Soppy's Journal

Squirtle Squirtle!

BOUNTY ALERT: Welcome to Beast Pathing!
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Soppy, the bounty hunter

Waking one morning in his comfy aquatic den, Soppy sprouts an idea. An idea fueled by the confidence he gained from his first quest.

'Maybe I can use my abilities to help others!' He proclaimed to himself.

So with nothing but the shell on his back, he ventured forth, wandering far from his pond. After much walking, he stumbled upon an odd jungle shrouded in autumn colors. There he met a powerful warrior, The Ashen One

'What shiny skin you have, and such big hands?' He thought while looking at their armor and shields.

The warrior offered to help Soppy venture into what they called The Babylon Jungle, but not too far in the two decided to pick flowers instead, the jungle was far too dangerous for the little squirtle. They went to the warrior's home, the Ashen One shown Soppy their flowers, and they had tea. It was a lovely time.

'Hmm, I still need help someone in need, after all it's why I left my pond.' He remembered.

Soppy expressed his interest to help others to the warrior, though they had little idea what they were saying to each other, but the general intentions were clear. They headed back to Beast Pathing to a small town of Christmas. There, Soppy got introduced to their sheriff who wanted a particular crow behind bars, and a sheep farmer who lost their prize sheep. 

'Finally someone in need! It's time to be a hero!' 

The Ashen One knew of someone else who could help, a local named The Wrangler, who could help lead the way. Together, the three set off to find the petty criminal known as Herbert Moon. They found his cabin and Soppy drawn him out by spitting water down his chimney, soaking whatever was cooking instead. When Herbert came out, Soppy used Water Gun and blasted his leg clean off, a moment after the missing sheep also came out. Soppy tamed the sheep and The Ashen One took care of Herbert. 

Returning to Christmas, they returned the sheep and some stolen good, as well as putting Herbert Moon behind bars. The sheep farmer gave Soppy a wonderful wool blanket made from the prized sheep's wool. 

'Wow, this is so soft!'

He returned home, the sun was setting and Soppy was tuckered out from a day of heroism. He cuddled up in his new wool blanket, and quickly slipped into a comfortable slumber. Excited for what tomorrow would hold.

Herbert Moon escaped jail as soon as Soppy and the warrior left, he is still at large to this day.

Benny's Feeling Crunchy
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Joining The Crimson Flame Guild

During a morning of swimming in his pond, hunting for fish to eat, Soppy gets visitors. Two people who take a dip in his pond, Soppy decides to hide and overhears their conversation. They spoke a group who idolize self-improvement, honor and combat, however this place is locked between a tundra and magma field.

'Huh, I like honor, and I always want to be better. I must find this group!' He thought to himself as the two strangers left. He grabbed a fish for the road and headed off to find this guild.

After some walking on his short legs he reached the edge of the GENIS, where he found a post with various signs, Soppy had a hard time reading them, but one with the word “Fields” seemed promising. He wandered and wandered, he felt he may have missed it with how far he traveled. Wishing to get a better perspective he climbed a hill, where on the top he found where he needed to be, the Dueling Fields. This place seemed more dangerous than he once thought, but Soppy pushed down his doubts and marched forward, going into the magma side of the field.

“Ouch, my feet!” He said to himself, as he walked on the hot rocks below, spitting water on them provided minimal relief. He saw flaming foxes, pools of lava and spires of molten rock on his way to the middle. After braving the intense heat, he made his way to a circular plain of green grass, where a building stood. After eating some flowers he found, he knocked on the buildings' door, where he was greeted by a tall man named Sora. Soppy expressed his interest in the guild, "Squirtle squirtle!"

Sora invited Soppy in where he saw the expanse of the guilds' dojo, as well as meeting an odd stranger who seemed disinterested in Soppy's presence. Sora came to Soppy with a red staff, which he used in an initiation ritual. Sora announced the guilds values and asked Soppy to place his hand on the orb, then to sear a pledge to uphold the guilds values. 

“I Soppy, swear on my honor, and on the purity of water that I protect, to uphold the values of this guild!” Soppy said as flames wrapped around his head and then vanished. Soppy is now a member of the Crimson Flame Guild. With the facilities now open to Soppy, he wasted no time to begin training, mostly by doing laps around the building, working on his speed. After hours of training, Soppy treated himself to hot springs, proud that he has taken a big step in his journey to becoming a hero.

Spring Cleaning
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The First Step

It still hurt, his hand. Soppy couldn't keep his eyes off his wrist, lined with a faint scare where it was detached for a moment that day.

'What now…' He pondered to himself. He couldn't let this stop him from his goal, it haunted his mind but less and less every day. One night, his looked at his hand and a sudden spike of anger over took him, and he punched the air. The rage faded as fast as it manifested, leaving behind a new drive. In the morning, he left for the Dueling Plains.

Soppy barged into the Crimson Flame Guild, heading to one of the dummies and began to bite, scratch, punch, and headbutt the wooden figure. After a few hours of practice with brief rests, he felt like this was enough, he needed something else. He stormed outside, locating a large boulder, he began to punch it, then again, and again. His knuckles were bloody, the rock stood tall. 

'I need to get stronger, how am I supposed to be a hero if I stay this weak… No.' He thought to himself.

His breathing quicken and his brow raised as he started to punch again, until he unleashed one blow that cracked the boulder in two. He did it, he's on his way to becoming stronger. Though he was far from finished, he needed to move forward, at all costs.

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Soppy hits the Books

The memories of his last quest lingered in Soppy's mind. If he could read, things would have gone better. 

'How do I read? How do I write? It seems everyone knows how but me.' He pondered. Soppy was pacing his den, sing his mind harder than usual.

He needed a way to learn, but someone needs to understand him first. That’s when it came to him, someone does understand him, Sora the leader of the Crimson Flame Guild. Soppy looks up to a lot of people in that group, but he doesn't know them well. They don't know Soppy much either, doesn't help Soppy can't communicate well.

But he had to try. Maybe he could even make a greeting card!

Venturing to the guild, going past the mountain with the sickening snow, Soppy helped make. Luckily, Sora was there, and Soppy explained his goals. Sora was more than willing to help, and so for the next few hours Sora tried to teach Soppy to read and write, while Soppy designed a draft for his card. Soppy came back the next day to continue his lessons, though he wasn't making as much progress as he'd hoped. 

In between a lesson, Soppy expressed his doubts in his intelligence, how he feels like a detriment because of his limitations. Sora listened and told Soppy that clinging on to these thoughts would do more harm than good. He said failure is normal and that Soppy should learn from it, and always strive to be better. These words reached Soppy, he was right. 

Though Soppy has yet to learn to read and write, progress, is progress.


Soppy's Card

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What? Soppy is Evolving!

Early one evening, Soppy was at his pond, exercising by lifting rocks. However, these rocks were new, they were more metallic, rusty even. The one he was lifting had an odd carved stone strapped to it with old leather straps. An idea formed in Soppy's mind, and he collected all of these new odd rocks, building them up into a Golett! The fellow Pokémon sparked to life once the final stone was placed. 

It started to walk away, but turned back every so often to look at Soppy, he decided to follow it. The walk was long, very, very long, Soppy was getting tired and hungry. Eventually the Golett led him to a grand ancient ruin, the walls lined with depictions of knights, and icons of shields. Inside there were more of these odd stones the Golett was made out of, but much, much bigger. The sun was setting, and the ruins were getting darker, the only source of light was the one emitted by Soppy's new friend. 

Deeper into the ruins was a campfire, sitting around it was a large man in stone like armor. He was kind, offering Soppy food, he was also not too bright, just like Soppy. The Golett knew this man, who introduced himself as Green. They all seemed to share a goal of fixing up the large creature in the main room. They needed the main core of the creature. 

Green led the trio to an area outside the ruin, an expansive field with more stone ruins. The carvings shown more knights, and symbols of shields, groups of warriors fighting off threats. Then one symbol of a large eye surrounded by smaller eyes. Green told Soppy of groups of people who dedicate their lives to protect others, this resonated with Soppy.

Suddenly they heard yelling and running. Down the hill from them, a group of soldiers in black armored with golden accents are seen chasing a large red bug. Soppy seen this creature who kept yelling “Kindred!” was in danger, Soppy had to step in. The trio rushed down the hill, and just as a spear was about to pierce the bug, Soppy jumped and bite the spear in half. A fight ensued with Soppy, Green, Golett, and these five soldiers. The battle was long and hard, Soppy and his friend suffered some injuries, but the soldiers were no match for them. 

After the dust settled, Soppy approached the red bug, it was holding a stone. He calmed the bug down and traded another stone with it. After that, the three went back to the ruins and rebuilt the creature that ended up being a Golurk. Green thanked Soppy for the help rebuilding him. Suddenly, Soppy's body was enveloped in light, their form grew and changed, then there stood, a wartortle, Soppy's new form!

A moment after the evolution the red bug returned with foot as thanks for the help, Soppy, Green, Golett, Golurk, and the Kindred of Rot shared a meal around a warm fire. Soppy made some new friends, and gained a new form, another grand step in his journey to becoming a great hero…

Ashes to ashes
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The WaterSlinger

During his last quest Soppy and The Wrangler had some small talk about Beast Pathing, and a town in danger was mentioned, a plague of sorts, their current quest just reminded him of it. Wrangler planned for Soppy to meet him in Christmas for the guy who could fix his hand, however Soppy had an idea. Perhaps if he arrived a day or so early he could take care of this town he mentioned, Armadillo, Soppy thinks it was called.

Thinking this really was a sickness, he wanted to find a place which may have someone who is more versed in medicine. So he located a clinic in one of the more developed settlements in Beast Pathing. There he discovered this sickness is related to bad water, luckily for Soppy he is good with water. Along with that, he borrowed the angelic doctor's pen and notepad so Soppy could communicate.

After that he left for the train to travel to the nearest town, to Armadillo, known as Ashlydale, where he got a map of the area. He then got a ride from a local foreman to Armadillo, though it was for free, Soppy paid him for his services anyway. From there, he started his investigation with the sheriff of the town, investigating the well and the tracks that were being built nearby. He interviewed the foremen and a worker, who Soppy gave clean water to for him and his family. After a long day he went to the Inn to rest, but they were serving the sick water with their food, Soppy didn't stand for that, so he produced enough clean water so that the entire town could have good water for the night.

In the morning, he headed off to a nearby ranch that the locals mentioned were not fond of the new rails being built. There he met the ranch's owner, a kind woman, and a man named John, a farmhand. During his interview of the lady, John kept a close eye on Soppy. Apparently this ranch had clean water from a nearby city, and gave some to the town's Inn, however Soppy was there, there wasn't any good water. This was an odd Soppy thought, so he pressed John later for some answers, but not fully accusing him of anything. Apparently John was told the railways would go straight through their ranch, this wasn't true, cause Soppy's map shows the rails going around the ranch. Yet, he made the ranch owner believe that.

John was terrible at hiding his lies.

Soppy confronted the lady again, asking to speak inside, where he began to explain what he knew, and how John was lying about a lot of things going on around here. She didn't quite believe Soppy, after John was basically family, but he decided to talk to him regardless. Soppy left so they could talk outside, but he moved slow in case anything were to happen, and something did indeed happen.

John grabbed her, pointing a gun to her head, he knew Soppy was still around, and that his lies were finally exposed. Soppy began to try to deescalate the situation with John. Apparently, the voices of god told him to do all this, Soppy knew this man was sick and he needed help. After failing to disarm him once, he pointed the gun at Soppy. The voices kept telling him to do things, but then Soppy wrote to him on his notepad "What does John think."

John didn't want this, none of this. In a moment of weakness, he aimed the gun at his own head, but Soppy was quick to act and used Water Gun to fire the gun out of his hand. After a moment he dropped to his knees and started to cry, the lady thanked Soppy, but Soppy was focused on getting John the help.

After it was all said and done, John was sent away to get the help he required, the town was cured of the sickness that john inflicted, and the railways were built. Soppy was award deputy of Armadillo. Soppy, despite his mental and physical limitations, he proved himself a hero to the people of Armadillo and the surrounding area. 

On this day he became Soppy, The Waterslinger.

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