Keiko Harashi's Journal

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When I got home I found I have a... Kitsune tail and it's real! Though I have to lie about it to my family which they believe me luckily. I'm kinda binjing some shows, I got some pizza, and I'm playing some games as a V-tuber. I am just waiting for the next thing but I am... thinking of getting my hands on some military gear and weapons... it wouldn't be a bad idea to be extra prepared just in case something happens... But, in any case I do hope I meet those 2 again it was... nice to have people with similar goals as to me. I'll try to get them some gear and such as well if I can but what the hell do I get a Neanderthal? I guess I'll have to figure that out sometime... well either way for military gear I should head to America because I can buy things from there pretty easily in most states I'll try to reach out to the other girl and see what she thinks.

Mission Impossible: Smell no evil
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Beach vacation

We decided to stay in Hawaii on vacation on the request of our harbinger since we completed their contract but we didn't have any bathing suits or such so we had to buy some. We all agreed to go to the nearby clothing store to get some bathing suits as we head there i began to wonder what I was gonna get and what the others were gonna get. I am gonna buy a super soft bikini with Hawaiian floral pattern that is a white base and blue floral. I walked with Shizuku Morinaga and she got a bikini as well. But now we need to find something for Huck...  We got Huck as Mini skirt and shirt... Well I didn't think this would happen. Well time to go to the beach. I speak to Shizuku about the jobs and such and confess I did like that she held me and she offered more hugs but I didn't respond. Then Huck caught a fish and we made that into sushi as I was helping Shizuku held my waist and nibbled on my ears as I barely contained myself and then some weirdos came over to mess with us as I turned around and accidently kissed Shizuku on accident and I went into a mental break down of my anxiety that was my first ever kiss and she held me in it... the creeps were shocked by this as I look up at Shizuku nervously worried to death of what may happen. Huck beats the crap out of the weirdos as Shizuku pulls me up and pulls my chin up as she hugs and says it's okay I didn't mind at all and she kisses me again in a deep kiss as my and I just hold her my arms around the back of her neck as we kiss and my tail wags excitedly as her wings embrace me I close my eyes surrendering into the kiss. I am extremely embarrassed as my face is bright red.

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