Mina Patina's Journal

The xerox job
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Welding Lessons

After that last job, I decided to take a few welding lessons.  Turns out cutting open the dock doors was the right move.  It enabled the people in the building to get out.  Since I didn't get any rewards, I'm going to have to figure something else out.  Back to coaching I guess?  I wonder if my professor has learned new about Atlantis?  Probably not, it's not really his thing.

So training and coaching it is.  Managed to boost my mana pool.  That's something.  My barrier came in clutch in the last job.  It seems like it was the only thing that was taking out the fowl giant insects.  We'll see how handy it really is in the next job or so.

Nothing will deter me from finding Atlantis.  I will find it's secrets, heal my arm, and revive the lost civilizations of old.  Nothing will stop me.  Atlantis will rise again.

Beware the Assassin!
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Let’s deal with gods
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Meditation and no more stagnation

After my last contract, I decided to turn my focus internally.  A little bit of meditation never hurts.  My grimoire says the ancients spent quite a bit of time meditating.

It's been nice having my arm back.  I didn't get a chance to try out my new spell before I got my last contract.  I try to wait long sleeve shirts and a glove on that hand now.  I'd imagine a semi transparent crystalline arm complete with pulsing blood vessels and bones would creep anyone out.

People have been asking about my new arm as well.  They're amazed at the quality of the "prosthetic." Well, in a way... they're not too far off.  If they inquire about were I got it, I simply tell them I signed an NDA for something experimental, and I can't disclose anything about the project, including what it looks like.  That usually does the trick.  

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