Ever since my last contract, my senses have been heightened to supernatural levels, but it's important I understand the extent of these changes. I took a night time walk out to the edge of my property on a night with no moon, and was able to see as though it was broad daylight, I didn't trip or stumble on any brush or rocks. Yet somehow, during the day, I am not blinded by the sun. On top of that, as I was walking, I could hear the scurry of every little mouse and insect in the bushes and pinpoint exactly where they were. Between the two senses, I get the feeling it would be extremely hard for anyone to hide from me in any environment. If this is the trajectory I'm on with my gaining of these gifts, I can only imagine what I'll eventually be capable of through Gaea
The other night, I woke up around 2am feeling an inexplicable urge to go outside. Digby didn't even stop snoring in the other room as I stepped outside. It's winter and the air was crisp and dry, the night was dark and only the stars provided any light, but my enhanced senses didn't find this any hindrance to seeing my surroundings. Once outside, I felt a pull to a spot on the edge of my property at the base of one of the only true trees on the land, a large, gnarled juniper tree. I found myself compelled to begin digging at it's roots, and about 10 inches down, I found a small wooden box, inside of which was what I first thought was some sort of signet ring. Large, Golden and set with an emerald. But the more I stared into the depths of the emerald, I began to realize, this was a gift from Gaea, a ring of some power. I will need to experiment with this, but I don't doubt it will be as useful as the other gifts granted me so far.
That slimy little shit Don Toty tried to use some sort of mind control ability on me and may have gotten me killed if it had worked. He's lucky I don't have a short fuse. Never again though, never will I so easily let someone else violate the sanctuary of my mind. After returning from this last contract I spent nearly 3 days in meditation under my tree on the back part of my property communing with Gaea. As she has before, she answered my call and provided me with what I needed most. I felt her strengthening the protections around my mind in an almost indescribable way. I can't say that I have gained any new mental powers, or telepathy or anything, but I feel... Fortified. All of that being said, if he or anyone else tries that again I won't let it go with just a shove. As I will not let this planet be polluted, neither will I allow my mind to be polluted by foul energies.
I hope I never end up back in Romania, but if I do, I don't think I'm going to be such a soft target again. When I finally got home, I spent a couple of weeks healing up from where that damn guard cracked me in the jaw. If I hadn't already become more durable, that may have ended me right there. As soon as I was able to, I sat myself under the line tree at the back of my property at the foothill of the mountain range, and area I am quickly coming to view as a sacred spot to commune with Gaea. As I meditate, I felt myself being rejuvenated, but more than that I felt myself being improved. Where before Gaea has only given me physical strength, now it felt like she was promising to give me guidance and expertise to go with it. I rose and began throwing some punches at the air, and slowly felt her perfecting my strikes, the breeze moving my fist to a more ideal position, the ground adjusting my stance underneath me. I think I still have a long way to go, but I feel less like a brute than I did before.