Runa Ōkami's Journal

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Rest and reflection

Well I can't really rest, I have to eat to recover from the stress, a couple of prostitutes, gave me their best years and some fun at least.  Would that there was a better target. Eating creeps while morally better sucks, cause I have to eat them entirely until they are naught but dust in the wind. I gained a new ability, I can now turn into a black fox and I am adorable as fuck and I can still talk so that is good as well. Well I think so, I went back home to a dead forge I would have to fix the blade I had left. A shower and a quick look over my finances. I then go to bed to rest, waking up next morning, doing my calisthenics, I worked on my stealth and trained my mana control. Had breakfast, creep ala lifeforce. I bought I new burner phone, bought some human breakfast. Not that I need it but it helps remind me of my precious meagre humanity. Better work on training my stealth and and practicing what I already knew. You lose what you don't use and I don't intend to lose anything more from doing these contracts and I refuse to let this chance slip the positives outweigh the frustrating negatives. I head off to the shrine to pray to Inari for my future successes and ascendancy into her ranks.  Walking in the shrine is quite tranquil and soothing. Well when there isn't people staring. "I am just an enthusiastic inari worshipper, I tell them. I tell them that these gifts inari bestowed on me was the product of man indicating I was a modder. I am not safe if they figure out I am becoming a real kitsune. Though I  performed purification and prepared to pray and performed the requisite claps and the ringing of the bell to get inari okami sama's attention. I thanked her for my prosperity, for my new additions, I make a vow to continue to serve her as best I could. Though some guidance would be appreciated or perhaps a mission for me to perform for her. I am still a barely better than a byakko. a kuroko, but I shall strive to rank up. Maybe she'd help or let me create a new sword, a new one for the legends. For now I would even settle for delivering messages for her. I am sure she is busy though. So I finish my plea nay my vow and begin my retreat from the shrine. 

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Portrait repair

So after feeding off the local creeps that corner girls, I made my way home and dove into bed. The next day I woke up with a mission, take my portrait to a profession art restorer. I found a good one and made my way to their studio to employ their services. I asked them to restore it. Including any missing fingers, and paid them for the job. once they had finished it my hand was restored. and not a moment too soon. spending a few weeks I was training and eating, During that time some new reports would sound off every now and then looking for the creeps I eat completely. I couldn't not do that, they would recognize me and give my description to the cops, honestly who am I really hurting by removing those dead ends to human prosperity. I don't know why they keep popping up, well I can't complain about a morally neutral prey, It is better than harming innocents. Maybe I should find a more sustainable food source, capture a few creeps and then feed from them as I need, of course i would need to feed them and keep them healthy. Hmmn I'll consider it when I am stronger.  I took the painting home and put it in my personal safe. Safe and sound No issues or problems. After taking my daily random meal, I made my way to the inari shrine. I would attempt to speak with her again and hopefully she will answer. Or maybe I should search for japanese artefacts.

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Well more healing and more training.

Kami help me, I am in a right mess once again. I really need to stop being so weak. the new gift should atleast give me some leeway. Just great I am now dealing with opium cravings I should really get that looked at by a shrink. I perform my usual routine, and make my way to The shrink to discuss my issues with this painkiller, hopefully I don't have to go into too much detail. I'll just have to ommit the truth. I should be used to that now, with how much lies just slip off my tongue. 


before that I commission a staff from an occult woodworker acquintance I know, he was quite happy to fuffil my order for a staff and a fan. I had him make it useful for working onmyoudo. a few weeks went by as I spoke to my therapist about the trauma I suffered, and how I had grown addicted to pain releaf and how I had experienced more pain in the last few monthes than I knew how to cope with it. It would take me another week for me to get over it entirely. and in that time my staff and fan had been made and delivered. The workmanship was exquisite, it was a reminiscent of jrpg and fantasy anime staves. It's haft was made with the japanese yew and it's rings were made of gold and socketed with a star ruby, star sapphire, a moon stone, lapis lazuli and a diamond in the center.  The fan panels were beautiful, and it had depictions of the moon and inari, the handle had a set of vermillion tassles. Everyday I would otherwise work on training my skills and healing.

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🔞 Downtime
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Asdfk why!?

Okay this isn't going to be a long downtime I need to get started quickly. I am going to use the new gift I got. As I performed the ritual I felt like I got kicked in the gut."fuck me that hurts. How it feels to chew 5 gum."  A 16 year old kitsune girl in a simple white dress appears before me.  She looked like a miniature version of myself, "hello, Mother." Hnnng I clutch at my chest. "Yes, I am your mother as such I name you Ōkami Mai." I gave her a hug and placed her on the couch. "For now I only want you to watch TV with me, you maybe my familiar but you are my daughter first. Even if I send you out on a mission your primary objective is to survive. I'll have to figure out how to teach you other things..." Mai looks up at me with a wide smile wagging her tail her eyes gleaming. I snuggle her cause she is so cute~<3

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