The Wrangler's Journal

Deep Dives
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It's Cleanup Day!
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The Dusty Ledger

"The Job Gets Done, No Questions Asked"

While I regret sacrificin' myself without considerin' I would miss out on upgrade points from my previous game, There was nothin' I could do about it except move on. As those who only look to the past or the present, are certain to miss the future. I was grindin' exp when I saw the news about Execute messin' up a bounty on our old pal "Lornn" and got killed by a sheep. I reached out but I guess I overstepped and was blocked, I don't blame em', I actually find it quite hilarious .

Apart from that however, I saw a business opportunity. For a price, I would forget what he had did and well and offer him my gun for a job. To my surprise, he actually took my offer despite a tempting price on his head.. To his luck, I couldn't care less about those self-made sheriffs and did the job he wanted me to do. In the end, I walked out with a much bigger pay than I had bargained for and unexpected work benefits. 

BOUNTY ALERT: Welcome to Beast Pathing!
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The Dusty Ledger

"Never touch a Cowboy's hat" 

So I started off just tryin' to fix my radiation problem that I got from a job, thinkin’ I could shop my way outta it. Little did I know, the real issue was a Korean guild runnin’ experiments like some kinda Frankenstein factory. They’ve been rerunnin’ the game over and over, experimentin' on NPCs from other games for "research".  I’m sittin’ here worried about my stats, and they’re out here sellin’ overpriced items they made from cheatin' the system. 


Now, I usually stay outta these kinds of things, but when you’ve seen how much these folks have been rippin' off the people of Neo-Genis with their overpriced cures and that unkillable critter they made, well, I figured it was time someone did somethin’ about them. And since I ain’t one for keepin' anyone else's reputation squeaky clean, I figured it’d be me—and my guns would do the talkin'.

After dealin' with what they called a defense line, I found myself lookin' down the barrel at the last researcher of the guild. Poor bastard locked himself in the lab, lettin’ his machines do the dirty work. I figured I’d give him a shot at redemption, but nope—he set the place to blow. And so I sent him back to the Player hub. Thankfully I had enough time to grab a couple of research and a lab rat. That same idiot then remotely accessed the facility to let loose all sorts of horrors they were working on,

Hours later, I was featured in Neo-Genis news. Given the nickname "GlitchWalker", the man responsible for destroying the research guild and unleashing a swarm of "GlitchRat". No sweat off my back though—I’m cured and got myself a nice little sidekick: Steward Biggle.

Say Hi Steward


The Grave of Skibidi Rizz
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