Dr. William Wallace's Journal

A Doctor's Notes

Whistle While You Work

A Doctor's Notes

Dr. William Wallace, D.O. 
Confidential Therapist Notes on date |Redacted| location |Redacted|

Accepted a new part-time position today. Had to reschedule Mrs. A but she should be able to schedule with Dr. Tompson. 

Part-time position will have me taking on travel jobs once a month. Possibly to dangerous locale and/or with dangerous people. Will need to assess what may need to be added to my toolkit for this. Fire-arm defense classes may be needed as well.

Encountered three co-workers during first job for part-time position. Will refer to as S, Q, and P ongoing.

Successfully completed first job, albeit with injury to myself and S. P provided medical care and Q provided a place to rest. Additionally, Q helped set up remote toolkit so that the remainder of patient appointments for the week could be carried out as scheduled.

(See notes in patient files for remote appointments taken. Will need to schedule medication appointments for Mr. B and will need to follow up on self-defense clinics for A.S. and L.W.)

Coworker Notes

S: Worryingly young for what they are doing and seeing. Will want to follow up with Q on family/home situation and consider contacting the appropriate social services. Does seem fairly well-adjusted for the situations that are implied by conversations so far, although not well-nourished. Can consider setting up meal plans in coordination with S. Goals at this time: Help with independence, help with nourishment, help with adjustment to society.

Q: Typically British in several senses, does not see need for mental health services despite being an Armed Forces veteran. Has resources should they choose to use them, has a good sense of how to use those resources to help others. Could be a resource for setting up mental health services in the UK. Can consider journaling as an initial step. Goals: Understanding personal goals further, help with mental health.

P: Occasional memory issues and/or lack of judgment; will need more time spent to fully understand. A stronger nature person than people person. Could be a good resource for setting up nature-based mental health services. Could consider linking them to local Girl Scout organizations; would avoid linking them to schools and/or Boy Scouts. Can consider meditation and mindfulness. Goals: Understanding personal goals further, help with slowing down and focusing.

Session Notes

Encountered what may be a group that we will need to encounter again in the future. Found them to be unwilling to be encountered, without hostility being directed at us. Unlikely to have potential of integrating into their group in order to learn more. Will need to further understand the implications of what we did and the immediate after-effects. Will need to speak with P to understand the importance of how and why to continue in specific ways. Best to avoid traditional channels as well as speaking with law enforcement.


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