Ella Kraft's Journal

Exterminator Needed
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The Promise of Power... It's true.

My eyes feel sharper. more suited for finding things. It might be placebo.

What isn't placebo is my skill with guns.

My Armamentarium feels good in my hands. It feels quicker to reload. To grasp. it feels like it just slides into my hand without any effort whatsoever. It also feels as though I can make harder shots. Easier to pop heads, puncture hearts. It's subtle, but it's there. Unmistakable.

I have been at the gun range often, recently. The usuals have even commented on my increase in skill. I was already heads and shoulders above the rest of them, but it feels as though there's no bullet spread whatsoever.

It's making me think about the next skills I will gain. Whether it will be related to the contract. Or to me and my skills. Will I be able to hide easier? Find it easier to take hits on the off chance I need it?

I am eager to be contacted again.

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