Lucan Morvayn's Journal

Frozen Sawlid
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Aftermath of the tundra: A Brilliant Discovery!

After my rather chilling experience in the Syberian tundra, I resumed my day-to-day work at the church. I was doing a routine cleaning of some of the runes of the ruin under the church when something cought my eye. In the corner of my eye, I spotted a small silvery shimmer of kind of object, illuminated by a slight glow, as if it was calling to me! I rushed over and carefully dug the object out of the ground, revealing a small silver ring. I dusted the ring off to find it covered in the same runes and inscriptions that lined the structure around me. Carefully, I slipped the ring onto my finger, and was shocked at how well it fit. It was like the ring had been fitted to my finger! As I equipped the ring, I felt that I had an intuitive understanding that the ring could be used to make form a protective barrier around anyone touched by it. I believe that this discovery will be extremely useful in the fututre.

Where's my Water?
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Cooling off

After my escapade in the desert, I took some time to cool off and collect my thoughts. I tried my best to go about my days normally, but something wasn't the same. Why did I keep getting trasported to these bizarre situations? How was I getting there? I had many more questions than answers. I looked through some of the books within my church's library trying to find something that could explain what was happening, but I found nothing. In the midst of this, I recieved a package in the mail. Within it was a coat like no other I had seen before. The fabric was mystifing, a black weave of a fabric I'd never seen before.  I figured whoever or whatever was sending me on these missions had sent it as a reward .I decided to put the coat on, and to my suprise it fit perfectly. Apon donning the coat, I felt myself more agile than normal. Something about the coat allowed me to dash forth with a supernatural speed, almost instantly dashing nearly 60 feet forwards. I suppose if this is the reward for my troubles, maybe it's best I don't question where they come from.

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