Danny Warrens's Journal

Danny's Thought Journal (Peek and You Die)

The journal is a red butterfly design, something Danny felt resonated with her want to stand out, be beautiful and be free. The backside of the front cover has Danny's name, along with a quote from Mary Shelly:

"Beware; for I am fearless, and therefore powerful"

Additionally, the the first page works as a forward to the rest of the pages, saying:

"If you find it, and it's not yours, DON'T READ IT!!!

Or do, at your own risk...Prick"

To Russia With Love
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The wolves


I think that's the thing I think back to the most, surprisingly. It wasn't the freezing cold or water that almost killed me that I think on. It's not the fact that I was shot at and almost died either. Those were terrifying, especially for someone like me but...It's those damn wolves. The fact they were so real, so close to getting me. It messes with my head every time I dwell on it. I can almost feel myself running again when I think of them.

There's also the guy who didn't make it. I'm not sensitive to death, not like most people. I've seen so much of it living in the south side that I've just...Well, I've become numb. I had to in order so survive. Knowing who this guy really was though, that's what really hits me. The idea it could have been me, as great as I am. I could have just died out there. Forgotten. A nothing in the wind. It drives me crazy. I want nothing more than to stop thinking about it...

But I can't

Adventures in babysitting
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The Playwright
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Cutting a Deal


I feel terrible, even knowing that what I did was the right thing. I mean, how could I not, given what the alternative was? I can't afford to go to jail. I can't afford that reputation. Not of I want to reach where I want in life. Ralph, and Michelle for that matter, would hate me for falling that far. I just couldn't.

Still, does that make it right? Maybe. At least for me it does. That guy didn't deserve to go to jail, but did I? No. Not in the slightest. That's what I have to keep telling myself as I'm working these unpaid overtime shifts. As I'm paying off all this debt I keep swimming up to my neck in. That it was either all of this, or losing hope of ever becoming who I want to be. Who I need to be, who I DESERVE to be in this world.

Standing at the top means standing above others. It's inevitable. Maybe I just have to accept that this was one of those steps above other people. A painful step, but a necessary one

The Greatest Game Show Ever
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Overtime Overtime Overtime


I don't think I'm ever going to get out of this debt, am I? If it's not other people screwing me out of jobs, it's the constant stream of bills, back payments and credit owed. It's overwhelming to say the least. But still, I'm somehow keeping my head above water, and I've yet to have anyone come after me about collections. I'm right on the cusp of monetary death, and yet...I still feel in control. It's my ego talking, yet I know I can win. I know it.

I deserve to succeed after all. That much is absolutely true. To even think otherwise is not only absurd, it's self-sabotage. The last thing I would ever do is hurt my own chances, and that's exactly why I refuse to think I cannot succeed. All I need is an opportunity, and it seems like my opportunities are becoming more vast by the day. I will be able to overcome this hell I live in. I will live through it. I deserve nothing less. I will accept nothing less. 

The Greatest Game Show Ever
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The Essence of Mentality


I've never felt comfortable talking on this, because it makes me sound crazy every time I even think about it, but...I'm getting stronger. If my ability to force my will upon others, or speak into others minds wasn't enough to prove that, then the psycho-kinetic shields and what I've found now definitely proves that. I'm surprised or scared by my strength, simply hesitant to put it into words. To let myself see what I am now. Like I'm denying it somehow.

Still, why should I deny anything? I killed both others and myself against my will for these powers. I gave up any chance at a normal life for it. I've spent hours upon hours straining my mind to exhaustion for the sake of my gifts. I found a ring that all others had disregarded, and took it in as my own. It's come love me BECAUSE of my power and will. There should be no shame. I will not be ashamed. I will never be ashamed.

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