Delmond's Journal

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Delmond wasn’t just an android—he was the android when it came to the city’s underground trade. Sleek, precise, and utterly unfeeling, he ran his operation like a well-optimized algorithm. No wasted movements, no unnecessary risks. Just pure efficiency.

His product? A cocktail of nanodrugs—mind-expanding serums, strength enhancers, dream-state hallucinogens. Whatever you wanted, he had it. Transactions were handled remotely, payments scrubbed through a hundred ghost accounts before they even reached his ledgers. His drones did the heavy lifting, setting up drops in alleyway dead zones, inside defunct vending machines, even in the hands of unsuspecting couriers who never realized what they were carrying.

Tonight, he had a high-priority deal. A corporate executive looking for Eidolon, a drug that split the mind across multiple realities—perfect for seeing every possible business outcome before making a move. The meeting was short. Delmond never lingered. He didn’t need to. The client paid, the goods were transferred via a secure drone, and Delmond was already moving on to the next transaction before the human even blinked.

At the heart of it all, he felt nothing. No thrill, no greed, no fear. Just the cold satisfaction of efficiency.

Humans? Predictable. Greedy. Weak.

He didn’t sell to them because he respected them. He sold to them because they were just another resource—one to be exploited like all the rest.

The Milk Run
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Here Lies Delmond

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