Ean Hunt's Journal

Ean's Log

Tales To Be Told
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Since I am a contractor now, apparently a Harbringer could come to call on me at any time, so I must be prepared. I decided that I should begin learning a bit about magic and magical things. I'm no expert, but I've started. 

I also received my first Gift. The Arm of Advancement. It's a sort of arm that has computer repair tools at the end. and I have fine control over every aspect of its movement. Due to this I began looking up some combat tutorials and have started to work towards being somewhat capable. However, that will only be to defend myself, I am no combatant. I have also purchased a sturdier coat, An Aviator Jacket, In hopes that it should help defend me better than a measly hoodie.

I am quite excited at the prospect of furthering my goals and will enjoy my downtime while it lasts. 


- Ean Hunt

To Russia With Love
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Home from Hell

I finally arrived in New York.

I immediately crashed for several days. Resting from the extreme physical and mental fatigue that I endured. 

Afterwards I decided I should think about training with a firearm, so that I am more prepared for future combat encounters. I don't want to fight, but if circumstances require it, I'd rather be prepared.

I also got a gym membership, an old college buddy of mine recommended this place a while back. I need to be able to hold my own, whether that be a cord around someones neck, or a precarious rope holding up a full grown man. I need to get stronger. Physically.

I spent a bit more money on some stuff to expand my kit, I needed a new backpack and laptop since I left that in Russia. I bought a first-aid kit, toiletries kit, a new bottle. a ration pack, and a fire-starter kit. I also lost my pocket knife. I also bought a new, far more protective coat. 

I also received a new gift, this time a healing one. I find that versatility is best when you never know who you may be in contract with.

I am able to manipulate beautiful nano-tech insects that allow me to mend flesh and disinfect wounds. I hope this can let me save even one more person in the pursuit of my goal.

-Ean Hunt 


Djinn Delivery
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I Am Kinda Hungry...

I made sure to finish my game when I got back home.

I got some rest for the next couple of days to recover, It wasn't quite as bad as last time, But rest is still important.

I went back to the gym a few times, I can feel myself getting stronger it is an interesting development, I feel the need to eat more to compensate for my new muscle. 

I also have been playing some VR games to get more aquatinted with melee combat, of course it's no substitute for the real thing, it's better than risking myself in some back alley to train.

I received an upgrade for my Arm of Advancement, a hacking component. I have felt for a while now that I could do so much more with the ability to hack things quicker, or from a distance. I can't do it any further than the arm, but for now, it's okay, I will need to see how it performs next contract.

-Ean Hunt


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Another Planeride Home

I made it back home from my previous contract. I made sure to rest myself quite a bit after that. I went to the gym with my friend this time, he gave me a few pointers on how to use the gym equipment more efficiently. We worked out for a few hours and then we went out for drinks, we chatted about how we have been doing and such. It was nice catching up with him. 

My newest gift. Mag-Lev Boots. They will be able to move me much quicker, especially during combat, I hope that it can help even one more person survive. Even if that is only me...

I have done a few tests, the boots let me accelerate to vehicular speeds after a bit, it's such a cool tool that I will make full use of.

After all that, I spent some more time in that Virtual Reality game I played prior.

-Ean Hunt


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