Pleasure's Journal


Gaining a Contract from an unlikely source

June 13th

So I haven't been doing this for a while so hopefully my Latin is still ok.  I was working on a few financial gigs until I walked to my room to get something.  Little did I know, I was going to be pulled into another location let alone another state by another force.  I was wondering if *Name unrecognizable to others* was calling me back to the Hells but apparently, there was someone else offering me a very good deal by the name of Simon.  I didn't believe what he was saying until he pulled something from a Hell portal for me...then i was interested.  He handed me a pendant which i was unable to tell what it did, but I would soon find out.


June 15th

Me and a few other Contracters were called in to see about going to Denver to pick up some meal for Simon.  We thought this was going to be easy until it came to be that the place we wanted to get into was the Mexican Consulate building and that the Mexican President was there for a large scale event.  We were able to barely get the food for Simon back to the hotel with a few distractions (some more annoying as now I am a little more noticed).  We were able to give the meal to Simon and were then able to head back to our respective homes to figure out more of our 'powers'.



🔞 Downtime
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Babysitting the sitter?

I am writing this in the hospital so forgive the sloppy writing.  So we were given another job by Simon but apparently we were dragged from our homes in our sleep all the way over to Japan!  We ended up in Luna's bedroom after her mother had left her to be watched by her babysitter.  Jason wanted us to help watch after Luna's babysitter for some crazy bet he had going on.  He left after giving us a few mundane items and then the babysitter came up to the apartment so the rest of us hid in Luna's parents bedroom.  We weren't able to hear much until they had left to go downstairs to a small store to get some rice and other things.  The rest of us had split up briefly with Nik keeping an eye on the apartment, Sergeres following far behind to see what the sitter did and I kept an eye from the hallway...things seemed very odd as I noticed that there was no one in the streets of Japan which seemed very strange.

After a while, they came back upstairs and we saw a maintenance worker come up to announce the power was going to be cycling so we would be dealing with a brief blackout.  After the worker left, i saw them leave the building and then suddenly vanish after leaving a few feet from the entrance.  The power went out and then suddenly a strange man came up to the front door of Luna's home.  I intervened and was shot suddenly for my investigation.  I tried to stop this being from entering the room but after getting shot again with some damn shotgun, everything went...dark.

After a while, I woke up suddenly in Hell...Thankfully I didn't die.  Simon had apparently sent me to one of the hospitals in the Gluttony ring and I have been spending some time recovering.


Recovered in Hell

So I have spent some time in the Sloth Ring's hospital to recover the rest of the time after the previous contract. After leaving and discovering my new abilities, I was able to try out my new summoning ability which had allowed me to summon three weaker imps to do my bidding. Skarlo seemed to be from the Wrath ring showing off some of his rugged combat skills. Vexar was from the Envy ring and displayed quite a bit of cunning and knife play.  Then there was Raskol who is a fellow Greed ring demon who probably would have taken after my father very easily.

After trying out the new summoning, we made our way to the center of Hell to get to the portal back to the living world.  I had to speak with my patron once more to get back and thankfully they were lenient on me going through again as long as I did as he wished.  It took me a while to also discuss with my apartment head to allow my 'companions' to live with me but was successful in doing so.  I spent a few days doing some more social media posts but had some bad luck trying to get more followers...Hopefully they'll buy the whole thing that i'm just a 'goat' or something stupid like that.

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Another day another bit of torture

So after dealing with the Maikendo game, I started doing a little bit of research into it and this whole Neo Genis system but was unable to really find anything useful.  Strangely enough, after launching the system I noticed that some of my companions I've worked with on Contracts were already in the game and added in my type of 'friends list'.  I have no idea how it works but I assume it has something to do with the Harbinger Simon and his other 'friends' that we don't know about.

I spent some time taking a few classes to start being a broker of sorts so I can actually work in the mortal world with actual finances without getting in trouble with the law.  It was pretty expensive to actually take the classes but sadly I ended up not passing.  I'll have to do some more studying and save up a bit more before i can hopefully try to take the next class in a few weeks.


So my Socials have been finally increasing a little bit more.  People do seem to think things are getting a bit calmer with me not looking like a freak but more likely some weird costume or a goat.  I'll be sharing more around including my more...exclusive clients.  Sometimes I tend to wake up in bed a bit sore or somewhere else in the state but something feels...right about it.

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