Hope's Journal

Renter's Insurance

first encounter with evil

Translated from an unknown hieroglyphic language not native to Earth:


today i met angels! they didnt look like the angels in my world with beautiful calls and big white bodies and gold on them. well maybe gold on [No direct translation; closest analogue is potentially "eye of storm". Further uses of this phrase will be translated as "Eye of Storm".]? hard to tell. they were strange and beautiful. Eye of Storm showed us a big building with lots of small rooms inside, not like anything ive seen before. there was a big pond with lots of people in it, people with all different colors of skin! and i met people called "humans". [this word seems to have been spelled phonetically; future phonetic spellings will be marked [phon.].] im not like humans or the people at the "apartment complex". their bodies are soft, and mine is hard. they have different faces, but only one face per person, and no wings or lights inside them! the human named Harriet[phon.] told me that there were other humans that would take me away and lock me up like she was.

i believed her but i didnt know how bad they really were.

the darkness at home is bad, but it's not bad on purpose. it's just animals and plants that hurt us. they dont know any better. theyre not evil.

i think those humans were evil. i didnt know

i dont like them.

they hurt the people at the apartments on purpose. they hurt Eye of Storm and Vigilance on purpose. they killed the people there on purpose.

ive never been so mad before. i wanted them to hurt just like they hurt Eye of Storm and Vigilance. i wanted them to know what they did and feel sorry for it but really REALLY know by hurting too. i think

i think i hated them. i think i hate the other ones like them. the ones that hurt Harriet.

i dont like this world. i don't like that theres evil people here. it makes me want to cry and cry and cry like Vigilance did when we found it. i want to go home.


New Home

Translated from an unknown hieroglyphic language not native to Earth:


Antonys [phon.] place is nice. its big and warm and its in a forest thats a little like the rainy woods but has more types of trees. lots of the same types of trees as the rainy woods though! Antony says that theyre called conifers and that means they give off cones to spread their seeds! i like the cones they come in lots of different shapes and sizes and some of them are even a little soft. Antony showed me that the seeds inside can be roasted and eaten and theyre very tasty.

Antony taught me how to use Sentinel. Sentinel is what i named the knife i got from the Foundation people that was set afire by Eye of Storm. its not hard to just slash and stab but theres a lot of stuff like how to move my body that i didnt know before that he taught me.

i dont like using Sentinel. i dont want to hurt people. but its good to know how to use it so i can defend myself, and Antony agrees with me. using it to help others would be okay but i still dont like it. i dont like it when others hurt. but i dont like when others make others hurt even more? it makes my head hurt and my Flame also aches for some reason.

Antony also taught me what hot cocoa is!! it is the best thing in the whole world except for Harriet [phon.]. Harriet hugs like hot cocoa tastes.

To Be or Not To Be
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talking about scary things

Translated from an unknown hieroglyphic language not native to Earth:

ive been very sad since the last contract. sad and scared. watching Harriet get hurt was really really scary and i dont want to lose her. i dont want to watch her die like we had to watch acai die. i dont want to not be able to save her. but anthony noticed i was sad and asked a friend to help me by talking to me about the stuff that makes me scared. he asked me a lot of weird questions about where im from and whether ive been able to play with human kids. ive been able to play with kids like me! children of the light! but why would i have been able to play with human kids? im not human and the foundation is after me. but he said that i could call him if i ever needed to talk about the things that scare me.

i wanna. it hurts to keep the fear bottled up.

i got to hear from Harriet! she can talk to me in my head now! we talked about her getting hurt and we promised to protect each other. and she wants to be my mom!! she asked if i want to be her kid and i said yes!! and she started reading me stories before i go to sleep. i used to go to sleep whenever i want but i make sure to go to bed at the same time now so she knows when to read me a story. and im making a cape to match the little girl from the very first story! i cant wait to show her.

This Cheese is Perfectly Legal
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hope's terrible horrible no good very bad day

Translated from an unknown hieroglyphic language not native to Earth:

every time i think that i cant hate the Foundation more i am surprised by them being even worse than i thought.

Donna Lavaz- she lets me call her Miss Frankie and i love it and Dolly says anyone else calling her that would get shot- was really good to me while i was in San Francisco. she had me heal some people and i liked being able to do it even if its painful because i want to help people. and its good practice for helping my friends!

i also learned how to make myself look human! and healing people means i got a really good look at what the inside of a human is like so it helps me sound and feel human too. i cant figure out the smell part though. maybe thats why that dog was growling at me at the checkpoint. i dont know if i like dogs.

the checkpoint was awful

[there is an attempt at writing following this declaration, but much of it is illegible, as it has been scratched out.]


i dont want to talk about it.

i missed Antony so much and im so glad to be home. Dolly says that ill have to go back to San Francisco next month to help Miss Frankie. i hope that we dont have to go through another checkpoint.

i miss Mom too. i hope shes okay. its only been a couple days but things can go really wrong in a couple days. i hope we can talk again soon. and hug soon. Antony gives really good hugs but theyre not hugs from Mom.

The House that Bleeds
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living with my therapist

Mom contacted me and said that the Foundation could track her moth communication power. it was really scary, but Antony made sure id be okay and sent me to live with my therapist for a while! he lives in an apartment in a reeaaaaally tall building, and his apartment is so high that i could see the entire city! i had to wear my human face a lot if i wanted to be outside my room, but Doctor Ambros [phon.] made sure my room is protected so i can look myself in there. its boring and a bit lonely without Antony around, and not being able to hear from Mom, but im learning a lot from the workbooks that Doctor Ambros gave me, and its not so bad. ive had a lot of time to knit! i made a cape thats green and has a tree on the back because Mom said one of her powers works with a tree and it reminds me of her.

Every Door is a Wound
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