Kroll Rebuke's Journal


"I have never seen Kroll this... energized..." -Beau Gagnon

When Kroll appeared back in his camp all his adrenaline started to fade and he checked his surroundings with a new edge. The world was renewed. He couldn't take for granted everything was as it seemed anymore or that his knowledge had any validity. 


"Maybe this is what being reborn feels like..."


Kroll leaned back against a tree next to his tent that was a little ramshackle after being left for almost 7 hrs and slid to sitting looking toward the sun rising feeling exhausted after a day of hiking and then having the most life changing event of his life... but at the same time resolute and hopeful.


"Could I actually take on the world if I were as powerful as Cicero..." 


after waking up from his nap Kroll flew into action breaking down his camp... as he did so a moment of stillness came over him and he looked down at a thick fallen branch that had been right next to where he was standing when he told Cicero "I'm in" he grabbed it and not quite sure what to make of what he had done incorporated the branch into his hiking supplies and feeling 30 years younger headed back to Makkovik at a record pace.


When he got home he called up Beau Gagnon because he wanted an extra set of hands while out shopping. Beau agreed to spend the rest of the day with Kroll and they went to the store and Kroll almost cleared the shelves of canned food and bandages and first aid supplies. Like a real prepper! He cleared the shelves of ammo for his rifle and his Juggernaut felling Pistol as well.


Beau wasn't sure what to make of Kroll's new found energy and focus. "It seems like you know an apocalypse is about to happen... but you're excited by it...?"


Kroll smiled. "I think it's to soon to explain everything Beau but lets say I have a way out of this hole I've felt for the last decade. I have hope again and a fuck ton of hard bloody work to do, and I'm going to be ready to take and suck dry every opportunity."


After lugging the last container into Kroll's house and seeing off Beau. Kroll looked around at his haul and his eyes fell upon the branch from where he teleported to his first contract... where his soul was renewed...

Kroll thought to himself 'renewed or reborn? I suppose renewed is more correct but reborn definitely sounds better... alright branch of rebirth what secrets do you have?'


Kroll picked up the branch of rebirth and felt the urge to go outside... he wandered over into the shade of a tree and looked at the setting sun and felt the stirring of supernatural forces within. He connected to the cycle of night and day felt endless cycle of day and night and then thought about the helplessness he had felt on his first contract... about how Simone had to take such a huge risk for everything to workout... Kroll consolidated the power coursing through him that had put him into a meditative state without him even realizing it... looking into the sun. He knew what he needed. He had to be able to ward off the Chaos that had threated Bazil... Poor Jim...


Kroll emerged from his trance when the sun finally set beyond the horizon. Kroll blinked furiously he eyes uncomfortably dry. Afterward Kroll would wonder why an hour and a half staring directly at the sun didn't cause permanent injury to his eyes


Then Kroll noticed what was in his lap. His 'Branch of rebirth' had been morphed into an intricate talisman necklace with a strange rope... very wooden texture yet as flexible as any normal rope... the pendant of the talisman reminded him of Celtic symbols, very intricate and detailed and Kroll could sense the power he had imbued into the reformed wood. 


"I have to be ready to survive everything that's going to happen to me... and... what I'm going to do"

He put on the Harmony Warden Talisman

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