Cassiopeia Sonelios's Journal

The Book of Prophecy

Grand Theft Grandma
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Maybe it wasn't a dream.

There were a lot of things left over from the little excursion, and I think I've known for a while now that there's no way my head could've conjured all these new faces. 

A pamphlet, a tooth, a link to a podcast, and even a picture of a three foot tall chipmunk on my phone---in a way I'm relieved that it was all real because I had so much fun there. I didn't wake up with any desolate realization that it could never have happened. It wasn't a foreboding message from the gods above, and I can have a new power now. 

I just need to find out how this all happened.

So, when the internet came up blank, I went to the library and started reading up on video games and records of dreamlike experiences. It hasn't gotten me very far yet but at least I'm getting better at researching and filtering out irrelevant material. A chemist friend of mine always stressed how important it was to at least know a little more about science if I want to know how the world works.

Not that it seems the area I looked into was relevant at all. If anything, turning to mythology and the occult might be a better idea next time. 

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