Katherine DeLacey's Journal

🔞 Echoes of a Broken Day
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Wrapping my head around things

Not going to lie, it's taken me a couple of days to wrap my head around things.  A week ago, I was sitting in the bar, minding my own business, not sure what I was going to do with myself when I get the boot, which has to be coming sooner rather than later.  I mean, we all know it.  The whole damn unit looks at me when they don't think I'll notice.  Which is its own kind of crazy, because they have to know I'll notice, right?  It makes me jumpy.  Jumpier.  Whatever.  It makes me jumpier when they look at me like they're waiting for me to lose it.  

So given where my head is, it's not all that crazy that I am wondering if I imagined the whole damn thing.  I mean, I knew magic was a thing, I even thought maybe a time or two I saw something back when I was in that hole in the ground.  But there's a huge difference between experience and knowledge.  That's something Gunny drilled into us for years, but I don't think it ever felt as... as real... as it does now.

And any time I start to doubt, all I need to do is look at my new toy.  I wonder what the boys would think of her?  I'm not even sure what I think of her.  The weird dude who started all this?  He wasn't lying, that's for sure.  

Now, every time I hear footsteps, I start to wonder if it's him again.  Another chance.  A chance for more.  And at what point will it not matter what the Navy decides to do with me?  Can I be both?  Should I?


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