Riku Nakamura's Journal

Highway to Heaven
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Coming Back, Better be Prepared

It’s been a month since that night on the I-49, and the memory of it lingers—like a bad taste that won’t wash away. Contracts are unpredictable, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that luck only carries you so far. I survived that one by the skin of my teeth, but I’m not naive enough to think that will happen again. If I’m going to keep going, I need to be tougher, smarter, and a hell of a lot more prepared.

So, I invested in some equipment—real, solid gear. I bought body armor, the kind that’s lightweight but strong enough to stop a bullet. Survival gear, too. Stuff that could keep me alive when things go sideways. I even picked up throwing knives. Never thought I’d be the type to carry something like that, but in this world, you adapt or you die.

I’ve been training every day, pushing my limits. Running, lifting, practicing with the knives—anything to build myself up. I don’t fool myself into thinking I’m a fighter. That’s not who I am, and it never will be. But contracts aren’t forgiving, and I can’t afford to rely on charm and persuasion alone. Resilience. That’s the key. I need to be able to take the hits, roll with them, and keep going.

I’m not aiming to become a combatant. I don’t need to be a warrior, just... capable. Capable of surviving, capable of handling whatever comes next. Because this new world? It’s brutal. And if I’m going to find the answers I’m looking for, I need to make sure I’m still standing when the dust settles.

To hunt or be hunted
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The Serbian Gamble
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Heart of the Crew
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Looking for Strange

I should’ve felt relieved when they took the parasite out, right? Clean cut, no more alien influence. But that’s not how these things work, is it? I knew the moment I woke up from that surgery in Serbia that the fight wasn’t over. Sure, the parasite was removed, but it left its mark. I can still feel it—like it’s a part of me, lurking beneath the surface. I’m more in control now, though. It’s like we’re locked in this arm-wrestling match for control of my body. I push, it pulls back. For now, I’m winning.

The last month has been... interesting. I spent most of it in Serbia, handling a few financial commitments, making sure everything’s in order. But in between meetings and deals, I’ve been learning how to manage these “alterations” the parasite left behind. My body feels different, stronger in some ways. My reflexes are sharper, my stamina’s improved. It’s like every part of me has been dialed up a notch.

But I can’t ignore the fact that there’s something else going on beneath the surface. The infection did more than just make me stronger. There’s something unsettling about it, and I still don’t know what the long-term effects will be. I’m not sure I want to know. For now, I’ll take the improvements where I can get them and figure out the rest as I go.

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