you Trav, even though it's not your fault. Fuck you Pamala, this was definitely yours. Bradie - I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed.
I'm sorry, Vanessa. I tried my best.

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