Jacob Cruz's Journal

Confessions of a Penitent Soul

Documentation isn't a foreign subject to me. I figured I should keep track of my thoughts to... clear my mind. A lot's happened and I fear that I am a man living on borrowed time. Should anyone happen to find this, I implore you: take the information I've gathered and finish what I've started. Tell my parents that I love them. I did what I had to, and now I have sins to atone for.

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Ghosts from the Past

Tina Wells, Matthew Perkins, Sanya Petrov, & Lauren Hughes. Names that I've tried to forget for years now. I don't know how that godforsaken clown knew about those cases.

The first case I worked on was quite nearly open & shut. Only problem was that their gun, upon inspection, wasn't loaded & couldn't have been used. People were scared & wanted answers. The suspect claimed that the victim was attacked by a werewolf, but the higher ups wanted a more... palatable explanation. Told me that "fixing" the case would earn me a healthy bonus.  Student loans were taking a toll, so I took the bait. Younger me was foolish & didn't realize that I played right into their hands.

On my one attempt to whistleblow out of shame, I received an unmarked letter that had my parents' address, as well as a simple explanation that my involvement would lead to a lengthy jail sentence with little to no repercussions for the Centre. I was a scapegoat; they wanted me to know that I had little choice but to do as they said.

They coerced me into "fixing" other cases: finding bullet casings that were somehow 'missed' on first inspection, a DNA sample found in a compromising location, blood work that conveniently places the suspect at the scene of the crime, fingerprints on the murder weapon.

For those 30 cases I've fixed & for my continued silence, I was paid my 30 pieces of silver; more than enough to pay back my student loans, fund my parents' retirement, & pay off most of my mortgage. I was set up for a comfortable life, but I wasn't free. I have a chance to pay my dues now, albeit a slim one.

I've still got some old files from those cases that have some names I can investigate. Tina Wells was the first one I've worked on, so it only feels right to start there. CSI team, the judge, arresting officers? I'll see what I can find out discreetly first. Anything I find out will be put in here. To those who find this, I wish you luck and hope you use this information wisely.

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Missteps and a Rocky Start

Decided to take a risk a few days ago. I figured that I was relatively safe since it's been a few years and I didn't notice anyone following me since at least a year ago, so I wanted to talk to an investigative reporter. Looked online for any promising candidates and came across a woman named Cara Chau. Small-time freelance reporter with a clean background.

I sent her a few emails from a newly made address, asking to meet her at a cafe to exchange information about some of the tampered cases. I didn't drive my car and took a taxi instead. I figured that it would've been relatively safe considering how long it's been since my last attempt. I was sorely mistaken.

I can't believe I was so careless! Of course they were still following me! They sent a photo of our conversation to me. I tried to remember if there was anybody that could've taken it from that angle, and I think it was a plain looking man with a beard and brownish hair, sitting at one of the nearby tables. I could easily be mistaken; I wasn't as focused on our surroundings as I would've liked. I tried to reverse search the phone number but it kept giving me these strange area codes.

I jeopardized an innocent woman's wellbeing, and I ended up putting the Centre on high alert.

I should have warned her about what exactly she was getting into, and how dangerous it was.

I should have kept the conversation over the phone.

I should have scoped out the location beforehand.

...I shouldn't have taken that bribe in the first place.

Sigh, I'm glad Cara's safe, at least. She still has the copies of the documents I shared with her, so maybe she can work on those somehow. I told her not to publish that article though.

They were tracking me. Not through tails, but it was as if they knew my location at the time. I checked my condo for any sort of bugs, but couldn't find anything. My next thought was that they were tracking me through one of my belongings.


No use dwelling on that now. I'm going to keep it off my person except for an established "routine" that involves travelling to work and doing errands. For the rest of the time, it'll be kept at home.

I didn't want to have to do this, but I've been thinking: the reason why I reached out in the first place was to get someone who could work this thing from the outside. Maybe Jacob Cruz has to... disappear.

I've been thinking of methods that'll raise the least amount of questions. I wanted to stage some sort of accident, maybe getting lost on a hike or something along those lines, but that'll prompt a search and rescue, or at the very least an investigation.

It would have to be... deliberate. Preparations need to be made.

I've been writing the note for my parents already. Not that challenging to make it, but... I'll never be able to see them again. It'll break their hearts, too. At least they'll be safe. I can raise further questions about the Centre regarding the motivation of my death.

I've got some spare cash that I've tried to stockpile from the bribe money I've gotten from the tampered cases, maybe a few thousand. Wouldn't last me a month, unless I didn't need to eat, drink, or sleep anywhere remotely comfortable. Not that I deserve those things. Money is still a necessity if I want to make any moves against the Centre.

Maybe some of the other contractors I'll meet or have met can provide guidance. I doubt that Zeph would understand the scope of my situation, but they supposedly have experience living on the run. I think. I don't know what they meant by "running away," to be frank.

No time to dwell on that. I need to prepare.

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Every time I go out to a crime scene, I need to calm myself beforehand.

Inhale for 2 counts, hold for 4, exhale for 4 counts.

Rinse and repeat. Twice, three times. Add a fourth for good measure.

Had to stop working on autopsies. Corpses... became unpleasant to deal with.

I needed an outlet. A distraction from what I've seen.

Minecraft seemed like a good idea. A temporary fix. Never played before, but figured some things out quickly before I sent Zeph a friend request.

It's been... fun. We got to talk a bit more. Got to explain myself. He understands my situation's complicated; that's all I can ask for.

Turns out Minecraft is incredibly secure. Chat logs get deleted every logoff, so communicating through it is much safer.

If I waited 1 more month before making contact things would have been so much smoother

No, I can't dwell on that. I need to focus on what I can do now.

Tried talking to Cara about setting up connections through Minecraft. Didn't go too well, but got a friend request from her account I think? Been inactive since that day...

That hit from the monster really fazed me. Things always seemed to ignore me and go for other targets, but this one was only after me. I can't rely on them ignoring me anymore.

Heard that hitting the gym was good for the brain, too. Endorphins and stuff. Gym memberships look pretty pricey, so I'll stick to some bodyweight stuff at home in addition to my runs.

Tale As Old As Time
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