Shizuku Morinaga's Journal

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Mission Impossible: Smell no evil
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We that is me keiko and hawk go to a local swimsuit store. we decided to choose a swimsuit for each of us and that includes hawk. 

for me I chose a simple number.

Keiko is wearing 


We are at the beach, tanning hawk is fishing.  Keiko asked me what I thought of contracts, and I just said they are a means to an end and I have no strong feelings one way or another. Keiko says she is enjoying them. and then she says but... she did enjoy being held in general.  I respond, I am open to providing more hugs,  causing Keiko to blush. Then hawk return a tiger shark, for us to cook it. I the master chef teach and tease Keiko, by nibbling her fox ears. who is now blushing and trying to keep her composure. a group of two, creepy men walk up and say "hey ladies?" looking at hawk, "Do you want to hang out and play with some real men." 

Keiko gets flustered and as she turned her lips locked with mine closed my enjoying myself. Keiko eyes open wide, and tries to back away but I stop her and continues the kiss for a bit longer. I let her go and Keiko is red faced in embarresment and now is curling up into a ball and muttering to herself. the creeps look shocked while i give them a shit eating grin and lick my lips, and hawk beats the shit out of them. I pulled gently pull keiko up cup her chin and say it's okay I don't mind at all and I kiss keiko on the lips again her eyes close. and wrap my arms around her waste and use my wings to wrap and shield her from people seeing. keiko also wrapped her arms around my neck. after hawk finished the beat down he returned watching us embrace and keiko's and my two tails are wagging he picks us up into a hug keiko squeaks. for the rest of the holidays, we hang out and did as couples do. 

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