The doctours sayd they did a lot to mayke my skjn better after i had a very log sleep, but they culdnt mayke all of it the same agen. A lot of it is Scar Tissew (lieke that mean lion man in Lion King) which they say is tuffer but it doesnt look vry nice. One of the doctours told me that it wood be better when im older but until then they want me to talk a lot to Dr Kojima They sayd he is a sykaiatrist but he sayd to just call him Hideki.
Karyn told me she wood riip all of my skin and feed me Cigarette Stew if i told him what hapenned so i sayd i didnt wanna talk abowt it He sayd that was okay and unstandible but that i shood try to right abowt it if i can He sayd it mite mayke me feel better so i tryed it owt
It didnt mayke me better. It mayde me fink abowt it a lot and mayde me feel bad
Karyn sayd i neaded to give it to her befour he cood sea it so i gayve it to her and she readed it and laffed at me and called me stewpid and rolled it up and smoked it and said Packwatch
She kept going until and being very mean until i cryed and then she put my tears in a lil botel and sayd she wood do me a favur and pass it on for me and mayde me say thank you nice Karyn lady.
She passt it on but i think she put a bunch of weird stuff in their becus Hideki told me that Menopause was a natral part of lyfe that chainjes evry1 diffrenly and that evrythin will be ok if i lern to manage it Hes not hellping me a lot anemoor
I wish i cood jus fassforwood to wen i look normal agen Evryone in the word my age looks at me like im Feddy Fazbore and all the adults stare at me and ask me questuns that mayke me feel bad The onle peeple hoo where nice to me where the doctours and now they act weerd becus of Karyn
Im gonna eat her heart
Oh and the offr Grown-Up hoo ate Worm Sandwitches with me visted He taked me to the gun rainge and helped me lern how to shoot That was cool
Mean Karyn lady seys i have a job soon so that shud help Maybe this time peeple wont get hurt becus of me