Valentin Reznik's Journal

The Thomas Clown Affair
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🔞 Downtime
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Tales To Be Told
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Goshen here isn't so bad.

There Ricter was trying to save it but here, it wasn't ever a nice place,  but it's not fallen from law and order and run by the Sons of Salem. There's still plenty of homeless people to help,  but it's no longer in a state of anarchy. Maybe that way I can focus on ending homelessness instead of protecting the homeless. My stuff was all here as promised,  Borker was waiting as usual.  He had been well fed. I need a Harbinger who will dog sit more often. There's something different about this place though,  the supernatural isn't well known here like it was where I came from.  There's no Sons of Salem,  or OWL, or Offr, it's very different here. The Harbinger,  The Talent,  said I was going to be big here, even alluded to old friends being here. I called Dr. Starter, Lawrence, and Krissy Furbelow, there all here but seem to think they always were... something nags at me though.

Icks Book 1
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The knives are sharp. Not that I’ve had much use for them lately.

I keep them ready, though—same as the mask, the coat. Habit, I guess. They say when you let go of something long enough, it stops feeling like a part of you. That hasn’t happened yet. Maybe it never will. Maybe I don’t want it to.

I should be out there. Someone’s always dying in the dark, and I used to be the one to stop it. But I go alone now, and that’s not how it’s supposed to be. We were a team. I was never meant to hunt alone.

I walked past a missing person flyer today. Didn’t stop to read it. Didn’t want to know.

Still, I wonder. If I take another job—another Contract—will I find a reason to hunt again? Or will it just be another ghost I can’t save?

There's still the old touchstones; Borker, Laurence, Dr. Starter, even Kitt. It's been months since the surgery they funded to help me breath, yet I still have the old mask, sometimes I even put it on when I'm at home with Borker. The home they helped me find in that poor town of Goshen.

I feel more at home in this one, safer and more able to make a difference. The old one was too far gone, but it felt like it needed me more.

Maybe I need this one, this world. In that old one I kept wondering what happened to you, but here I'll never find out if something awful happened to you.


Maybe that's better...


Tome Tracker
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