Sly wanders through the streets. He has enough food. But... The dream flickers through his mind. Wealth, abundance. Power.
He wants more.
Sly finds an apartment building. Older, multiple stories. Abandoned.
He does a running jump. A foot on the wall, and a jump to the ladder of the fire escape.
He grabs the lowest rung, preparing for the drop.
It doesn't come.
Sly holds on by fingertips, and his weight doesn't force the ladder down.
He frowns.
With a swing, a transferring of momentum Sly's feet are where his hands were.
He puts his hands out to balance, ready to grab with his hands if his feet slip.
They don't.
The rung is slippery sly can feel it beneath him. But he is adjusting. His weight shifting quickly.
He has gotten better than he expected.
Sly continues up the fire escape.
He finds a dark apartment. He slips a wire into it. It's tricky. The lock on the mirror is rusted. Heavily. It is a struggle, and then.
There is a push in Sly's mind a bit of power flows through his body, the same way it feels when he shifts his form. His hands move just right, and the lock pops open.
Sly looks down at his hands.
He remembers the dream.
The promise of power.
He remembers Kel and Felix.