Sarah "Bunny" Brok's Journal

Calm Crumbs
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Realizations and Discoveries

So, I learned a few things. The most surprising is that the weird guy was right, I did figure out something useful, and learning that led to more realizations.


What I learned this time is how to use animal abilities without becoming them, and even better I figured out how to hide the changes. Sure, the usual things people think of like claws, sharp teeth, tough skin, and running faster, but the weird one is picking an environment. I wanted to explore the sewers and storm drains below the city, and focused on doing that, thinking partially on water breathing animals for diving underwater down there. Well, once down there, in a place I already knew the fumes should suffocate me, I wasn't breathing. Somehow I didn't need to. Weird.

Also I realized if I go down there without shifting first, I'll get soaked and stinky. Sure, I have a change of clothes, and can sneak use of a hose or shower in the changing room at a public pool, or even turn into a rat and wash in a sink, but... what if I just swiped myself a swimsuit or two and make it easy? That'll help if I need to change clothes around someone again, just keep the suit on while switching between casual stuff and a dress.


Anyhow, on to the really interesting stuff, what I discovered when I turned to rat form and used that no-breathing trick. I burrowed through some nasty stuff, mostly from people pouring stuff from cooking down their drains. Whatever, I washed extra after that, but I found a clogged and forgotten drain. A big one. It's not clogged now, but I doubt that matters. The other end of it was in a basement or something, sealed up from the outside. I bet whoever sealed it meant to come back, but with all the rust on stuff down there nobody was there in more years than I could guess. Luckily though, the best stuff wasn't made of anything that could rust.


There was more there than I can carry, at least in one trip, so I memorized the way back and took two extra trips in just to make sure I can find it later. What did I bring out? A few rings, a necklace, a bracelet, and a brooch. Fancy jewelry, and not the fake stuff. I sold all of it, bit by bit over the next week, and I don't have much of that money left now. I didn't really get what it was probably worth, but it's not like I can sell antiques at a pawn shop at my age and with no ID. So I talked around, found a fence, haggled, and got some cash. What did I spend it on? Food for one, but much better was when I bribed the cleaning staff at a hotel. She got me a roll-away bed and let me sleep in the basement storage area, and snuck me into a room a couple of times for a good long bath. Got clean clothes too, and newer stuff for when I want to look nice.


So, all in all a good week. I wonder what's next.

Djinn Delivery
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I have a family now? what?!

I had a selfish reason to return to Oregon, and it paid off better than I could have ever imagined. I was afraid the old guy might have passed on, but he was just like he's always been, and I finally know why. He couldn't tell me before now, but he used to do these contract things before my mom died. She knew him better than I ever knew, he was her mentor and helped her embrace her own pwca capabilities. More importantly to now, he helped enhance them. Now I have a belt he was making for her, he finished it and customized it for me. I also got a new dress that has a hood on it! it's dark purple and a bit shorter than I like, but now I can wear it when I want to look nice and still be able to transform. Oh, new boots too, they come up to just under my knee and even though they lace up they also have a buckle over the ankle. They're sturdy, fit great, and are also really pretty. <3

That's not really what I wanted to write about though, the new clothes and new information are nice, but there was another surprise! He adopted one of the kids I met last time I was in Oregon, so now I get to see both of them any time I come home. She's a sweet kid, but still very timid. She needed somebody, and I think he did too. She suggested I give him a lock of my hair just like she did, so either of us can be found later in case of emergency. I told her about this journal too, and she noticed that I never give anyone's names. That's to make sure no fae get power over people I know, other people who use magic sometimes do that too.


Heh, I told her too much maybe, now that she knows he can tell her about all this stuff too. He wasn't allowed to tell anyone himself, but I was never given that kind of rule. Once people know he can blab all day long if he wants, so it's nice that he has someone to talk to about it when I'm not there.

🔞 Mushroom Hunt
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City of Lost Wages

So, after that fiasco, I hitchhiked to Vegas. I thought about going to Los Angeles, or maybe San Ventura, but I figured that Vegas could be more fun to explore, and it sure was! Eventually I'm going to have to sneak around Disney parks and other fun places. Also, Penny's helping me save and edit the video! Yeah, she has dad teaching her how, but she does most of the work.


Anyhow, I wouldn't even have video if I hadn't figured out something I bet no other pwca ever has. That trick to use animal traits to toughen my skin and stuff, it can sort of do technology too! Yeah, it cycles through animal traits while I set it up, stuff like elephant for memory, lots of animals for eyes and ears, but especially electric animals like eels! The eels are the key part, otherwise I could only replay stuff inside my own head. That bit lets me stick a USB cord in my mouth and the other end to a computer or phone, and download the "raw sensory data" as dad (Floyd) calls it.


Other than footage of places most people never see, I didn't find a lot that was super useful, but scrounging for food is super easy there. Lots more food waste than most places I've been.

First Date
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Frozen Storm Drains Are Wonky

I don't know how to host a video, am I really supposed to talk about everything over my exploring? At least I can just record myself and give that to Penny when I get back. I should definitely spend more time as a bird next time, I don't think claiming I have a remote controlled ground drone will stay convincing so I need more human height views. I don't really know anything about drones anyway. Also I need to get better supplies. Simpler maybe.


The Great Lakes are super cold and kinda boring, I don't have any idea what's worth recording here, so I just went into the storm drains. I hope people like that, I got into spots humans could barely crawl through. Maybe I should just say I have teensy cameras and trained animals. Could work.


Anyway, I don't like needing a coat, next time I'm gonna take the time to get an arctic adaptation going. Or at least get warmer tights.

Adam's Apple (Part 1)
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Fun at Home

I woke up at Floyd's place, starting to call it home and getting used to calling him dad. Penny has a youtube channel set up, and used something called a VPN to keep it secret. How do we keep legal stuff away and still get paid? Maybe I could set up a post office box in Canada and fly there to pick up the checks? I don't think people in the US can go after Canadians for trespassing. Or maybe Penny can claim she receives the footage and sends me money, but doesn't know who I really am. That could work. Better than that guy I saw on the Disney video Penny showed me, he claimed he read and memorized someone else's narration then just repeated it. I don't believe a word of it, but I guess that helps if Disney goes after him. He had to climb to see any of the fun stuff, but I can just fly in and claim it's a drone or trained bird.


I'm gonna cry though, Floyd made a present for me! It feels like Santa came late, but did show up! At first I thought it was just a new outfit, but I was confused when I saw that it goes head to toe. It's really soft silk, deep dusty purple with some black and a little bronze. It's not just cozy and pretty, it also does stuff!


He said all the stuff he learned to make he made first for himself, then made versions that are cosmetically different, for people like me and mom. I think he quit because she died, I'm glad he enjoys making stuff for me so much. Um, is it bad that I laughed inside at his original supersuit for himself? His was basically mechanic's coveralls, tacky but he didn't care. Mine had laces until I figured out how to hide stuff in my new 'rabbit hole' later, so he removed those and now I need to use the hole trick to put it on or take it off. I think he's gonna remove the straps from my belt too, once I get more practice. At least I got the hang of what layer stuff goes on, or I'd end up looking like Superman with underwear on the outside.


The silk came from a giant spider, definitely not a normal one. I wanna see it someday.


He's really getting good at being a dad.

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