Henry Callahan's Journal

The Drill Bit
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After the Drill Bit.


What happened after my first contract?


I managed to get a check-up, my chronic pain can't be fixed, not anymore...that shot was there for too long, I feel it, the tiny aches, needles all over my body, either i somehow meet someone who can 'magically' fix me up, or I somehow find a way to do it with technology... I don't know what to do, i just, tried to recover, get used to it all, after what happened, I'm getting some padded clothes and a Kevlar vest.

I will not get shot again, no way, not happening. I'm also planning to get more hacking gear, if, IF, i decide to keep doing these, it's better to be prepared then be dead on the street, forgotten by everyone. I will not let myself fall that far down the road, i wish to be remembered, i guess... this was a short update, not sure why I'm writing this, but better to leave some record so i don't forget it.

Devilish Designs
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After the Devilish Designs


What happened after this contract?


So, my gunshot wound is cleaned up, no major damage, just will leave a scar, that's for sure, I'm also getting some new supplies, considering i have this much money, best to find a way to use it, what I noticed is that we have to arrive to areas a lot, maybe I could get something that mitigates that need, should be a lot more useful than just, calling a taxi or renting a car… My own Car… I mean, it should be a fun ride, pretty useful outside of contracts as well.

I also began work on something, a mask, I don't want to end up in another shootout with nothing to cover my face and effectively going to jail due to having people jump on us. I'm beginning to like this guy I saw in a video game, Wrench, but I see myself as a Marcus as well, more to think about i guess, i just know i should also work on my melee skills, as well as driving…

The High Cost of Living
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After the High Cost of Living.


After Recovery and Recuperating?


Suffice it to say, it was tough, I didn't get a lot of major damage due to my vest and sleeves, but scars do remain now, guess my body will be looking like a certain Stampede's that is for certain, should I go blonde though? Another day, anyway, I managed to get some more equipment and worked on myself more, I needed some power, some more knowledge, also the thieves are gone, so the camera system has been unused for a while, gives more time for me though, that's good at least. I'm getting more guns also, a pistol won't do much at all, so something like a shotgun or rifle will be much better.

Had to call up more people, get stuff sorted out, work on projects again for more cash, but I think the patents I have along with the royalties for certain inventions is certainly keeping me up afloat, but who knows for how long?

Guest Book Getaway
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After, Guest Book Getaway


What have I been working on?


My phone is pretty good at hacking stuff, but using it in other circumstances, it's just a normal phone, that's when I decided, why not make it work like a weapon I could use? So, that's one thing, the other is simply just preparing for the next contract at this point. I did my orders, I finished my deals, I got the cash that I need to live a few more months if I don't buy anything else, but I don't feel the same spark any more for inventing as I do for these…contracts. Maybe I got addicted to the thrill of it all, who knows? What I do know is, these will not stop any time soon. So, why not prepare for the worst events that come my way… I already faced death 4 times, what is next on the list, I got no clue, I'm just hoping I can survive.

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Recovery Time?


So, after what happened, I got back home with my car and I talked to someone in California if they could repair the portraits, they were weirded out by it, but after explaining it was a 'gag' gift, they accepted the job, got it fixed, and I managed to get my finger back, thank the ones above. Anyway, I replaced my stuff, fixed up everything, and now I knew, these contracts were just going to get harder and harder, I did notice something when I got back, a letter on my desk, guess I got a new project I have to do, and I got some cash, I did have some ideas on what to mod out, maybe my phone or car… I'll think about it, having a magic car is nice, especially if it can hold all of my stuff as well in it, we will see, won't we?

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